discuss the condition encompassing clinical experiences and critique the post
- Length: A minimum of 180 words per post, not including references
- Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
Number 1 post: AB
For cellular life to thrive and progress, the cell must go through several processes to. Two of these important processes are proliferation and differentiation. The process of cellular replication and division is referred to as proliferation (Dlugasch & Story, 2019, pp. 12). During this activity, the cell goes through two stages interphase and mitosis. After cellular division occurs, the new cells mature into fulfilling a specific function, usually that of its parent cell (Dlugasch & Story, 2019, pp. 14). This process is known as differentiation. Size, shape, structure, cell type, and cell cycle all differentiate one cell from another. Cells with the same function make up tissue which makes up organs. Both proliferation and differentiation are regulated by the system to account for body needs. Regarding malignant cells, proliferation is altered, and differentiation is lost completely (Dlugasch & Story, 2019, pp. 22). These cells divide uncontrollably, and functionality is altered. For example, when a gene mutation to BRCA1, a tumor suppressor, occurs cells may begin to grow rapidly in undesired areas, such as the breast tissue ducts (Dlugasch & Story, 2019, pp. 384). As the malignancy proliferates, it begins to invade surrounding tissue, commonly being the lymphatic system. Once the malignant cell is attached in a new area, they require nutrients and oxygen to continue to proliferate. Thus, angiogenesis or the process of new blood vessel formation occurs. Additionally, when a malignant cell is found outside of the original location metastasis has occurred.
There are several enzymes and hormones that assist in cancer prevention by suppressing proliferation. Three of these suppressing agents are telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), retinoblastoma gene, and TP53 (Trybek et al., 2020) (Dlugasch & Story, 2019, pp. 25). Mutation to the gene of these agents leads to increase proliferation and malignancy. The TP53 gene produces the p53 protein which regulates gene repair or cell destruction. With a mutation to this gene, damaged cells are allowed to proliferate and further mutation occurs leading to breast cancer.
Number 2 post: RW
Endometrial hyperplasia (EH) is a proliferation of endometrial glands. Endometrial glands are typically categorized into two groups: with atypia –neoplastic and without atypia (not neoplastic). Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia is of clinical significance because it may progress to, or coexist with, endometrial cancer. (Reed & Urban, 2021). EH results from the unopposed estrogenic stimulation of the endometrial tissue with a relative deficiency of the counterbalancing effects of progesterone. The irregular growth of the endometrium results in abnormal glands and presents major changes in the endometrium. It involves varying degrees of histopathological complexities and atypical features in the cells and nuclei. EH, if not treated, has the tendency to develop into endometrial cancer. (Singh & Puckett, 2022).
Diagnosing range from atypical to simple hyperplasia. This varies based on histological appearance of the endometrium. Hyperplasia endometrium is first increased in volume and second qualitatively different from normal cycling endometrium. Both the glands and the stroma participate in this process so that the glands are not particularly crowded. The glands are usually uniformly rounded but may show marked variation in shape, with many cystically dilated forms. Their lining epithelium is pseudostratified to modestly stratified, contains occasional mitotic figures, and lacks nuclear atypia. (Silverberg, 2000).
Endometrial atrophy is a diagnosis pathologist use to describe endometria tissue that shows features of a process called atrophy. When a tissue undergoes atrophy, it becomes smaller and no longer functions normally. (Karavelic, 2021). Endometrial atrophy is the most common cause of vaginal bleeding among postmenopausal women, whereas endometrial hyperplasia and polyps are other common causes. (Begum & Samal, 2019).
To compare and contrast dysplasia and hyperplasia. Dysplasia is defined as an unequivocal neoplastic epithelium that remains confined within the basement membrane of the epithelium from which it developed. (Bennett et al., 2009). Hyperplasia is defined as the abnormal proliferation of endometrial cells usually caused by estrogen unopposed by the action of progesterone. (Petersen, 2009).
Neoplasia is new growth. It can be either benign or malignant and correlates to the course of the neoplasm. Benign neoplasm remains localized in one place while malignant neoplasms invade surrounding tissue and, in most cases, can metastasize to distant organs. To become neoplastic, a normal cell must develop mutations that allow it to no longer obey boundaries of adjacent cells, thus allowing for uncontrolled growth, and the neoplasm must be able to produce its own blood supply. If the neoplasm is malignant, the cells must gain the ability to invade the basement membrane and surrounding tissue, enter the blood stream, and spread to and grow with distant organs. (Kemp et al., 2008).