MitigatingDomesticViolenceaftertheAbolitionofPolice.edited_1 xF20ResearchProposalAssignment1 x
Research argument on a certain topic regarding abolishing the police
Analysis of New law Enforcement Systems and Procedures That Can Be Adopted to Mitigate Domestic Violence after the Abolition of Police
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Analysis of New law Enforcement Systems and Procedures That Can Be Adopted to Mitigate Domestic Violence after the Abolition of Police
Topic Background
The recent issues with police brutality have affected how communities perceive and interact with law enforcement. Consequently, the hate, hostility, mistrust, and fear of extreme outcomes from simple interactions with police have triggered more people to call for the abolishment of police and formulation of different law enforcement models. While police have long served the role of maintaining peace and order, most departments have been faced with endless claims of harassment, laxity, and unprofessionalism, especially when responding to domestic abuse and violence. Police have been criticized for neglect of domestic violence victims when they call the police mainly due to gendered institutions. Still, police play a major role in the first response, investigation, prosecution, and protection of victims. As people continue to pressure the government end police, the question of how domestic violence can be mitigated without police arises. The proposal seeks to identify better ways that can be more efficient and more acceptable by communities.
Gender violence is a major societal issue, and the police respond to hundreds of domestic abuse and violence cases in a day. However, a larger proportion of domestic abuse and violence cases go unreported, especially when the victims are women or are abused by people they love. Research and media reports on domestic violence suggest that more women do not trust the police to help or offer a viable solution to domestic violence, especially due to the issues of gender and equality. Furthermore, the police force has one of the highest gender imbalanced workforces in America. When victims can no longer trust departments that are funded to protect them, the importance of such a department is weakened. However, better strategies for mitigating domestic violence have not been advanced or tested in these communities. For people who seek to dissolve their police departments, it is paramount to assess what change will be felt in terms of domestic violence enforcement, what the potential problems and challenges will be, and how the challenges can be solved. This research shall explore pillars and institutions that can be formulated as better alternatives for police in relation to the challenges and gaps that exist in police enforcement and propose viable solutions to the challenges.
Plan and Sources
The plan is to use the literature review methodology to identify the most robust scholarly published journals relating to domestic violence law enforcement. In specific, literature scoping will be used to map literature from most developed societies in the world on this particular topic and research area. The mapped literature shall then be used to explore key concepts of enforcement, research gaps, sources, and types of evidence. The evidence will then be used to policing, policymaking, and enforcement framework. Some of the primary sources that I will use include;
1. Alang, S., McAlpine, D., McCreedy, E., & Hardeman, R. (2017). Police brutality and black health: Setting the agenda for public health scholars. American journal of public health, 107(5), 662-665.
2. Amuedo-Dorantes, C., & Arenas-Arroyo, E. (2019). Police Trust and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Immigration Policies.
3. Chan, K. W., & Buckingham, W. (2008). Is China abolishing the hukou system?. The China Quarterly, 582-606.
4. Dowling, C., Morgan, A., Boyd, C., & Voce, I. (2018). Policing domestic violence: A review of the evidence. AIC reports. Research Report series, xii.
Ehrenfeld, J. M., & Harris, P. A. (2020). Police brutality must stop. American Medical.
6. Voce, I., & Boxall, H. (2018). Who reports domestic violence to police? A review of the evidence. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, (559), 1.
7. Weiss, B. R. (2020). “Who Can We Tell Survivors to Call?” The Institutionalization of Criminal-Legal Interventions in a Domestic Violence Organization. Social problems, 67(2), 270-285.
English 111
Fall 2020
Research Proposal Assignment
Upload to Canvas by 11:59pm, Sunday, October 11
Following the Example Research Proposal (on Canvas) for format and content, produce a formal (that is, composed in Standard Written English targeted to an academic, professional audience) research proposal that introduces and explains your chosen research topic as well as outlines a plan and schedule for your research project.
Required Content:
Introduce your chosen topic, providing a general explanation of the topic and some relevant background information. This introduction should also include a focused research question, a tentative thesis, and discussion of why your topic matters.
Discuss and explain what you already know about your topic, detailing previous coursework, reading, or experience that contributes to your knowledge of and interest in your topic. This section should also address what you don’t know yet about your topic, what you’re curious about, and what you intend to find out about your topic during your research project.
Plan & Sources:
Briefly describe your research plan, discussing your personal research methods, the types of sources you think you will use, and what steps will be required to complete your research project. Describe the sources you have found so far, how you think you will use those, and discuss what other sources you need to / intend to look for. Include citations for the sources you have already collected.
Your research proposal is worth 10% of your overall grade for the semester. It will be scored according to the following categories, which are weighted to reflect their importance:
Focus/Topic (30%)
Your proposal is clearly focused on a researchable topic appropriate for the scope and approach of our researched argument assignment, and it’s clear you’ve thought carefully about this topic.
Sources/Content (50%)
You include all the required information, and it’s clear you have done careful and close reading of your preliminary sources. You provide ample and helpful details from these preliminary sources to support and clarify your proposal.
Composition (20%)
Your proposal is well-written and carefully edited and proofread. You organize your document so it’s easy to read, and each section is organized in coherent paragraphs.