: In this milestone, you will submit an analysis of how the company in the case study is noncompliant and the strategies (general, not specifics) to move
it toward compliance.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications: In this section of your final project, you will finish your preparation by reviewing and explaining the ramifications for the organization if it decides to wait on addressing its recent violations regarding technology use.
A. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
B. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
C. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 1–2 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.
Overview: In this milestone, you will submit an analysis of how the company in the case study is noncompliant and the strategies (general, not specifics) to move
it toward compliance.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications: In this section of your final project, you will finish your preparation by reviewing and explaining the
ramifications for the organization if it decides to wait on addressing its recent violations regarding technology use.
A. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are not
addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
B. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violations
are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
C. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institution
if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 1–2 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Health Regulations and
Laws Ramifications:
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
finances of the institution if these
violations are not addressed,
supporting response with
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
finances of the institution if these
violations are not addressed,
supporting response with
examples, but explanation is
cursory or illogical, or supporting
examples are misaligned
Does not determine how violating
health regulations and laws
regarding technology might
impact the finances of the
institution if these violations are
not addressed
Health Regulations and
Laws Ramifications: Daily
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
daily operations of the institution
if these violations are not
addressed, supporting response
with examples
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
daily operations of the institution
if these violations are not
addressed, supporting response
with examples but explanation is
cursory or illogical, or supporting
examples are misaligned
Does not determine how violating
health regulations and laws
regarding technology might
impact the daily operations of the
institution if these violations are
not addressed
Health Regulations and
Laws Ramifications:
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
security of the health information
in the institution if these
violations are not addressed,
supporting response with
Determines how violating health
regulations and laws regarding
technology might impact the
security of the health information
in the institution if these
violations are not addressed,
supporting response with
examples, but explanation is
cursory or illogical, or supporting
examples are misaligned
Does not determine how violating
health regulations and laws
regarding technology might
impact the security of the health
information in the institution if
these violations are not
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
- HIM 500 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
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History Of Healthcare Information Management/Informatics
Precious Teasley
Due Date
History Of Healthcare Information Management/Informatics
Key Historical Events
Technology has improved tremendously in the last few decades. The use of technology in the healthcare business has enhanced the quality of treatment given to patients. Technology has been a significant improvement in allowing healthcare personnel to completely comprehend the patient and the patient’s health conditions, which can aid in providing appropriate health treatment strategies (Braunstein, 2018). The professional personnel at Feather fall Medical Center, Administrative employees, and the health information management team must adhere to current technological standards to benefit their patients, staff, and organization. Health care informatics, in general, is a science concerned with how information is gathered and used in medicine and medical research. Its breadth includes the numerous uses of data created across the health care business and the usage of technologies to harness the potential of that data. Informaticists are employed in analytics, database management, data mining, information management, and IT systems engineering.
Various technological guidelines can be used at Feather fall Medical Center. Feather fall may set up a training program for new workers to learn about electronic health systems and current employees to learn about modern healthcare technologies. Feather fall Medical Center would fulfill government standards while not causing any ethical issues due to technology if technology were used correctly. As a result of effectively utilizing technology and adhering to regulatory requirements, the medical institution will not incur any financial losses.
Standard Technologies
To give better medical treatment to their patients, Feather fall Medical Center will need to stay up with current technological advancements. Electronic health records (EHR) are not only a terrific means for healthcare practitioners to offer treatment, but they are also an excellent way for them to interact with one another about patients. The recording in the electronic health record is critical since it will be used as a reference to improve the patient’s treatments. Personnel must understand how to utilize electronic health records correctly and maintain the information accurately.
The electronic health records would be helpful in Feather fall Medical Center’s health information management team, clinical personnel, and administrative staff. They will all need to learn how to use the electronic health record system and maintain the current and correct records. The health information management team will handle the health records. The clinical staff will utilize them daily to provide patient care, and the administrative staff will use them for billing purposes (Alotaibi and Federico, 2017). The whole Feather fall Medical Center team will have to work together to keep the technology up to date, which will help them comply with government rules and guarantee that the medical center does not lose money. Still, most significantly, it will help patients receive better treatment.
The practical initiation of significant health information technology needs careful preparation and constant, critical assessment of progress. To assess the new health information technology systems, everyone must collaborate to guarantee that the electronic health systems are functioning effectively. The health information management team will monitor how well the new technology is functioning for them and offer assistance in making any required improvements. Weekly reports on how the system is operating for the medical facility should be generated. Reports will be running to ensure that the medical institution complies with all federal requirements while implementing the new technology. Taking a lifecycle approach to installing technology systems, we believe, will assist companies in avoiding some of the frequent mistakes hence increase the possibility of successful application and reception.
Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi medical journal, 38(12), 1173.
Braunstein, M. L. (2018). A brief history and overview of health informatics. In Health Informatics on FHIR: How HL7’s New API Transformed Healthcare (pp. 3-12). Springer, Cham.