This activity focuses on the clinical information system (CIS) as a unique solution to the issue of collecting and storing data and making it accessible and adaptable to many needs. In addition, this activity will touch on the financial impact on the organization as an important aspect of data storage.
For this activity, complete the following:
1. Complete the MindTap Quick Check for Chapter 8 in Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices.
2. Complete the MindTap Learning Lab for Chapter 8 in Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices.
3. Consider the following:
How is a CIS a better solution to collecting and storing data?
Explain at least one way a CIS is adaptable and accessible compared to a paper system.
What is the financial impact on an organization
This activity focuses on the clinical information system (CIS) as a unique solution to the issue of collecting and storing data and making it accessible and
adaptable to many needs. In addition, this activity will touch on the financial impact on the organization as an important aspect of data storage.
For this activity, complete the following:
1. Complete the MindTap Quick Check for Chapter 8 in Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices.
2. Complete the MindTap Learning Lab for Chapter 8 in Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices.
3. Consider the following:
How is a CIS a better solution to collecting and storing data?
Explain at least one way a CIS is adaptable and accessible compared to a paper system.
What is the financial impact on an organization?
Support your answer with relevant sources.
Note on the MindTap activities: Click on the Cengage MindTap link to access this resource.
Guidelines for Submission: Complete the MindTap activities within MindTap. The answers to the questions should be in a Word document and should be a
minimum of 1 page in length. All sources should be cited using APA style.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Solution Explains how a CIS is a better
solution to collecting and storing
Explains how a CIS is a better
solution to collecting and storing
data, but lacks detail or clarity
Does not explain how a CIS is a
better solution to collecting and
storing data
Adaptable and Accessible Explains at least one way a CIS is
adaptable and accessible
compared to a paper system
Explains 1 or 2 ways a CIS is
adaptable and accessible
compared to a paper system,
but lacks detail or clarity
Does not explain 1 or 2 ways a
CIS is adaptable and accessible
compared to a paper system
Financial Impact Describes how uploading data
into any CIS has a financial
impact on the organization
Describes how uploading data
into any CIS has a financial
impact on the organization, but
lacks detail or clarity
Does not describe how
uploading data into any CIS has
a financial impact on the
Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors of
organization and grammar
Submission contains errors of
organization and grammar, but
errors are limited enough so
Submission contains errors of
organization and grammar
that the submission can be
making the submission difficult
to understand
Total 100%
- HIM 500 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric
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HIM 500 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric
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