In this assignment, your task is to analyze how best to help your chosen project-family solve a problem. Select a problem that occurred with your project-family. It should be a situation where the family was required to do some decision making and to create a plan of action in order to deal with the problem. (If you can’t think of a specific problem for your chosen family, create one or use a problem from your own family experience and imagine how your project-family would go about solving it.)
- Download and open the Problem Solving Worksheet provided below:
- File: BELOW
- On page 1 of the worksheet, answer the corresponding questions and fill in the Decision Making Process chart for the problem you selected for your project-family.
- On page 2 of the worksheet, use the information on page 1 to fill-in the storyboard Plan of Action to show the steps for solving their problem.
Family Problem Indentified
10 possible points (16.67%)
A problem the family has is identified – 10
Family Questions
20 possible points (33.33%)
All questions on the first page are answered with details about the family’s problem –
Story Board
20 possible points (33.33%)
The storyboard on the second page is completed with a plan of action to resolve the problem – 20
Parent Education and Support
Module 03 Course Project Worksheet
Decision Making Process
Your Name: Your Chosen Family’s Name:
Instructions: Select a problem that occurred with your project-family. (If you can’t think of one, you may have to recall a problem from your own family and imagine how your project-family would solve it.) To solve the problem, the family made some decisions and created a plan of action. Answer the following questions in detail about your family’s situation and complete the storyboard on page 2.
1. What was the problem your family identified?
2. What family members were involved in deciding how to solve the problem?
3. Which member(s) made the final decision? Why?
4. How did culture play a part in the process?
5. What was the underlying goal behind the decision to solve the problem?
6. What resources were needed for solving this problem?
7. How was the problem ultimately resolved?
8. Provide at least one other alternative solution that you might suggest:
Please proceed to the next page.
Plan of Action – Help the Family Reach Its Goal
Complete the following storyboard sequence to show the family’s plan of action. Using the family problem you identified on page 1 of this worksheet, type details into the storyboard block for each of the 7 steps. Describe each step in the planning and implementation process for achieving the intended goal. Write only brief entries to fit in the blocks.
Step 1:
Step 3:
Step 2:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Page 2 Confidential & Proprietary
Rasmussen, 2009