200-word response 1 reference
For this week’s lesson, we learned about the day to day life of an inmate. While serving their sentence, an inmates day to day schedule is structured, and also closely supervised. Depending on the level of risk that inmate presents, their movement around a jail/prison is restricted. Inmates that present a low risk threat are usually given a bit more freedom. However, those that are the opposite are closely supervised by staff, and their movement has many restrictions. While serving their time, inmates inside these facilities must follow certain rules.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a tool utilized for inmates to help with their rehabilitative process. Trying to rehabilitate an inmate is a goal within the criminal justice system. These programs try to rehabilitate an offender and get them the help they need when they get released back into society. CBT addresses the factors leading to distress of a person (Pittaro, 2019). If we are trying to rehabilitate an inmate prior to releasing them back to society, we need to make sure that they are physically and mentally prepared and ready to return back to society. This why is CBT is effective, is because it really tries to dig deep into the root cause of the problem that is causing these inmates to commit a crime. With CBT, it is allowing that inmate to see what is causing them to act a certain way, and try to figure out solutions to minimize or prevent it. It also helps them find ways to figure out and solve problems that they are experiencing. This is a more effective answer than arresting a person, and putting them back into a jail or prison for a crime they committed. That is not an effective tool because you are basically just having them go in circles and repeating the process. With CBT it allows us and the inmate understand what is happening. When we are able to sit down and dissect an issue with that inmate, it can also lead to confidence and earning some trust as well. Those inmates can see that there are people that are truly trying to help them rehabilitate.
I don’t think, that polygraph evaluations should be a requirement for parole. If an inmate was required to conduct a polygraph test, it can possibly just add that much more stress on them. That doesn’t make any sense if we are trying to help rehabilitate an inmate, and we are putting them through something stressful. What is the purpose of the polygraph test, if they have already demonstrated good behavior, and have been completing all the requirements that is asked of them. If an inmate clearly is showing they are working towards earning that trust to be given parole, then there is no need to a polygraph test. As mentioned previously, we worked to earn their trust. We shouldn’t do anything that can jeopardize that trust and confidence we have established with that inmate in solving their issues.