Explain the pros and cons of focusing on the life span as a whole versus focusing on particular developmental periods, such as preschool, middle childhood, and adolescence. Why are both approaches necessary when examining child and adolescent development? Find a scholarly journal article that utilizes the life-span perspective; provide a brief summary of the a r ticle comparing that to your course readings.
What are some of the major political, cultural, and scientific cohort effects for your generation? Provide a unique example of a history-graded cohort effect, an age-graded cohort effect, and a sociocultural-graded cohort effect that your cohort has experienced.
explain what is meant by the following (one item per post, please):
1. development is multidimensional
this should be about 1 page its just a discussion. No plagerism
psychologychild development
Hi Class,
There are three issues that the lifespan perspective addresses. One of them is the nature-nurture issue. It involves the extent to which development is influenced more by biology or environment. According to the proponents of the role of nature, the human grows in an orderly, genetically programmed way; that is, we walk before we talk, experience the effects of sex hormones in puberty, and physically decline during older age. Those who emphasize nature emphasize the role of experiences, such as family, peers, schools, community, media, and culture (Santrock, 2013).
Class, what is another of the three issues addressed by the lifespan perspective?
Santrock, J. W. (2013). Life-span development. (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
explain what is meant by the following (one item per post, please):
1. development is multidimensional