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A reaction/reflection paper. For PO class “Global Politics Gender, Media and Development”
I have three readings in PDF documents and I need 2 pages for each. in the attachments you will find a guideline for them and three reading documents.
Global Politics: Gender, Media and Development
The pages below offer advice about how to construct a reaction/reflection paper. Remember this paper is not a research paper. It is a reflection/reaction paper intended for you to open your mind, to think creatively and critically about the discussion question prompt and then convey these thoughts in an essay.
From your syllabus:
To solidify your critical thinking and writing skills, you will be required to submit reactions papers in response to weekly questions. Each week, the instructors will post two questions stemming from the topic for the week. You only need to pick one of the two questions, and you only need to answer a total of 4 questions over the 8-week period. Graduate students need to answer 5 questions from 5 different weeks. You cannot choose to answer two questions in a given week. Essays should be a minimum of two double-spaced, typewritten pages in length and be free of spelling and grammar mistakes. You need to copy the question you are answering on top instead of a title. Each week has a separate DropBox.
Things that we are looking for in your essay:
Introduction- Identify the question that you have selected for your reaction paper. A brief statement about the issue and then provide a thesis statement. The thesis statement tells the reader what they will find in your paper and your overall opinion on the matter.
Body- First paragraph give a brief synopsis of the issue/reading assignment. Following paragraphs address the discussion question. You may consider what your previous opinion/thoughts were about the topic, what you have learned since reading the article(s) and if your thoughts have changed. What others may think and what are the strengths and weaknesses are of your own and other’s positions.
Conclusion- You should not provide any new ideas or thoughts in the conclusion, rather the conclusion is just a brief summary of what you wrote in your paper.
Overall Quality- Essay was proofread, thoughts were clear to the reader and there was good flow to the essay.