Chapter 3 provides information on growth opportunities. Based on your knowledge or work experience, discuss one approach that you believe will benefit or has benefited a particular hospitality business. Show evidence to support your argument. Please share your thoughts and also comment at least once on the postings by other classmates
and here is one of my classmate’s discussion.
Conglomerate diversification strategy which is a product growth strategy in which a company seeks new businesses that have no relationship to the company’s current product line or markets has had a great impact on the company Sodexo. I just wanted to expand on this example the book provided because I’ve heard of this company before but did not know it started out as a hospitality service only available on cruise ships. The history is very interesting to me because now this company has managed to diversify it’s market to include schools, hospitals, and prisons. It has also managed to expand internationally and has a big presence in America. Sodexo is now a billion dollar company and it is just interesting how this growth strategy has managed to catapult it into such a diverse and present company. Even just in Las Vegas, Sodexo trucks can always be seen delivering product.