20190819231255ratio_analysis1 x
For this discussion, read the articles and textbook page below, and then post a discussion of 3–4 paragraphs about GAAP and non-GAAP reporting. Consider as part of your post:
Ratio Analysis
You are not required to know generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as you are not studying to be an accountant. However, GAAP is important, as all publicly traded companies must use GAAP in their accounting and reporting practices. So, it is important to you, as a manager, for compliance reasons. Recognizing the existence of GAAP and the reasons for using non-GAAP reporting can be important to your job as a business manager.
For this discussion, read the articles and textbook page below, and then post a discussion of 3–4 paragraphs about GAAP and non-GAAP reporting. Consider as part of your post:
· Your beliefs about the pros and cons of reporting company performance using non-GAAP measurements.
· Your understanding of the reasons for the reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP reporting in the Campbell’s Soup financial statements on page 645 of your textbook.
You are not expected to be an expert; look at this discussion post as a manager. If you have questions, include them in your post.
The following resources will be useful in preparing this discussion post:
· Afterman, A. B. (2015).
Non-GAAP performance measures: Virtue or vice?
The CPA Journal, 85(10), 48–49.
· Diffley, E. A, & Greenstein, A. (2016).
Presenting non-GAAP financial measures in the face of increased scrutiny.
Insights, 30(6), 3–9.
· Marshall, D., McManus, W., & Viele, D. (2017). Accounting: What the numbers mean (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
. Read page 645.