- Assignment 1. Most of the products discussed in this chapter are blood products. However, there are a few “classic” drugs. To help you learn about the few drugs in this chapter, use your word processor to prepare a table listing and comparing each of the following drugs and their indications/uses:
Recombinant Factor VII
Recombinant Factor VIII
Recombinant Factor IX
Dextran 40
Dextran 70
You can use the following format or create your own:
Generic Name
Brand Name
Therapeutic Category
Mechanism of Action
Specific Uses in the Surgical Patient
To find information on these drugs, use some of the drug information sites provided in other lessons, such as:
- http://www.drugs.com
- http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/index.html
- http://www.rxlist.com
- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginformation.htm
As an alternative, perform a search by drug name in Google or another search engine.
When your table is complete, save the document as an .rtf file. Please save your file using the following naming convention: LastNameFirstInitial-Lesson13-DrugTable.rtf.
Example: WalkerP-Lesson11-DrugTable.rtf