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As Marriott (2014) reviews the development of statistical thinking over the last century, he provides an interesting quotation from the 1950 address given by S.S. Wilks to the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, in which Wilks states, “Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write” (p. 79).
Review the article,
The Future of Statistical Thinking
. Take a position. Is it true today that statistics are necessary in modern society?
First, title your post either “Understanding Statistics Is Necessary to Be an Effective Citizen” or “Understanding Statistics Is NOT Necessary to Be an Effective Citizen.”
For your initial post, address the following:
· Make your case by persuasively supporting your position. Include at least one recent (within the past five years) scholarly source to support your position.
· Relate one of these programmatic course themes to your position about whether statistics are indispensable in modern society. You may want to review the
Programmatic Themes
· Social justice
· Career connections