APA_Template_7th_Edition1 x
Reflect upon your nursing career through appreciative inquiry; draw personal experiences . What does nursing career meant to you? How does your practice parallel the ANA(2015) code of ethics? List specific examples from code of ethics. What motivates you to remain in nursing profession? Give an example through personnel story what you learned that motivates you as an RN Develop 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals, be creative and talk about your personal journey as a nurse, include a personal nursing philosophy in a reflection. Resources : ANA website and code of ethics
Title of Paper
Student Full Name
American Sentinel University
Title of Paper
Begin typing paper here. (This first paragraph should be an introductory paragraph to your paper, previewing your topic and what you will discuss in the following pages. Do not include a second level 1 heading, such as “Introduction,” after the paper title on this page. Following this introduction paragraph, you may want to consider the use of headings to clearly align your paper to the rubric competencies.
Section 1 Heading
Make sure your introductory heading and level 1 headings are properly centered. (MS Word often automatically inserts a half-inch indent.) Note that each heading level (levels 1-5) will have different formatting guidelines. Most often, you will only need to use level 1 and possibly level 2 headings. Rarely will an assignment require the use of level 3-5 headings. Each level acts as a subheading to the previous level. For example, level 2 is a subheading for level 1. For example, you may have a level 1 heading in which you discuss Medicare. Following that heading, you may decide to include level 2 headings, one for the “Pros” and one for the “Cons.”
Subsection Heading
You may decide to include a subcategory for what you discussed under the previous level 1 heading. If so, utilize a new level. Remember: If using subheadings, you must work through each level, 1 through 5. In other words, do not “skip over” a level. Further, your paper may not require the use of subheadings. You may find that only using level 1 headings throughout your paper will suffice.
(Enter your first reference here. Remember to enter references alphabetically, according to the author’s last name. An example has been provided below.)
Allan, P. S. (2013). The art of organizing a reference page: All you need to know and more. University Press. https://uofapa.edu
Begin next source here: