20191001063812reply30sep19 x
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My post
Re: Topic 6 DQ 2: During your practicum, John Smith has been assigned to your caseload. John has a co-occurring diagnosis of compulsive gambling and bipolar I disorder. You have never worked with a client with this diagnosis. What must you do, ethically, to ensure that you provide John with the appropriate treatment?
Good afternoon, Professor Krupp, and class,
Clients are uniquely different, as they suffer from different health complications that need to be handled in totally different ways. John is suffering from a unique disease that I have never handled before; this requires ethical measures to ensure that he is provided with the appropriate treatment. What I must do ethically in order to provide John with appropriate care is to inquire about how such clients are handled, since I have never handled any before. I will make the inquiry from experts within the same facility where I am working. Making inquiries is a very important ethical move, as it will be very dangerous to start using unorthodox treatment methods that might even worsen the condition of the client (Fulford, Dickenson, & Murray, 2015). In a situation where there is no other expert who has dealt with such a case, I will refer John to another physician who is familiar with such a condition. I will recommend John to see or get medical services from another specialist before his situation can get worse. This is very ethical, as it will ensure that John gets appropriate treatment in time.
Fulford, K. W. M., Dickenson, D. L., & Murray, T. H. (2015). Healthcare ethics and human values: an introductory text with readings and case studies.
Professor reply:
I like that you didn’t
just jump to referring him out and considered other options. Let’s say you have been treating him for awhile for the gambling addiction and you have been trained in addictions. Do you see one addiction looking a lot like another and even though there are differences in process addictions and chemical addictions they can follow the same path of treatment? As time goes on more symptoms of Bipolar surface and the diagnosis is made. John doesn’t want to see another counselor as he is invested in you and trusts you. What course could you follow?
My response:
In my practicum, I have not been privy to dealing with such diagnosis that have to do with addiction, and in this case I would have to refer John to a therapist that can handle his specific need according the ACA code of ethics is states in section C Professional responsibility it state in sections: C.2.A. Boundaries of Competence Counselors practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience…..” which indicates that if I am not properly trained I need to i need to refer John to another therapist, to avoid further damage.
American Couseling Association (2014) Code of ethics. Retrieved from: https://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics
My response: