MyInterview1 x
For this assessment you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment. The health care industry is always striving to improve patient outcomes and attain organizational goals. Nurses can play a critical role in achieving these goals; one way to encourage nurse participation in larger organizational efforts is to create a shared vision and team goals (Mulvale et al., 2016). Participation in interdisciplinary teams can also offer nurses opportunities to share their expertise and leadership skills, fostering a sense of ownership and collegiality. You are encouraged to complete the Budgeting for Nurses activity before you develop the plan proposal. The activity consists of seven questions that will allow you the opportunity to check your knowledge of budgeting basics and as well as the value of financial resource management. The information gained from completing this formative will promote success with the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal. Completing this activity also demonstrates your engagement in the course, requires just a few minutes of your time, and is not graded. Demonstration of Proficiency Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health. Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan. Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes. Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes. Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature. Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals. Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan. Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes. Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Reference Mulvale, G., Embrett, M., & Shaghayegh, D. R. (2016). ′Gearing up′ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: A systematic review and conceptual framework. BMC Family Practice, 17. Professional Context This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment. Scenario Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue. Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee′s organization. Instructions For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview. The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome. Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end. Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score. Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes. Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan. Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature. Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made. Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style. Additional Requirements Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that you are clear and concise. Most submissions will be 2 to 4 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan. Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old. APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style. Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated. Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.
Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification
Interview Summary
I had the opportunity to interview Dr. J who is a professional psychiatrist and the interview majorly addressed the communication aspects when handling an aggressive patient. Dr. J has a vast experience in the field as he has worked with several organizations for a period for more than 17 years. In his line of duty, he has been able to handle psychiatric patients with different levels of aggression. Dr. J considers a knowledge of communication as the most important element in the treatment of a psychiatric patient. He considers communication to help the professional to make arrangement for the solution to the patients’ problems.
During the interview, Dr. J acknowledged the need for a continuous evaluation of the healthcare process as it gives the opportunity to make the right decision regarding the effectiveness of the strategies that have been put in place to handle mental disorder cases. It is necessary to conduct continuous and consistent surveillance, a process that is always ignored or omitted in the most healthcare system but is of great significance. Dr. J mentioned that the process needs to involve a continuous revision of the care plan, and the interventions are frequently revised, assessed, and individualized, depending on the patient needs to be identified. In developing a care plan, it is necessary to use a clinical decision support tool to ensure that the best decision is made regarding quality improvement (Bonvento et al., 2017).
Identifying the Issue
In my interview with Dr. J, we tackled a number of topics that are significant to the quality and efficiency of service delivery in a healthcare system. One key are that Dr. J identified to affect the performance of most of the healthcare system is the management of a change process. This is based on the fact that changes are most likely to come with unexpected challenges that an organization needs to be well prepared for if it is to get good results. It is a process that requires the development of a team with the right leadership to handle the challenges that may come along. The leadership has to develop a strategic plan for it to be successful in its duties. Dr. J considers the collaboration of the team as a very important area that the leader has to give a close attention. It is also necessary to focus on developing an interdisciplinary team at the same time (Mitchell & Boyle, 2021).
Change Theories that Could Result into an Interdisciplinary Solution
Dr. J considers strategies that an organization puts in place as the key driver for change within an organization and shapes the quality of care and the patients’ experience. The initiation of a change process within an organization requires a clear plan of the specific activities that have to be carried out at any given time. Dr. J prefers the use of the Lewin’s Change Management Model as it outlines the key stages of focus when managing a change process within an organization. From the interview, I learnt the importance of specifically understanding every activity in the process of change, their impact and how they can be controlled. Every stage in the change process comes with unique challenges and therefore, it is more important for the team leader to analyze the possible challenges he or she is likely to face at each stage and develop a plan for handling such challenges.
Leadership Theories that Could Lead to Interdisciplinary Solutions
In my interview, I come to learn that the success of the healthcare system largely depends on the level of leadership competencies within the team. Dr. J considers the Great Man Theory as the leadership model he prefers most as it largely focuses on the relationship among the team members. Effective leadership however depends on the strategy that the leader puts in place and the ease with which the team members can adapt to the model. Most team leaders have always applied this leadership theory as they try to keep a productive team in which the members collaborate amongst themselves to give the desired results. The management strategies tend to inform one of the approaches they can use to ensure that a team realizes its objective. Managing a multidisciplinary team is not always an easy task as it involves members drawn from different fields whose opinions have to be brought together to achieve the team’s goals. It is, therefore, necessary for the team leader to be very flexible when dealing with the cases of an interdisciplinary team (Morton et al., 2018). The leader has to be open-minded and ready to incorporate new ideas from every member as he or she makes decisions.
Collaboration Approaches for Interdisciplinary Teams.
The most critical element that ensures collaboration among the team members is an effective communication strategy among the staff members. Dr. J considers communication to help the team at times of consultations amongst themselves on the best approaches they can take to ensure a better solution to the patients’ problems. The healthcare system must conduct a periodic review of its communication strategy to identify what works best for the organization. Team leaders tend to prefer making evidence-based decisions to ensure that every communication plan they initiate will solve the existing challenges within the organization. Communication also plays a role in the engagement between the patient and the care providers. The organization must ensure that at any point, there is no language barrier between the care provider and the patient. Effective communication ensures efficiency in service delivery; hence is key in boosting the patient’s experience (Bonvento et al., 2017). The facility needs to collect data on the engagement between the patients and the care provider as this informs the nature of communication plan in the delivery of services.
In conclusion, the creation of a team in healthcare always requires the inclusion of the professionals from different fields. This helps in developing a solution the addresses the challenges in the healthcare system at different angles. For effective decision making, there is need for such a team to take an evidence-based approach as it give the opportunity to make decisions based on facts. The management strategies tend to inform one of the approaches they can use to ensure that a team realizes its objective.
Bonvento, B., Wallace, S., Lynch, J., Coe, B., & McGrath, B. A. (2017). Role of the multidisciplinary team in the care of the tracheostomy patient. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 10, 391.
Mitchell, R., & Boyle, B. (2021). Understanding the role of the profession in multidisciplinary team innovation: Professional identity, minority dissent, and team innovation. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 512-528.
Morton, G., Masters, J., & Cowburn, P. J. (2018). A multidisciplinary team approach to heart failure management. Heart, 104(16), 1376-1382.