Research Paper – There will also be a research paper on the musical subject of the choice of the student. The topic may be a composer, a style of music, an artist, etc. For all classes, the paper will be NO LESS than 1000 words and it will include a bibliography. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated! The research paper must be submitted to
. Any student found to be committing plagiarism or engaging in any academic dishonesty will be subject to failure of the assignment, WITHOUT the opportunity to resubmit, and possible failure in the course. See student handbook regarding academic dishonesty. All papers, tests and reviews will be TYPED, using the best spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.. For appropriate topics/subjects for MUL 2380, see paper guidelines below.
- for Dr. Mitchell
- MUL 1010 and 2380
- 1. All papers must be in the words of the student. Any paper that is identified as containing plagiarism will receive a grade of F. The instructor may also, at her discretion impose other penalties as allowed by the college. This may include an F in the class.
- 2. Any quotes, from any source, must be footnoted or otherwise credited to the author.
- 3. All research papers will be submitted to prior to the due date listed on the schedule. No papers will be accepted that have not been submitted to the website. A hard copy will be turned in to the instructor to grade. The paper must be at least 76% original material.
- 4. Research papers will include a bibliography of at least three (3) sources, one of which may be an internet source.
- 5. All papers will be typed. Papers that are not typed will not be accepted.
- 6. Papers will be graded on form and content.
- 7. Papers must be in MLA format which includes:
A. Papers are to be typed in 12 point font using Times Roman with a one-inch margin on both sides as well as on top and bottom.