These labs demonstrate how logic is not always intuitive (as demonstrated by the
problem) and how reasoning can be altered by the way questions are framed (as you will see during the
lab). You will also find out how we tend to reason better when problems are framed in real-world terms, but not as much with more abstract wording. Being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of human reasoning can only benefit us as we make everyday decisions.
Complete the following labs:
Monty Hall
- Wason Selection
Risky Decisions
Then complete the
Module Six Lab Worksheet Template
. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
- Record data and include screenshots of results for all module labs.
- For the Monty Hall lab, address lab questions accurately.
- For the Wason Selection lab, address lab questions accurately.
- For the Risky Decisions lab, address lab questions accurately.
- Address the module question accurately.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your completed Module Six Lab Worksheet Template.
PSY 375 Module Six Lab Worksheet Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. All responses to lab questions should be in your own words or paraphrased.
Monty Hall Lab
· Insert your data in the table below.
Winning Percent
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
· Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.
[Insert screenshot]
Lab Questions
· Did your results match those predicted as described in the output? Explain how your results did or did not match the prediction.
[Insert text]
· Why does switching your choice lead to better odds in the long run?
[Insert text]
Wason Selection Lab
· Insert your data in the table below.
Mean Number of Cards Correct
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
· Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.
[Insert screenshot]
Lab Questions
· Why should we expect that the proportion correct should be higher for the thematic rules?
[Insert text]
· What does the Wason Selection task tell us about seeking confirmation of our beliefs versus seeking falsification of our beliefs?
[Insert text]
Risky Decisions Lab
· Insert your data in the table below.
Less Risky
More Risky
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
· Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.
[Insert screenshot]
Lab Questions
· Did you get the predicted results? If so, how so? If not, why not?
[Insert text]
· What does this study demonstrate? In other words, what is the main point of this experiment?
[Insert text]
Module Question
· What is the relevance of the Wason Selection task and Risky Decisions for financial decisions?
[Insert text]