20200302072109final_portfolio_project x
Portfolio Project Milestone
Provide an outline that includes at least 6 scholarly articles, in addition to your textbook, that will support your research on the competitive value of information technology. Indicate the resource you will use at each bullet point of your outline by including it as a citation- see example below:
Submit a preliminary outline of your paper, including the following:
- Preliminary notes, ideas, and/or possible sources for the required elements:
Required textbook for this course;
IT innovations;
Organizational processes;
Mission, vision, and strategic goals;
Data challenges;
Technology as a tool; and
Technology that provides value. - Required textbook;
- Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9781119337188
Required: - ** Below I attached the final Portfolio project that goes along with completing this assignment. ( you will not complete the final portfolio project only the portfolio milestone).
Final Portfolio Project: Competitive Value of Healthcare IT ( Do not complete but use this as a source to complete the portfolio milestone)
Evaluate the sources of the competitive advantage and improvements in organizational performance. Discuss how these improvements help to leverage organizational processes and new business models. Describe the leveraging of IT innovations to improve organizational processes to help the organization meet its mission, vision, and strategic goals. Discuss the critical issues around data, new business models, and technology as a tool. Present your findings on how technology provides value and gives the organization an advantage.
· Be 8-11 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
· Include 6 or more references, in addition to the textbook. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; and in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.
· Be formatted according to the
CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)
Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the module folder, for more details. Be sure to reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.