Select a company (Comcast/Xfinity)
- 200-300 words.
- Two, scholarly, peer- reviewed sources.
- APA format.
- Select a company (Comcast/Xfinity) of interest and describe its MIS, including its information reporting system, EIS, and DSS processes.
- Discuss how your targeted company uses the described MIS, EIS, and DSS to execute control over performance.
Information Systems
According to Daft (2012) a management information system (MIS) “is a computer-based system that provides information and support for managerial decision making…the MIS is supported by the organization’s transaction processing systems and by organizational external databases” (p. 313). A common form of MID is an information reporting system, which “provides managers with reports that summarize data and support day-to-day decision making” ([. 313).
He also noted that an executive information system (EIS) “is a higher-level application that facilitates decision making at the highest levels of management…these systems are typically based on software that can convert large amounts of complex data into pertinent information and provide that information to top managers in a timely fashion” (p. 313).
Lastly, Daft (2013) stated that a decision support system (DSS) “provides specific benefits to managers at all levels of the organization…these interactive, computer-based systems rely on decision models and integrated databases” (p. 313).
Source: Daft, R. (2013). Organization Theory and Design (11th ed.). Mason, OH South-Western.