20210117224041template_assignment_1_jwi556__diagnostic_test_for_immunity_to_change__4_ x20210117224027jwi_556_assignment_1_1196__2_ 20210117224051template_assignment_1_jwi556__applying_kotter_to_individual_change__6_ x
Help me study for my Biotechnology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
i have been an Insurance Professional for a number of years and need this assignment of least so that we may get this assignment done by tomorrow afternoon. I will be sending over the assignment parameters.
JWI 556: Lead Change by Putting People First Assignment 1, Template #1 |
A Diagnostic Test for Immunity to Change
Use the following template to help you uncover and address the competing commitments and big assumptions that may be creating an immunity to change in your professional life. Integrate the notes you make here and the guidance from “The Real Reason People Won’t Change” by Kegan and Lahey into item #2 of Assignment 1: Leading Individual Change.
Stated Commitment
I am committed to…
What am I doing, or not doing, that is keeping my stated commitment from being fully realized?
Competing Commitments
Big Assumptions
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 1
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 1 (1196) Page 1 of 5
Assignment 1: Self-Assessment, Leading Individual Change
Due: Sunday, Midnight of Week 2 (15% of total course grade)
Our course is organized around three core themes: (1) leading change in oneself, (2) leading change in
teams, and (3) leading change in enterprise situations. Each of these will have an assignment that
provides you with an opportunity to apply what you have been learning. This first assignment will help you
assess and accelerate your own change journey. It may shed light on how you can get “unstuck” in your
career. Even if you’re not feeling stuck, it will help you better understand the forces that may have held
you back, and the forces that have propelled you forward.
The exercises you will complete in this assignment will also serve as a frame of reference that will support
your work in the upcoming assignments. By understanding the forces that impact your own change
initiatives, you will be better equipped to coach and support others who are asked to embark on change
journeys, and to lead change by truly putting people first.
Complete a professional change journey analysis that addresses the following:
(1) Your Professional Change/Growth
Identify an area of professional change that is meaningful for you. This change should be related
to your career in HR or your aspirations to begin a career in HR, and should be focused on your
growth as a leader and manager. It’s fine to connect this to getting promoted and making more
money, but assume these are the natural outcomes of a positive and fulfilling change, and not an
end in themselves.
a. Briefly summarize your career path to date.
b. How would you characterize this journey? Has your progression been steady and
predictable? Have you risen through the ranks faster than you expected? Have you
experienced a career setback? Do you feel stuck or stalled where you are?
c. What do you want to happen in your career? What makes this future state – your change
vision – appealing? Again, don’t default to a “more money, better title” response.
how your vision aligns with your passions and your aptitudes. Tip: Take note of Jack’s
video in Week 2 discussing how to find your “Area of Destiny.”
d. What is needed to make this change happen? Focus on the steps you will take and the
outcomes they will lead to. Some of these may involve helping others see how great you
are, but concentrate on what you need to change, not what others need to change.
Include timelines (even if they’re rough estimates) to provide additional context. Tip:
Consider the 6 Action Steps presented in Chapter 12 of The Real Life MBA.
e. Finally, what happens if the change doesn’t occur, or if it doesn’t occur within the
timeframe you’d prefer?
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 1
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 1 (1196) Page 2 of 5
(2) Applying Models to Individual Change
Reflect on what you have read so far in Kotter’s Leading Change, especially the “8 Errors” in
Chapter 1, and ”The Real Reason People Won’t Change” article by Kegan and Lacy. How can
these models help you drive meaningful change in your career? Provide specific examples and
NOTE: To support your response, complete the two attached templates (“Applying Kotter’s Model
to Individual Change” and the “Diagnostic Test for Immunity to Change”) and include them with
your submission.
(3) Change Style Indicator Assessment
Complete the “Change Style Indicator” self-assessment and review your results. The instructions
and link can be found in Week 2 of the course in Blackboard.
a. What is your personal change style according to CSI?
b. What is your reaction to this?
i. Does it confirm what you suspected or is it a surprise? Explain.
ii. What characteristics or comments are the most accurate?
iii. Are there any that seem off-base?
c. How do the results from the CSI, coupled with your insights from your work in #2, above,
shed light on how you approach change? In your response, address how these insights
can help you be a more effective driver of positive change in your own career.
d. Review your results from the TKI and DiSC assessments you took in JWI510: Leadership
in the 21st Century. What are the common themes or connections you found? Explain.
(4) Summarize Your Insights
Write a brief conclusion to your paper that recaps your key findings.
a. Include a statement about the knowledge and skills you would like to get from this course
to drive meaningful growth in your career.
b. Explain how the insights you gained from this assignment can guide you in how you work
with others to lead change by putting people first.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 1
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 1 (1196) Page 3 of 5
Professional Formatting and Submission Requirements:
Typed, double-spaced, professional font (size 10-12), including headings and subheadings (to
identify main topics and subtopics), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a brief, but engaging, introduction to hook the reader and provide context for what follows.
References must be included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to
locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources is
expected, and additional research is welcome.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the
course title, and the date.
The suggested length is 5-6 pages, excluding your cover page, completed templates, and
reference list. You may exceed 6 pages, but be sure that what you write adds value to your
submission and is not redundant.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 1
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 1 (1196) Page 4 of 5
15% of Total
Course Grade
Assignment 1: Leading Individual Change
Criteria Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
1. Your
Weight: 15%
Does not or
describes career
journey. No clear
statement of vision
or future state.
Little to no
reference to course
materials or
themes. Missing,
unclear, or overly
vague action plan.
professional roles
and growth.
Includes basic or
overly general
vision of future
state. Minimal
reference to
course materials
or themes.
Action plan
provided only
vague or general
steps or
professional roles
and key growth
Makes good
references to
course materials
and themes.
Vision and action
plan are clear and
include references
to milestones.
Very good
description of
professional roles
and key growth
references to
course materials
and themes.
Vision and action
plan are very
clear. Reflections
are concise and
description of
professional roles
and key growth
Makes excellent
reference to
course materials
and themes.
Vision and action
plan are detailed.
demonstrate deep
insight into issues
and are well-
2. Applying
Models to
Weight: 30%
Does not or
applies change
models to
individual change.
Little to no
synthesis of ideas
is demonstrated,
and logical
reasoning and
connections are
Templates are
missing or
Partially applies
change models to
change. Includes
basic synthesis of
ideas and logical
reasoning is
good. Templates
are submitted,
but may have
applies change
models to
individual change.
Includes good
synthesis of ideas
and logical
Templates are
submitted and
include all
Very good
application of
change models to
individual change.
synthesis of ideas
and logical
Templates are
complete and
include additional
key insights.
application of
change models to
individual change.
synthesis of ideas
and logical
Templates are
complete and are
well-supported by
additional insights
and research.
3. Change Style
Weight: 30%
Student did not
take CSI and/or did
not submit
responses to profile
questions. No
reference to DiSC
or TKI
completed CSI,
but reflections on
profile are
incomplete or
unclear. General
references to
DiSC and TKI,
but minimal
explanation of
connection or key
Good reflections
on CSI results.
References to
DiSC and TKI are
good, but basic.
Connection to
broader insights
into emotional
intelligence are
unclear in places.
reflections on CSI
Experiences and
strengths in
relation to aspects
of emotional
intelligence and
DiSC/TKI profiles
are thoroughly
explained and
connected to CSI.
reflections on CSI
results, as well as
experiences and
strengths in
relation to aspects
of emotional
intelligence and
DiSC/TKI profiles.
Includes additional
research and
references to
4. Summarize
Your Insights
Weight: 15%
Summary missing,
unclear, or off
Basic summary
included. Missing
or unclear
statement of
Good summary
and statement of
desired learning
summary and
statement of
desired learning
understanding of
course themes.
summary and
vision of learning
goals and real-
world application,
as well as
understanding of
course themes.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 1
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 1 (1196) Page 5 of 5
5. The paper
follows the
requirements and
includes in-text
references, and
is free from
grammar and
spelling errors.
Weight: 10%
formatted. May not
include cover page
and headings,
and/or lacks
professional layout,
font, or spacing.
References are not
consistently cited in
text, and/or not
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
There are
mechanical and/or
usage errors.
Meets minimum
May not include a
cover page
and/or lacks
layout, font, or
References are
not consistently
cited in text or not
included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There are some
mechanical or
usage errors.
Includes a cover
page and
headings, but may
have minor
formatting, font,
and spacing
References may
not be consistently
cited in text, or
may not be
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
There may be
minor mechanical
or usage errors.
Includes a cover
page and
headings, and is
free from
formatting, font,
and spacing
All references are
consistently cited
in text, and are
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
There are no
mechanical or
usage errors.
professional in
look and easy to
quickly locate
Includes a cover
page, headings,
formatting, font,
and spacing.
All references are
consistently cited
in the text, and
are included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There are no
mechanical or
usage errors.
JWI 556: Lead Change by Putting People First Assignment 1, Template #2 |
Applying Kotter’s Model to Individual Change
While Kotter’s change model is a framework designed to support large-scale change initiatives in organizations, it is built around understanding and managing the very human forces that undermine successfully implementing and sustain change. Use the template below to collect and organize your thoughts on how these principles might apply to individual/personal change initiatives.
Kotter’s 8 Errors |
Parallel in Individual Change |
1. Allowing Too Much Complacency |
2. Failing to Create a Sufficiently Powerful Guiding Coalition |
3. Underestimating the Power of Vision |
4. Undercommunicating the Vision by a Factor of 10 (or 100 or Even 1000) |
5. Permitting Obstacles to Block the New Vision |
6. Failing to Create Short-Term Wins |
7. Declaring Victory Too Soon |
8. Neglecting to Anchor Changes Firmly in the Corporate Culture |