Submit a that includes responses to all three sections listed below plus an introduction.
Assignment Instructions:
During Week 6, you’ll be guided through a revisions and proofreading process that will help you further develop and improve your rough draft by adding more thoughts, incorporating any feedback received, and ensuring you’ve followed Academic Writing Expectations.
- The Writing Center ‘Drafting a Narrative’ resource you identified in Week 3.
- The automated writing feedback tool Grammarly you identified in Week 3.
- Your journal entries and previous assignments.
- Your Self-Assessment results from Week 1.
- Your discussion posts.
- The weekly resources discussing what it means to be human in a technological world.
Observe: Write a paragraph describing your experience completing the Smarter Measure self-assessment. How did it feel to respond to questions about your situation, habits, and behaviors?
Before I started the self-assessment, I thought I knew everything about myself. The assessment made me aware of my own biases. The assessment made me realize that I need to take time out of the week to study and be successful while obtaining a degree. I was surprised at myself and realizing that I can be bias within myself when it comes to handling education and life. Knowing all of this I must find balance between the two to be successful.
Process: Write a paragraph describing what parts of your self-assessment results surprised you. Whether or not you had any surprising results, also describe the results that did not surprise you. What did the self-assessment reflect about you that was interesting or familiar?
I was not surprised that my Technical Knowledge is pretty good. I have always been computer savvy and I know enough to be successful in online courses. My Typing Skills was at 98% with my typing at 73WPM. I am okay with Time Management which surprises me because I always feel like there is not enough time in the day. The assessment also told me that I have a strong Reason for Continuing my Education, I have a great place to study but I should work more on distractions when it comes to studying. I have an Aural Learning Style. I just didn’t know it was called that. I will ask for help from my professor or colleague if I don’t understand.
Analyze: Write a paragraph describing why or how the results of your self-assessment could be important as you work through your courses at Walden. How might it be useful to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as you begin your studies?
I’m glad this assessment included strengths and not just weaknesses because I feel like there are lots of things, I can work on to better myself to be successful. My typing skills and tech savvy ways is my strengths and give me confidence that I can be successful. Although I must work on time management, it is my weakness. I know once I get that I will be okay and able to focus and balance life. I think getting better with retaining information after I read it would also make me successful. All in all the self-assessment has been a eye opener for me and has shown my biases within myself and how to adjust to being successful while doing online learning.
· Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheet. Describe any activities that you can streamline. Describe a person who might be able to help with some of your activities.
-I learned in the support exercise that I have a lot of support from my significant other as well as my friends. They all push me to keep going and do what’s best to be successful with school. The person that would be able to help me with majority of my activities is my significant other. She will take the burden off of me in order to make sure that I am successful and focused in school.
· Describe what you learned from the Time Tracking Worksheet about how you spend your time. How can you change the way you manage your time? Do you feel you have set aside enough time for your new educational responsibilities?
-In the time tracking worksheet, I learned that I spend a lot of my time sleeping and self-care, which is not a bad thing because if I’m not myself I can’t be as successful when handling day to day functions. I also learned that I should stop procrastinating when it comes to school and do the work on the days, I have set for work instead of waiting until the last minute.
· Name at least one thing either in your support network or time management that you believe will interfere with your success as a student? How might you address it?
-The one thing that will interfere with me being successful as a student is my delaying of doing assignments. I am new to doing classes strictly online, so I have to remember to put my classes as a priority and not delay posting and interacting.
· Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheet. Describe any activities that you can streamline. Describe a person who might be able to help with some of your activities.
· I learned in the support exercise that I have a lot of support from my significant other as well as my friends. They all push me to keep going and do what’s best to be successful with school. The person that would be able to help me with majority of my activities is my significant other. She will take the burden off of me in order to make sure that I am successful and focused in school.
· Describe what you learned from the Time Tracking Worksheet about how you spend your time. How can you change the way you manage your time? Do you feel you have set aside enough time for your new educational responsibilities?
-In the time tracking worksheet, I learned that I spend a lot of my time sleeping and self-care, which is not a bad thing because if I’m not myself I can’t be as successful when handling day to day functions. I also learned that I should stop procrastinating when it comes to school and do the work on the days, I have set for work instead of waiting until the last minute.
· Name at least one thing either in your support network or time management that you believe will interfere with your success as a student? How might you address it?
-The one thing that will interfere with me being successful as a student is my delaying of doing assignments. I am new to doing classes strictly online, so I have to remember to put my classes as a priority and not delay posting and interacting.
wwwWeek 3 Assignment Worksheet
No matter how well we plan, things can go wrong. Power outages, extreme weather, family emergencies, Internet service disruptions, and computer malfunctions happen at the most inconvenient times.
This worksheet helps you gather valuable planning information for unusual or emergency situations. If you can, print it out for reference. Update it each term as you work with new faculty and meet classmates who share your interests. Type directly into each white box.
Walden Website Addresses
If your computer is not working, you may need to access your online courses and other university services from a different computer. Usually, we do not memorize these addresses as they are bookmarked on the computer. You will need this information if you lose the bookmarks in your browser. Type directly into the white box below following each colon ( : ). |
Walden University main website address: Website address for accessing online courses (This is through your myWalden Student portal page): |
Two Alternative Computers
Identify a minimum of two alternative computers that you could use in case your primary computer is not working. If your home computer is your primary computer, then you will need to list two more. Consider family, friends, public spaces like libraries, or even possibly your workplace. NOTE: You cannot be a successful student at Walden with only a smart phone or tablet. |
Alternative Computer 1 Hours available: 24 hours Alternative Computer 2 |
File Backup System
Backup or save your course files weekly to an external storage device such as a Flash or USB drive, or a cloud service like Apple iCloud, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. This way you will have access to important files from any computer. |
I will backup files to this item, device, or place: saved from computer or flashdrive |
File Backup Schedule
It is important to back up your files regularly. A best practice is to select a time and day each week to complete this task, then write it on your weekly calendar. |
I will backup files on this day each week: daily |
Contact Information
It is important to have contact information printed out for reference in case of a technology failure.
Tip: |
Walden Tech Support Services:
Customer Care Team: Technical Support Phone: 800-925-3368 Hours: Instructor: Name:Luke Konrath Phone:920-573-3107 Office hours if posted: 1:00pm-5:00pm Time zone: Central Student Success Advisor: This is your academic advisor who will work with you throughout your academic career. Name:Kyla Glasgow Phone:612-257-6548 Hours available: |
University Services
These offices can be helpful in completing your work, maintaining your academic standing, and your personal well-being.
Student Assistance Program
Free to all enrolled Walden students
Web site address/URL:
Walden ID Code (Necessary for accessing the service):
Phone: 1866-465-8942
Hours: 24 hours/ 7 days a week
Financial Services, Bursar’s Office
Web site address/URL: Email:
Walden Library:
Web site address/URL for Undergraduate Research:
Web site address/URL for ‘Ask A Librarian’:
Phone/voicemail number for ‘Ask a Librarian’:
Walden Writing Center:
Website/URL for Undergraduate Writing: Drafting a Narrative:
Website/URL for ‘How to Write a Paper’:
Website/URL for Grammarly (automated writing feedback tool) :
Walden Center for Academic Excellence CAEX:
Website/URL for Meeting the Tutors:
Website/URL for Interactive Tutorials Reading Skills and/or Success Strategies:
Two additional resources that may be helpful.
Walden Office of Disability Services
Phone: 800.925.3368 ext. 3121205
Or 612.312.1205
Walden Office of Military Services
Phone: 800.925.3368 then follow the prompts.
Tip: Classmates can be a valuable support resource. You can email your classmates using the Send Email link in the Tools area of our classroom. You can also connect with other Walden students using the private Facebook groups. See the Facebook Group finder Tool on the Course Home Page.
What do you still need?
You are at the beginning of your new story as an online student. As you have experienced, the business of becoming a student can be complex and detailed.
Write three paragraphs responding to the following questions:
· What university service did you discover that you think might be most helpful to you as you proceed through your academic career? Why?
· After completing this worksheet, what information don’t you have that you need in order to focus on learning?
· Although this is only the third week of your new story, what skills do you feel you have learned? Which skills do you hope to learn?
Type directly into the white box below. It will automatically expand as you write.
I discovered the disability tool. Although its not needed for me in particular, just to know that it is available makes my education experience online much easier. The information I did not have that I need is how to search the library and which search engine is more appropriate for undergraduate studies. I learned how to navigate through the walden site as well as the student portal in order to submit assignments.
The last step is to save this file where you can find it, and use the following format for the file name:
WK3AssgnLastNameFirstInitial .
Print this out and save it. Or, take a picture of it with your smart phone so you have access to the information even if your computer is not working.
Now go to the classroom and submit this file to the Week 3 Assignment link as an attached file. If you have any trouble, you know how to reach Technical Support.
You’re done!!
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