Comparative essay on radiocarbon dating (old-earth vs. young-earth methods/assum
In general, your paper must contain an introductory paragraph, the body of your work, and a conclusion. In terms of the body, the following items must be discussed:
1. The old-earth viewpoint related to your topic.
2. The young-earth viewpoint related to your topic.
3. Compare and contrast these two viewpoints. How are the two viewpoints similar? How do they differ significantly?
Use the following outline when writing your paper. Each point on the below outline must be a separate section (with a section heading) within your paper. You will notice that these section headings correspond to the content points above.
I. Introduction
II. Old-Earth View
III. Young-Earth View
IV. Compare and Contrast
V. Conclusion
This paper is to be 3–4 pages. Do not exceed this page limit. The title page and bibliography do not count toward this page total.
You must use current APA formatting. Papers must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around. Font is to be Courier New or Times New Roman, 12-point. Include a cover sheet with your name, instructor’s name, course number and title, date, and paper title. There is no need to include an abstract in your paper. APA formatting rules can be found at the following site: .
Your Comparative Essay must include at least 2 literature sources, not including the course textbooks. One of these additional sources must be from an old-earth perspective and the other from a young-earth perspective. Sources must be journal articles, manuscripts, scholarly textbooks, and/or internet sites from .edu or .gov sources. Avoid internet sites from .com, .net, .org, etc. sources as the information contained therein are not often peer reviewed. Also, Study Bibles are not appropriate for this assignment. List all of your sources in a bibliography at the end of the paper.
Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper using proper APA formatting. APA formatting rules can be found at the following site: .
I take the young-earth view, Christianity, and want to focus on this evidence and methods and assumptions.