narrativeessay1 x
need the essay to be 3 pages.
my instruction will use turn it in so you do not use any citation.
you need to be from your mind. j
Narrative Essay
Personal narrative on self-reflection as a writer
Communication is an essential tool for passing messages among people. There are very many mediums through which communication can be made. This simply means the systems or methods of communication used by various individuals. For instance, communication can be verbal where people share or convey messages directly through speaking of words that they understand. This is usually done through a language that the parties involved are familiar with or in the presence of an interpreter in case there one party does not understand the language used. On the other hand, communication can be done through non-verbal mediums. This is a broad medium with many examples such as; shaking hands, hugging, pushing, gestures, facial expressions and other more that can be used to convey messages. Writing is also a medium of verbal communication and is challenging in some way. This is because skills have to be acquired on the mastery of the language. Most importantly, the skills of writing have to be well learnt so that messages can be conveyed precisely and in the most appropriate way that can be understood by the intended receiver. Writing as a medium of communication is used to represent various emotions and as well language through recording of signs and symbols or inscription. The result of writing is a text and the recipient called the reader.I have liked writing and done it for quite a period of time.
First, I have always loved writing from my childhood. This is since I learnt of the English language and how different letters can be played with to form words and further how these various words can be combined to make a sentence that that can communicate a given idea correctly. More so, the knowledge taught in school gave me ideas on how to think critically and combine sentences in order to communicate a given story wholesome. I am personally poor in verbal communication and this has been my problem since I started learning how to talk. I know the English language very well but my problem is pronunciation of some words. I don’t know whether to consider this as a disability or not? I generally talk very slowly and someone has to listen very attentively so as to get the message that I may be trying to convey. This is the main reason why I grew up loving writing. I had a feeling that this was the best way that I could use to strongly convey messages and communicate.
My love for writing has driven me to take a short course on writing. I sharpened my writing skills through an online course. Many schools do extend their offer on online courses and goes as further as providing relevant materials through OpenCourseWare (OCW) projects. I came to gather a lot of important knowledge about writing. I learnt about the conventions of writing; in this unit of study, we discussed the many different tips that can be used in developing good diction, clear sentence structures and more alternatives of strong writing styles. Am also conversant with the parts of an essay; this covers the methods for organization an essay and also the prewriting strategies. The study gives the importanceof a smooth transition of sentences, strong thesis and a discussion on how to write an engaging introduction. Writing classes are the most enjoyable and interactive that someone can ever come across. It is something that I find very easy to do since I had even learnt about the various styles and strategies that can be used to address audience and also the anticipating opposing view.
I have been helping a friend of mine who is a blogger in writing. Through his website, I have written number of papers. Some of the papers that I have written usually get high number of likes and one time I got a total of two hundred thousand views and likes, the highest ever for me. There are also many comments and many people have personally told me that my writings are excellent.
Moreover, I am a very energetic and hardworking writer. I can spend hours sitting down to write a piece of paper and come up with a quality work. When writing, I usually give it full concentration and avoid petty errors so as to give an accurate presentation as possible. I possess high levels of creativity in my explanations of various points and when giving out personal views. I do researches ambitiously to get the correct facts to write about.
Despite the fact of being good, I have some weaknesses as a writer. I tend to use complicated sentence structures sometimes when communicating some ideas. This is one issue that has greatly affected my work and many people have complained of that. An example is when one aged man commented that the he could not get some the meaning of some sentences from how they were structured. The man went as far as calling the site manager to inform him of that. Another weakness is the use of many complex words that some people have commented about.
On a conclusive note, writing offers evidence which can be stored for references and should therefore be embraced by many. This form of communication can be easily learnt in various institutions for who has do not possess the appropriate skills.