Philosophical Reflection Essay
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Wilmington University
Part I: Philosophical Thinking
In our society today, Philosophical thinking plays a critical role in our daily proceedings. Philosophy has played a crucial and important aspect of linguistics in the human study and development history. In this paper, the research carried out on philosophical thinking as a discipline will be discussed. According to Helskog (2019), Philosophical thinking provides something to your full attention. Over the years the definition of Philosophy has evolved, but in an article published to define philosophy as the search of truth, knowledge and wisdom (Tesar et al., 2021). In Greek, the word philosophy spells out as ‘love of wisdom.’ philosophy necessitates human reasoning about why nature acts in a certain ways; Philosophy is all about the values and meaning of life. Philosophical thinking is concerned about the present and past. Philosophy differentiates areas of study such as humanities and science.
According to Thagard (2019), philosophy has three main areas: Metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology. Ethics is a field of study that is more focused with morally right or wrong and good or evil. Ethics focuses at the dignity of rights or wrongs. In overall, epistemology can be defined as an understanding. Case in point, Plato’s epistemology seeks out to acknowledge how knowledge is good and what it was. On the contrary, Metaphysics centre of attention is on the first causes of things and the nature of human beings.
Knowledge is a popular term in philosophy as it arises frequently, and many philosophers attempt to spell out knowledge. Knowledge is the condition or fact of understanding something with ease acquired through an encounter or experience (Thagard, 2019). According to Plato’s belief that truth is objective and results from beliefs that have been rightly justified in reasons; thus, knowledge is a justified and true belief. Often epistemology is all about understanding and reasons which signifies the important link of knowledge to epistemology. Mainly epistemology provides answers to the questions arising about knowledge and hence gives the reasons and comprehension.
In philosophy, questions often arise on what is reality? The word is obtained from the word real, which means something that can make true sense; therefore we understand reality as the occurances and understanding of the world that assists to determine how things are manifested to you (Thagard, 2019). For instance, the seasons, winter, spring, autumn, and summer can be considered as facts and not fiction. The reality of life is mainly based on a metaphysic branch of philosophy. It describes the focuses on first causes of things and the nature of being. It details the reality of things, not the illusion and the fantasies. In general, metaphysics deals with reality and views what is real and what is not.
On the topic of ethics, we view morality in general, thus raising the question of what is a good life and how I ought to live it. Philosophers of all ages have pondered the question of a good life. Do we know what a good life is or who views what kind of a good life a person wants to live in? Thus, people are still discovering what a good life is because the term itself means various things to different people. Living a good life has its perspectives as it means a different thing to different people. The first perspective is all about what gives you joy and satisfaction. That thing that makes me draw my happiness and desire to be in this world for a long period is what I derive as a good life in the first perception (Tesar et al., 2021). Every person aspires for something since childhood; thus, if the person achieves the desires, that is a good life. According to Foucault (2020), some people term a spiritual life of good morals a good life, and they believe in it entirely, however other human being defines a good life as seeking wealth, social status, and fame as they hope these aspects will define their good life. They associate the good life with money and material.
Previous studies have highlighted the difference between the three primary branches of philosophy. I noted the difference between the two branches of epistemology and metaphysics in the outer sections. Metaphysics focuses mainly on reality and proves what is real and what is not. It focuses on the nature of reality, while epistemology focuses on how people acquire their knowledge.
Part II: Reflection
This account seeks to discuss what knowledge is in detail. My main reason for focusing on knowledge is the advantages of having more knowledge on the happenings. Throughout my life, those who knew are well respected, fear and even turned to in the event of unknown occurrence. Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle concluded that knowledge takes the universal form in the particular primary substance as its object. Aristotle agreed it is true, and what is true should be justified to show the truth (Helskog, 2019). There is something you know for every person while others you do not know.
According to Foucault (2020), knowledge articulates getting the truth of something or getting answers to something. For example, if the world knows about the war between Russia and Ukraine, they know they can either protect themselves or assist in the matter. Knowing something does not constitute the whole event. It may be a glimpse of it. According to some theories, analyzing knowledge identifies the components that made the knowledge first—for example, learning what occurs during a volcanic eruption or what causes the second world war ( (Thagard, 2019). Philosophical thinking shows acting based on reasons. I view philosophical thinking to acquire more knowledge on something and clarify the subject of my study, event, or experience.
The evidence from these studies shows that philosophical thinking answers the various questions on how we live. We get to know the difference between right and wrong, reality and fantasy, and acquire the knowledge of our existence. This study indicates that every being has a different understanding and interpretation of its own life.
Foucault, M. (2020). Power/knowledge. In The new social theory reader (pp. 73-79). Routledge.
Helskog, G. H. (2019). Philosophizing the dialogues way towards wisdom in education: Between critical thinking and spiritual contemplation. Routledge.
Tesar, M., Hytten, K., Hoskins, T. K., Rosiek, J., Jackson, A. Y., Hand, M., … & Jackson, L. (2021). Philosophy of education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-22.
Thagard, P. (2019). Natural philosophy: From social brains to knowledge, reality, morality, and beauty (treatise on mind and society). Oxford University Press.
Touchstone 1 Rubric and Feedback |
Rubric Category |
Your Grade |
Definitions – 13% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not properly define philosophy and distinguish and define each of the three main branches of philosophy covered in this class. |
Connections – 7% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not connect each of the philosophical questions with the associated branch of philosophy as defined in the course. |
Examples – 27% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not illustrate the differences between the three branches of philosophy, using cited examples from the course. |
Philosophical Thinking – 7% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not describe philosophical thinking and reflect on how it can help in a personal way. |
Impact – 13% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not describe the influence of philosophical viewpoints from the course on personal views and opinions. |
Reflection – 33% |
Non-Performance (0%) – Does not select a single philosophical question to explore. Does not provide and explain your personal reflection on the question. |
SCORE: 0/75 |
This second attempt touchstone 1 has been returned with a zero grade because 100% of this essay is taken from another student’s paper. Additionally, it looks like outside sources are used in this essay and those sources reference modern philosophers like Foucault (who is not covered in this course). The provided course materials are the only source that you need to successfully complete the assignment. The goal of this assignment is to compose an original, cohesive essay that includes all of the elements laid out in the Assignment Guidelines, which directly engages with the actual course materials as much as possible, so that your familiarity with the content of the course can be adequately assessed. Each time you draw from the course, it should be properly cited as such. Not outside materials are necessary and in most cases, they are discouraged since they detract from the purpose and goal of your essay. Nathan |