this assignment, you are going to modify the grocery shopping program that you wrote for Assignment 2. You are going to add functions to create a more manageable program. You will also improve user interactivity using loops and input validations. Make sure you do not miss any steps given in the instruction.
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Assignment #3 – Grocery Shopping v2:
In this assignment you are going to modify “Assignment #2 – Grocery Shopping” program. The new version of the program will perform the same task with the same items and prices as the older version. (I have noticed that shipping rates doesn’t make sense business wise since you pay more shipping when you purchase more. Though, I will keep it as it is.)
Follow the Steps Below
1. You must have done Assignment #2. I will try to complete grading and giving feedback as soon as possible, so you can check and fix what you are missing for the assignment. You can still ask your questions before my feedback.
2. Save the project as A3_Grocery_v2_yourname.
3. Use functions to divide your program into manageable pieces. Define three functions:
displayMenu, tipCalculator, and shippingCalculator.
a. Write function prototypes at the top and define the functions after the main function.
4. displayMenu function:
a. Move the code that displays the menu in the program into the function.
b. Whenever you need to display the menu, call the function.
5. tipCalculator function:
a. Move the code that asks users if they want to add a tip and calculate the subtotal accordingly, into the function.
b. Call the function in an appropriate place in the main menu. Pass the value of subtotal to the function when calling. Return the value of new subtotal from the function.
c. Write appropriate return type and parameter list for the function.
Optional: You may ask the user how much money they would like to tip.
6. shippingCalculator function:
a. Move the code that calculates the total including a shipping rate based on the subtotal, into the function.
b. Call the function in an appropriate place in the main menu. Pass the value of subtotal to the function when calling. Return the value of shipping added total from the function.
c. Write appropriate return type and parameter list for the function.
7. Define constants as global constants.
8. Keep variable definitions local.
9. At the beginning of the program display the menu, then ask the user if they want to give an order.
10. If the answer is no, exit the program with the exit() function.
11. Use while loop when the answer is yes in order to ask user if they want to give another order. Then, you can go through the process again and receive a new order. The subtotal will be accumulator of the while loop that keeps adding the cost of the new orders.
The program should let user to give another order until they enter “no”.
12. Use do-while loop to check if the user’s item choice is valid. Display menu and ask user to make a valid choice until their choice is valid. If their choice is invalid, display a warning message. Once the choice is valid, you can terminate the loop and continue with the switch statement. (do-while loop will be used inside the while loop.)
Use the following output screen images as a guide.
14. Use comment lines to describe block of code statements in the program.
You must submit both files (zipped project folder and .cpp extension) of the program.
· Complete and working program with correct calculations and no errors. (5 points)
· Code readability with indentations, spaces when necessary (4 points)
· Comment lines for description (4 points)
· Local variable definitions in the appropriate function. (5 points)
· Global constants definition (5 points)
· Function prototypes (9 points)
· Proper function calls (9 points)
· Functions header and body (27 points)
· While loop. (10 points)
· Do-while loop. (10 points)
· If statements to give user a message when the loop conditions are false. (5 points)
· User interaction with displaying proper messages. (3 points)
· Exit function (4 points)