Technology and forensic investigation
Creating the presentation
Presentations and discussion questions are due on Saturday evening of Week 8 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Refer to the syllabus for the grading rubric. Your presentations will be graded according to how well the presentation satisfies each of the requirements.
· Your presentation should take about 8-10 minutes for your classmates to view or review.
· If you are narrating your presentation, using a video, or providing a podcast, this time limit is self-explanatory.
· If you are submitting an unnarrated slide show (PowerPoint or Prezi), provide notes or a transcript to help your viewer understand what they are viewing.
· If you are submitting a paper, keep in mind that one double spaced page takes about 3 minutes to read, so your paper should be about 3-5 double-spaced pages in length.
· If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, you may want to do a web search on “effective PowerPoint presentations” – there are plenty of sites with great suggestions. My top 5 tips are:
1. Use easy to read fonts and keep them consistent throughout the presentation.
2. Make sure your text is large enough. For standard fonts, a pitch of 28 is usually a good size (with headers being larger).
3. Use bullet points rather than paragraphs and complete sentences, especially if you are providing narration.
4. Visual images that illustrate the point you are trying to make promote deeper learning, but don’t go crazy with the clip art! Simpler is usually better.
5. Go easy on the animations. They can be effective, but they shouldn’t be distracting.
· Remember to
provide citations
– if you are presenting a fact that you learned from an article, website or other source, you MUST provide a citation. I expect that everyone will be using citations since you all conducted research to learn more about your topics.
· In a slide show, you can provide the citation in small font at the bottom of the slide you are citing.
· In a paper, you must use in-text citations and a reference list.
· In an audio presentation, you can verbally acknowledge your source (e.g. “Dr. John Smith from Harvard University said…”) or you can provide a separate reference list along with your presentation.
Do NOT plagiarize
. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas and passing them of as one’s own. It is a serious academic offense that must be reported to the Dean’s Office. You cannot copy and paste from another source without providing a citation. In fact, you should use quotes very sparingly (less than 10% of your work). Even paraphrasing without attribution is considered plagiarism. If you have questions about APA format, citations, or plagiarism, visit the UMGC library and use the search feature to get more information, OR ask!
· Save your presentation with a title that includes your name so that your classmates won’t get confused when they download your work.
Posting the presentation
· Post your presentation and discussion question under Week 8 Course Content – “POST PRESENTATIONS HERE” by Saturday evening at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.
· IN ADDITION: Post your presentation to the Assignments link in the weekly content area. This step is important because posting to the Assignments link allows me to attach the grading rubric and send the grade directly to the grade book.
· Give your topic a subject line in the following format: Presentation Topic_Name (e.g. Parenting and Technology_John Doe).
· Post your discussion question in the body of the text.
· Attach your presentation or provide your link in the body of the text – Note: LEO does NOT have a size limit on files; however, programs like Knovio may have problems processing larger file sizes.
Monitor your presentation
Throughout the remainder of the week, check to see if anyone has responded to your presentation and provide a response as appropriate.
Review presentations
Review and respond to at least 5 classmates during the week. This is your discussion participation score for the week. Please try to provide initial responses by Sunday or early Monday so that everyone has a chance to respond by Tuesday evening.
Since everyone is working hard on their presentations, it would be nice for everyone to receive feedback. If you see that a presentation has not received any feedback, please make the effort to provide some comments to your peers so that everyone’s work is recognized.
PART 4: FINAL PRESENTATION (100 points; 23.5% of the final grade)
Due Date:
Saturday of Week 8 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time
Our last week of class will turn the spotlight on you! Essentially, YOU become the teachers. Based on the research you have done on your individual topics, you are to present your findings to the class in a well-crafted original presentation. Your presentation should cover the components listed in the rubric below. Your presentation is due on Saturday of week 8 so that the class has time to review your work.
The presentation
Your presentation can take any form you choose that is conducive to an online format. This includes narrated slide shows (e.g. Powerpoint, Prezi, YouTube), podcasts, or audio recordings. You can supplement with written materials (e.g. brochures, pamphlets, research posters, etc.) if you wish, but this is optional. Your presentation should contain about 8-10 minutes of content. Use the rubric below to structure your work. Be sure to touch upon each required component to earn as many points as you can.
Your presentation should incorporate at least 5 credible sources. These can include the sources from your annotated bibliography or you can include other credible sources that you have found.
You may use some non-credible sources in your final presentation to provide interest and detail. If you use non-credible sources, they should be from reputable sources that are known to provide accurate information. For media outlets, one way to check this is by referring to the
Media Bias Chart
which tells you the political leanings of different sources as well as the reliability of the information they provide. Notice that the reliability of information is higher among news sources that are less partisan.
and References
Remember to include in-text citations in APA-7 format that tell your audience the source of your information. If you are creating a slideshow, there should typically be at least one citation per slide. The in-text citations will direct the audience to your reference list.
Include a reference list in APA format. This can be at the end of your presentation or posted as a separate document. Remember that your reference list is a catalog of the citations you have used. You should not have sources on your reference list that have not been cited in your work.
Discussion question
In addition to your presentation, you will post a discussion question about your topic for your classmates. Your question should be open-ended and thought-provoking to ensure a rich discussion. Throughout the week, each student should monitor the comments generated by his/her discussion question and respond to the comments accordingly.
The Week 8 discussion participation score requires you to post a response to the discussion questions for at least five class presentations.
Peer evaluation
In Week 8, you are to view and respond to the presentations of at least five other students, but you are encouraged to view as many presentations as possible. You will be provided with a link to a survey that asks you to rate each presentation you view on a 10 point scale. The average peer evaluation score will be added to your class presentation score.
Best Practices for Final Presentation · Do not wait until the last minute! You should be thinking about this assignment as you complete your Progress Report and really putting your presentation together in Weeks 5 and 6. · Use the rubric provided below to see how your work will be graded and where you should be investing your time and effort. · There are many online resources for creating effective presentations. You want your presentation to be professional. If you are creating a slideshow or video, pay attention to the amount of text you use and the visual appeal of your work. If you are creating a podcast or audio recording, be sure to speak clearly and test your recording to make sure it is easy to hear and understand. · Write a script and time yourself. Practice before creating your actual presentation. · Ask questions well before the deadline if you need clarification. |
Late policy for the Final Presentation assignment: Because this is a presentation that requires peer feedback, you should make every effort to submit your presentation on time. Late work will not be accepted without approval from the instructor. If accepted, a late penalty may be applied at the discretion of the instructor.
Your final presentation will be graded according to the following criteria:
Category |
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
Missing or Not Acceptable |
(20 points) |
Interesting and original presentation that holds audience attention (20 points) |
Interesting presentation that holds audience attention most of the time (17 points) |
Delivery not terribly interesting, but able to maintain interest of the audience some of the time (14 points) |
Delivery not interesting at all; audience attention often lost or not engaged
(10 points) |
No presentation or presentation is not relevant
(0 points) |
Topic statement & significance (10 points) |
Clearly explains topic Explains why topic is important in modern society (10 points) |
Clearly explains topic and why topic is important to society, but some minor aspects are missing
(8 points) |
Explains topic and why topic is important, but some major aspects are missing
(6 points) |
Topic is unclear OR there are several factual errors
(4 points) |
No topic statement (0 points) |
Effectively traces history of the topic and its impact on society (10 points) |
Traces history of topic with minor omissions (8 points) |
Traces history of topic with major omissions (6 points) |
Evidence of history, but poorly articulated (4 points) |
No effort to trace history of topic (0 points) |
Incorporation of relevant data and research (10 points) |
Successfully incorporates relevant references to at least 5 credible sources (10 points) |
Successfully incorporates relevant references to 3-4 credible sources (8 points) |
Successfully incorporates relevant references to 1-2 credible sources (6 points) |
Unsuccessful attempt to incorporate credible references. (4 points) |
No references to credible sources (0 points) |
Cross-cultural comparison
(5 points) |
Clear and well-stated comparison of how topic impacts at least one other culture (5 points) |
Cross-cultural comparison made, but with some details missing (4 points) |
Cross-cultural comparison implied, but minor details missing (3 point) |
Cross-cultural comparison implied, but major details missing (2 points) |
No cross-cultural comparison made (0 points) |
Policy Issues (5 points) |
Clear and well-stated illustration of how policy impacts chosen topic (5 points) |
Impact of policy on chosen topic mentioned, but with some details missing (4 points) |
Policy impact implied, but minor details missing (3 point) |
Policy impact implied, but major details missing (2 points) |
No mention of policy impact (0 points) |
Discussion of future trends and how technology in this area will impact society in future (10 points) |
Excellent and thorough discussion of future trends and impact (10 points) |
Good discussion of future trends and impact, though some minor points missing (8 points) |
Fair discussion of future trends and impact, but lacking in clarity and/or major points missing (6 points) |
Unclear discussion of future trends and impact (4 points) |
No discussion of future trends and impact (0 points) |
Citations (5 points) *reference list must be provided somewhere in the presentation |
Correct use of in-text citations and reference list (5 points) |
Mostly correct use of in-text citations and reference list (4 points) |
Several errors noted for in-text citations or reference list (3 points) |
Many omissions of citations and references (2 point) |
No citations (0 points) |
Writing Quality (5 points) |
No misspellings or grammatical errors in materials (5 points) |
A few minor misspellings and/or mechanical errors in materials (4 points) |
Several misspellings and/or mechanical errors in materials that do not detract from the presentation (3 points) |
Several misspellings and/or mechanical errors in materials that detract from the presentation (2 points) |
Presentation is not understandable due to writing errors (0 points) |
Discussion question (5 points) |
Posts excellent discussion question to classmates (5 points) |
Posts good discussion question to classmates (4 points) |
Posts fair discussion question to classmates (3 points) |
Poor discussion question posted for classmates (2 points) |
No discussion question posted for classmates (0 points) |
Monitoring peer feedback (5 points) |
Excellent job responding to class comments (5 points) |
Good job responding to class comments (4 points) |
Fair job responding to class comments (3 points) |
Minimal response to class comments (2 points) |
No response to class comments (0 points) |
Peer evaluation (10 points) |
Average of peer evaluation scores (via survey link) |
Total |
/100 |
Annotated Bibliography Worksheet
Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Yin, C., He, Z., Wang, Y., He, X., Zhang, X., Xia, M., … & Li, S. (2021). Improving the regional Y-STR haplotype resolution utilizing haplogroup-determining Y-SNPs and the application of machine learning in Y-SNP haplogroup prediction in a forensic Y-STR database: A pilot study on male Chinese Yunnan Zhaoyang Han population. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 102659.
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
The authors, Yin, Wang, Zhang, Xia, He, and Li from China in their research paper looked into machine learning in relation to the determination of forensic investigations. Notably, the research puts emphasis on enhancing the chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) haplotype through the use of chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphism (Y-SNPs). Additionally, the research paper looks into the predictions done in the forensic field through the adoption of machine learning, particularly in Y-SNP. Basically, the improvement of Y-STR is of value to forensic investigators. Due to the limitedness of the current approach, there is a need for Y-STR loci addition.
In the research article, a database Y-DNA was put under investigation with the aim of improving the Y-STR haplotype. The pilot study was done in the Chinese population known as Yunnan Zhaoyang Han with the enrolment of 3473 male individuals. From the results of the study conducted in the Chinese population, the Y-STR haplotypes are able to predict the Y-SNP haplogroups. From the research findings, it is evident that the predictions are 99.71% accurate. Generally, the study shows the significance of Y-SNP in enhancing the Y-STR database. Therefore it is necessary for the forensic investigators using the Y-STR database to look into the development of haplop tools of prediction to enhance accuracy.
Key Takeaways
The information I would want to share with my classmates about this source include;
· The Y-STR haplotypes are vital in the prediction of Y-SNP haplogroups
· Research done from a Chinese population shows that this prediction is 99.71% accurate
· It is significant for forensic investigators to incorporate the haplop tools of prediction to enhance accuracy.
This source is useful for my study since it looks into the technological advancements that can help in improving forensic databases for accurate predictions.
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
This source is credible as it is peer-reviewed, unbiased as well as a reputable publication.
Reference 2 – Policy reference
Amelung, N., & Machado, H. (2021). Governing expectations of forensic innovations in society: the case of FDP in Germany. New Genetics and Society, 40(4), 498-519.
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
The article by Machando and Amelung greatly looks into the governing Forensics’ DNA phenotyping (FDP) expectations. The FDP innovations were invented in Germany and used for the identification of visible features such as color and hair. Notably, such predictions as the FDP were governed by policies labeled the DNA analysis with extension. Notably, from the article, forensic geneticists in response to such predictions stated the limits, associated risks as well as the matters of concern that are logical. This enables the distribution of accountability in the system of criminal justice. Generally, based on the laws governing different societies, various policies governing forensic science are implemented.
Key Takeaways
· The FDP technologies aid in the prediction of visible characteristics such as hair, skin color, and eye.
· Different countries have different rules, regulations, and policies governing their forensic investigation as in the case of Germany as in the source.
· The FDP technologies are still under further study and debate.
This source is key in my study topic, technology, and forensic investigation as it handles the various policies that are forensic related. Learning the various policies and the laws associated with forensic technology makes part of forensic investigations
This source is credible since it is peer-reviewed, unbiased and a publication of experts.
Reference 3
Shrivastava, P., Trivedi, V. B., Singh, A. K., & Mishra, N. (2012). Application of DNA fingerprinting technology in forensic investigation. Int J Sci Res, 2, 1-4. y+and+forensic+
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
Research conducted by Pankaj, Veena, Anil, and Mishra affirms that technology through the use of DNA fingerprinting can be used for identification purposes, especially in forensic investigation. The major key findings are that every person can be identified through the use of simple molecules of their body. Significantly, the DNA fingerprinting technological method can be applied to confirm the parentage of any person with certainty. Therefore the profiling of DNA has been found as a major breakthrough, especially in forensic science. Additionally, DNA fingerprinting has been applied in criminal cases not only in the identification of various criminals but also in the exclusion of the innocent people wrongly accused.
The article mostly highlights the key cases that have been investigated using DNA fingerprinting. Notably, the article seeks to explain the correlation between DNA fingerprinting and forensic investigations in solving various cases both of parentage and criminal activities. From the case analyzed in the article, a few teeth were found next to a petrol station, and at the same time, a missing person was reported. Therefore, the samples of the missing person’s father were tested in comparison to the found teeth. Interestingly, there were found patrilineal connections. Therefore the article highlights some other cases of forensic investigations.
Key Takeaways
The major key takeaways from this article to share with my classmates are as follows;
· DNA fingerprinting can be used in the forensic investigation of swapped children
· Criminal cases related to rape can equally be identified through DNA profiling.
· DNA profiling can be used in providing identity to the deceased.
This source proves useful for my study and project; Technology and forensic investigation since it handles most of the forensic investigations through technological methods such as DNA fingerprinting which forms the core of my project.
This source is credible since it is peer-reviewed (written by experts and evaluated by the experts) The source is not erroneous as well as not biased. It has been written by experts and evaluated by experts.
Reference 4
Ousman, S. Digital Forensic Investigation in Cloud Technology Phases.,5
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
Cloud computing in recent times forms part of the most promising technological advances. From the article, computer forensics incorporates cloud computing technologies in daily investigations. The article affirms that cloud computing helps the various investigators alongside other users in accessing quickly the resources needed from the cloud service enablers. Additionally, the author Saleh Ousman supports that cloud forensics goes hand in hand with cloud computing. Of importance, the author Saleh Ousman presents the various challenges that face cloud as well as digital forensic. For instance, Saleh mentions the use of snapshot collections as pieces of evidence, especially in cloud.
Saleh mentions some of the challenges faced in digital forensics as associated with cloud computing. Summarily there are identification challenges of various malicious activities that happened. Notably, the author Saleh Ousman mentions challenges such as log access being difficult. Therefore, the easiness of access fully depends on the cloud models incorporated. By default, cloud is volatile thereby making the system automatically erase the contents once shut down. Therefore, cloud computing as a technology has been integrated with digital forensics for investigation.
Key Takeaways
The key takeaways I would like to share with my classmates include;
· As much as technological advances greatly favor forensic investigations, there are other underlying challenges that still face forensic investigation in relation to technological advances.
· Accessing cloud logs is not a simple task
· Forensic Investigations using cloud are complex leading to cloud instance isolation.
This source is useful in my project since as much I am looking into the technology in relation to Forensic investigation, there are challenges faced too. Looking into the challenges will therefore provide better grounds for further studies and looking into various recommendations to fill the gaps.
This source is credible since it is unbiased from a reputable author, written by an expert, and equally peer-reviewed.
Reference 5
Sathyaprakasan, R., Govindan, P., Alvi, S., Sadath, L., Philip, S., & Singh, N. (2021, March). An Implementation of Blockchain Technology in Forensic Evidence Management. In 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE) (pp. 208-212). IEEE.
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
According to authors Sathyaprakasan, Govindan, Alvi, Sadath, Philip, and Singh, the management of evidence is important in the forensic science field. From the authors, the various pieces of evidence got from various crime scenes are vital in analyzing cases and offering justice to the involved parties. According to the authors, the protection of such evidence from alterations is as important as any other process in forensics investigations. Therefore, it is the custody chain that upholds related evidence integrity. The article looks into digitalizing methods such as the introduction of blockchains. Significantly, the blockchains are ledgers that are distributed digitally for transactions that are arraigned cryptographically in a chronological manner put into blocks that are open to the people in the blockchain network.
In reference to the article, the Hyper ledger Fabric is a blockchain that is a consortium in nature as created by Linux. In relation to the Hyper ledger Fabric, the study looks into ways of creating frameworks and look into algorithms into implementing a technology that incorporates blockchain in digitalizing forensic management of evidence. Through the implementation of blockchain technology, the chain of custody is maintained.
Key Takeaways
The information from the article that I plan to share with my classmates include;
· The Digitalization of the management of evidence in the forensic field is crucial in the modern era
· The incorporation of blockchains into the forensic industry is a model that is environmentally friendly
· The inability of the chain of custody maintenance makes court evidence inadmissible.
This source is useful as it involves the use of technology in relation to forensic science. Therefore this forms part of my study as looks into technology and forensic investigations. Significantly, the article handles blockchains which are current technological advancements.
This source is scholarly as it is peer-reviewed, unbiased, and relates to facts from other proven research and sources.