Beingable to articulate your personal worldview can help you formulate a personal philosophy of
practice and enhance your influence on patients and the industry. In this assignment, you will have an
opportunity to reflect on your current and future practice and the ways worldview and nursing theory
influence that practice.
Draft a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you:
1. Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that
you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care.
2. Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice
and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain how the nursing theory
reinforces your approach to care.
3. Include in your explanation a specific example of a past or current practice and how your
worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue.
4. Finally, explain how your worldview and the nursing theory will assist you in further developing
your future practice.
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within
the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting
criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at
the end of your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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jital Patel
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement
Nurses play a vital role in delivering safe, standard-quality, and efficient care. They
conduct following their worldview in this way. According to Garrett (2018), a worldview refers
to a set of assumptions and beliefs that nurses use to guide their work. It represents the way that
nurses perceive and explain their experiences. The perspective of nurses is encouraged by
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 2
culture. It gives them an ontological and epistemological framework to build their beliefs. As a
result, this essay looks at the nursing perspective, a nursing theory that corresponds with nursing
skills philosophy, and an example of how the theory could assist nursing in solving a healthcare
problem. It also considers how the worldview will be beneficial to the nursing field.
Description of my personal worldview
Nursing, from my point of view, is a comprehensive profession. It considers various
factors that interact to determine one’s response to nursing care. Religious, spiritual, and cultural
factors all have a role in accepting nursing care. When providing nursing care, patients’ religious
practices must be respected. Nurses must incorporate their patients’ various religious beliefs into
their treatment plans. Considering that belief value is vital because of religious beliefs and
content, treatment which effect quickly and efficiently!
Behaviors might influence the adoption of a specific healthcare strategy. For example,
when a patient believes that the health problem can be cured with a combination of medical and
religious interventions, it would be appropriate for nurses to incorporate the services of clerics
(Mauk & Hobus, 2019).
Furthermore, I believe that culture substantially influences the delivery of high-quality,
safe, and efficient nursing care. As a result, the nursing practice should consider the cultural
values, beliefs, and traditions that influence care. Nurses should display cultural competence
when interacting with patients from various cultural backgrounds. Competence is developed by
being aware of and respecting the patients’ values and beliefs. Nurses must collaborate with their
patients to identify the cultural aspects of healthcare that must be recognized and their roles in
promoting them (O’Brien, 2018). Nurses will give holistic care through it, focusing not only on
the patient’s health problem but also on the elements that influence healing.
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 3
Virginia Henderson’s Nursing theory in line with personal worldview
Theories have a significant impact on nurses’ care to their patients. They influence the
care decisions that nurses make. As a result, they contribute to evidence-based nursing practice.
Virginia Henderson’s theory of need is one of the nursing theories that influence my practice as a
nurse. Personal nursing values and beliefs include assisting and caring for patients to build
trusting relationships. In nursing, religious beliefs and family values such as strength and
community are essential. Some values and beliefs are similar to Henderson’s in that we both
believe in helping patients receive the best possible care, healthy relationships, and the
importance of education in nursing. According to the theory, the goal of nursing care should be
to give patients the independence to engage in activities that will meet their health needs.
Henderson observed that optimum health could only be achieved by providing care that meets
the patients’ basic needs. Henderson’s theory’s assumptions are very similar to my assumptions
about nursing practice. According to her, nurses have the professional responsibility of caring for
patients until they can care for themselves. Nurses should be dedicated to their profession as
well. They should investigate how to provide optimal nursing care to meet the patients’
healthcare needs. Henderson’s theory also asserts that nurses should be educated to provide
appropriate care to their patients (Peate, 2019). They should receive extensive training to ensure
safe, efficient, and quality practice in their settings.
My philosophy revolves around providing care that addresses the fundamental concepts
of nursing care. Nursing, health, the individual or patient, and the environment are concepts.
These ideas are also present in Virginia Henderson’s theory. Nursing, according to her, entails
assisting patients in doing things they could have done if they had not been sick or ill (Rain
Gruber, 2017). Individuals are thought to have basic needs that must be met. They may require
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 4
assistance in situations where they lack the independence to meet them on their own. According
to Henderson, the environment includes internal and external factors that influence health. As a
result, nurses create environments for patients that promote optimal health and disease recovery.
The components of needs that nurse must promote in their patient care are the final aspect of
Henderson’s theory that influences the method of operation for practice. They include, among
other things, ensuring that patients breathe normally, eliminate wastes, sleep and rest, move to
desired postures, and maintain hygiene (Rain Gruber, 2017). As a result, this theory reinforces
nursing practice by guiding how prioritized care has been provided to those in need. It serves as
the foundation for the decisions I make regarding patient care.
Current Practice Exemplification
The complete nursing care for patients in hospital settings is an example of current
practice that can be resolved using worldview and created nursing theory. In general, providing
nursing care is a continuous process. Nurses provide continuous care to ensure that patients’
actual and potential needs are met promptly. My worldview, as well as Henderson’s theory,
inform the need for this practice. As previously stated, a nursing practice should be holistic. It
should address patients’ current and emerging health needs. Current Practice Exemplification
The needs can only be identified by providing continuous care to respond to the patient’s
immediate needs for optimum health and well-being. Henderson’s theory also informs the need
for nursing care continuity. According to her, patients have various healthcare needs that nurse
must meet (Rain Gruber, 2017). As a result, nurses need to engage in continuous care to meet the
patients’ actual and potential needs.
How will the worldview and nursing theory aid in developing future nursing practice?
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 5
In many ways, my worldview and nursing theory will aid in the development of my
future practice. For starters, it will enable me to conduct research that will contribute to safe and
efficient care delivery. It will also assist me in providing care that protects the patients’ rights and
needs. My worldview and theory principles will also assist in exploring ways to improve care in
our setting. Worldview includes investigating the need for institutional practices and policies to
change to influence the quality of care provided to those in need (Rain Gruber, 2017). As a
result, I believe that my worldview and nursing theory will significantly impact the development
of my future nursing practice.
To summarize, my nursing worldview has a significant impact on my care to patients in
need. It influences the need for cultural, spiritual, and religious beliefs when providing care.
Virginia Henderson’s theory has had a substantial impact on professional nursing practice. It
shapes the values and beliefs that all nurses should apply in nursing practice. Education will help
me better train in new nursing concepts that allow me to better meet the needs of my patients and
the community (Iwasiw, Andrusyszyn & Goldenberg, 2019). Overall, my worldview and the
nursing theory have affirmed my belief that nursing is the best career choice for me, and they
have made me determined to advance my career within the profession. Worldview and Nursing
Process Personal Statement As a result, applying nursing theories and nursing philosophy will
impact nursing practice as a nurse.
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 6
B. Garrett (2018). Practical nursing is the practice of providing evidence-based care.
Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK.
K. L. Mauk and M. E. Hobus (2021). Nursing as a service. Jones & Bartlett Learning,
Burlington, MA.
M. E. O’Brien (2018). Nursing spirituality: Standing on holy ground Jones & Bartlett
Learning, Burlington, MA.
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement 7
Ian. Peate (2019). Assessment and care planning fundamentals for nurses JOHN WILEY,
B. Rain Gruber (2017). Health promotion in nursing practice today. Jones & Bartlett
Learning, Burlington, MA.
Virginia Henderson Theory of Nursing (2018). Retrieved from
Iwasiw, C., Andrusyszynszyn, M. & Goldenberg, D. (2019). Curriculum development
in nursing education (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.