https://paperanswers.comMiss Professor
Assignment 3N
Video is a minimum of 10 minutes in length with at least 5 adult audience members present and visible from time to time. The video represents an informational or facilitated presentation. This assignment is accompanied by a self-critique and the critique of a colleague (written by you) Part II written paper to the principal outlining presentation as well as comments and questions presented to you. Video is submitted on time.
Title Page
Presentation to Community Stakeholders:
(Provide VIDEO LINK in this subtitle: YouTube/Zoom Recording) Select a community organization OR school department, teacher group, etc., and make arrangements to speak at one of their meetings about a school-related issue. Possible organizations include Department Teachers, Team Teachers, Kiwanis, the Rotary Club, Police Athletic League, P.T.A., SAC, Chamber of Commerce, V.F.W., School Advisory Board, or a religious organization. The key here is that you are talking with members of the school community. You will need at least 5 adults present and your presentation should last at least 10 minutes in length. Create a YouTube account and post video and give permission to view or provide the Zoom recording.
Community advocate:
This section discusses your chosen community stakeholders group to which you presented your school related topic. Provide background as to who this group is, why you choose this group to present your topic, and what anticipated impact if any you will make with this group.
This section discusses research on your chosen presentation topic. Please include citations of research support. (2 references)
Letter to Principal:
The letter outlines the presentation as well as comments and questions presented to you from the audience.
This section discusses a self-reflection and evaluation of your performance. Include research discussion on communication, presentation styles, and public speaking. (2 references)
References: List a minimum of 4 references.
Sample of someone else
This week, I prepared a presentation for Kindergarten teachers. The training was on Classroom Management apart of a pilot program for our school to help with teaching students with ADHD. Teachers will have the opportunity to attend professional development training provided by Piedmont counseling services free of charge, due to many students receiving outside services from the agency. Creating a PowerPoint presentation allow teachers to understand student behavior triggers and important roles teachers play in maintaining classroom control. Critique of Presentation
The training consisted of four kindergarten teachers, the kindergarten department chair, and our school family engagement facilitator was able to record the training. Originally training was designed for fourth grade teachers, due to the schools Valentines dance, PBIS celebrations, and Career Week teachers were not able to have any more time taken away from classroom instruction. With school being able the following week and having to prepare for Georgia Milestones testing. The teacher’s classroom experience range from second year to twenty years in the education field. The location was the department chairs classroom on the classrooms smartboard. Teachers were able to take notes throughout the presentation and I informed teacher I would email the presentation for later viewing. The department chair also record the training on her classrooms webcam. Teachers agreed that the training was effective while touching the surface of classroom management; however, there were still questions on how to put discipline into place for students that present and or trigger the classroom to go into an uproar.
At the start of the video I made the statement, I am not a expert which I felt lost the confidence from the group. Although, the reason behind the statement was due to me being new at the school, and not wanting teachers to feel I felt their teaching methods of classroom guidance were not to my standards. Another thing I wish I could have done was complete the training with fourth grade since they have the majority of behavior problems within the classroom. Overall, I felt I was able to inform teachers of classroom behavior triggers and strategies to work on to ensure they are able to have control over the classroom. Teachers, admitted they often times stop instructional time to redirect students with behavior and allow other students to join in on disruption of the classroom due to having the mindset of PBIS as long as 80% demonstrates good behavior I have accomplished my task. I also like the fact that teachers were able to come up with the idea of starting to teach from the back, and different areas of the classroom so their backs are not facing the class.