This project will be to design a training presentation to the client’s IT staff.
The presentation must meet the following requirements:
- 11 to 15 slides of easy-to-understand content (text and visuals). Remember, your audience is the IT team within an accounting firm.
- voice annotation for every slide (excluding the reference slide) *(I will do the voice annotations).
- at least two references
The presentation can incorporate screenshots from Project 2 along with additional screenshots as needed. Content should include work that needs to go into making the upgrade successful, how to improve security using two or three of the Windows 10 built-in features, and how-to backup and restore Windows 10 data using some of the tools available in Windows 10.
The presentation should address your recommendations for the following items:
- Version Summary
Recommended version of Windows 10 (e.g., Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, Pro Workstation) and specific reasons for your choice (e.g., security features, technical and business requirements).
- Installation Methods
Explain Windows 10 deployment methods. Which method or methods you think will be appropriate for the upgrade? Consider the hardware specifications outlined in the project scenario.
- Security Features
Windows Security, BitLocker, Defender, Local Security Policy
- Backup and Recovery Overview
Discuss the importance of backing up and recovery of Windows 10. This can include explaining what types of files and data that can backed up and restored. This should address:
the problems encountered when Tetra Shillings Accounting fell victim to a ransomware attack that resulted in the loss of critical data.
the concerns that Tetra Shillings Accounting has concerning recovering data that is lost due to deletion, corruption, or media failure.
the ability to restore system files and settings without affecting the user’s personal files and data.
the concerns that the client has about recovering systems that are negatively impacted by an operating system update. - Backup and Recovery Tools
You will need to explain how to use Windows 10 backup and recovery tools to meet these objectives. Provide a brief overview of each tool and how it can be used to address the company’s concerns. Use screenshots to demo how to configure backups that address the firm’s need to recover from a ransomware attack and restore the system to a state before a Windows update, driver, or application was installed.
- Backup to Recover from Ransomware Attack
Describe how to back up and restore individual files using the utilities available in Windows 10. This should provide the client the ability to restore files lost due to ransomware attacks or other potential risks.
- Backup and Recover a Restore Point
Research how to protect backup data that is stored on the network. Based on your research, you need to present a strategy to protect backup data that is compromised during a ransomware attack. This will most likely require a strategy to store, copy, or move backups to an offsite location. In this slide, you will need to explain the risks of only having only having a single copy of a backup stored on the network. Think about if the client suffers another ransomware attack and the corrupted data cannot be restored because the backups were also compromised during the attack.
This project will be to design a training presentation to the client’s IT staff.
The presentation must meet the following requirements:
· 11 to 15 slides of easy-to-understand content (text and visuals). Remember, your audience is the IT team within an accounting firm.
· voice annotation for every slide (excluding the reference slide)
· at least two references
The presentation can incorporate screenshots from Project 2 along with additional screenshots as needed. Content should include work that needs to go into making the upgrade successful, how to improve security using two or three of the Windows 10 built-in features, and how-to backup and restore Windows 10 data using some of the tools available in Windows 10.
The presentation should address your recommendations for the following items:
· Version Summary
· Recommended version of Windows 10 (e.g., Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, Pro Workstation) and specific reasons for your choice (e.g., security features, technical and business requirements).
· Installation Methods
· Explain Windows 10 deployment methods. Which method or methods you think will be appropriate for the upgrade? Consider the hardware specifications outlined in the project scenario.
· Security Features
· Windows Security, BitLocker, Defender, Local Security Policy
· Backup and Recovery Overview
· Discuss the importance of backing up and recovery of Windows 10. This can include explaining what types of files and data that can backed up and restored. This should address:
· the problems encountered when Tetra Shillings Accounting fell victim to a ransomware attack that resulted in the loss of critical data.
· the concerns that Tetra Shillings Accounting has concerning recovering data that is lost due to deletion, corruption, or media failure.
· the ability to restore system files and settings without affecting the user’s personal files and data.
· the concerns that the client has about recovering systems that are negatively impacted by an operating system update.
· Backup and Recovery Tools
· You will need to explain how to use Windows 10 backup and recovery tools to meet these objectives. Provide a brief overview of each tool and how it can be used to address the company’s concerns. Use screenshots to demo how to configure backups that address the firm’s need to recover from a ransomware attack and restore the system to a state before a Windows update, driver, or application was installed.
· Backup to Recover from Ransomware Attack
· Describe how to back up and restore individual files using the utilities available in Windows 10. This should provide the client the ability to restore files lost due to ransomware attacks or other potential risks.
· Backup and Recover a Restore Point
· Research how to protect backup data that is stored on the network. Based on your research, you need to present a strategy to protect backup data that is compromised during a ransomware attack. This will most likely require a strategy to store, copy, or move backups to an offsite location. In this slide, you will need to explain the risks of only having only having a single copy of a backup stored on the network. Think about if the client suffers another ransomware attack and the corrupted data cannot be restored because the backups were also compromised during the attack.
Windows 10 Presentation
Prepared for Tetra Shillings Accounting
CMIT 380
Hello, I am
Today, I am presenting my recommendations for migrating Tetra Shillings Accounting to Windows 10.
Windows 10 Version Summary
Summarize the Windows 10 version
Marqwise recommends
Be specific on the version of Windows 10 (e.g., Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, Pro Workstation) and give specific reasons for your choice (e.g., security features, technical, and business requirements).
Installation Methods
Explain Windows 10 deployment methods. Which method or methods you think will be appropriate for the upgrade? Consider the hardware specifications that are outlined in the project scenario.
Security Features
Discuss specific features and settings that can be used to secure Windows 10. This should include at least three of the Windows 10 built-in security features.
Windows 10 Backup and Recovery Overview
Discuss the importance of backing up and recovery of Windows 10. This can include explaining what types of files and data that can be backed up and restored. This should address the concerns that Tetra Shillings has concerning recovering data that is lost due to deletion, corruption, or media failure. This should also include the ability to restore system files and settings without affecting the user’s personal files and data. This must address the concerns that the client has about recovering systems that are negatively impacted by an operating system update.
Windows 10 Backup and Recovery Tools
Windows 10 backup and recovery overview
◦Windows 10 tools and utilities
◦Backup methods
How can backup and recovery benefit Tetra Shillings?
◦Recover from ransomware attacks
◦Recover systems that negatively affected by Windows updates, driver, or application install
Explain how to use Windows 10 backup and recovery tools to meet these objectives. Provide a brief overview of each tool and how it can be used to address the company’s concerns. Use screenshots to demo how to configure backups that address the firm’s need to recover from a ransomware attack and restore the system to a state before a Windows update, driver, or application was installed.
Windows 10 Backup and Recovery:
Backup Data
Explain how to use Windows 10 tools and utilities to restore a system to a state before a Windows update, driver, or application was installed.
Windows 10 Backup and Recovery: Protecting Backup Copies
Risks to data and backups
Media and hardware failure
Natural disasters
User error
Strategies to protect backups
Multiple copies
Multiple locations
Research how to protect backup data that is stored on the network. Based on your research, you need to present a strategy to protect backup data that is compromised during a ransomware attack. This will most likely require a strategy to store, copy, or move backups to an offsite location. In this slide, you will need to explain the risks of only having only having a single copy of a backup stored on the network. Think about if the client suffers another ransomware attack and the corrupted data cannot be restored because the backups were also compromised during the attack.
In summary, my proposal has demonstrated why Tetra Accounting Group should upgrade to Windows 10.
Summarize your main points. It’s your last opportunity to connect with your client.
Why should the company upgrade? Why did you recommend the Windows 10 version you chose?
How will the upgrade work?
Reemphasize the security benefits and how the company can use the backup and recovery tools available in Windows 10 to recover systems and data.
[1] “How to back up your PC automatically on Windows 10,” Windows Central, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05-Jan-2020].
[2] “The Windows 10 security guide: How to protect your business,” ZDNet, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05-Jan-2020].
The example above uses IEEE style. Ask your instructor for clarification on the style to be used.
Windows 10 Upgrade Plan for Tetra Shillings Accounting LLC |
Prepared by: [__________________] |
It is essential that Tetra Shilling Upgrade the Windows 8.1 in their computers to 10.0 to ensure increased speeds and more productivity in the organization. This is attributed to several factors, such as increased storage capacity and fewer security vulnerabilities.
The opportunity: Benefits of upgrading to Windows 10
Discuss the client’s current Windows 8 environment and the issues related to running an older version of the Windows operating system.
Operating the company using windows 8.1 has several challenges, including that Windows 8.1 has no available antiviruses. Only firewalls and internet security are available [1]. Windows 8.1 makes it difficult to move between screens because there are no options for turning tiles into icons. It has interphase that takes the user more time to become accustomed to it.
· Windows 10.0 has several essential features that would benefit Tetra Shiklling Accounting, including Cortona integration that allows easier interactions of computers, which is recommended for accounting companies [2]. This helps improve productivity because multitasking is enabled.
· Windows 10.0 supports universal applications making transitions between devices easier. This will help the company improve the user interface and interaction [1].
· Virtual desktops improve screen usability by ensuring the user does not run out of screen space.
Upgrade plan
· The recommended version of Windows 10 would be Windows 10 Enterprise.
· The best method to install the Windows 10 Enterprise is by downloading it from the Microsoft website. This is because it ensures the best security for all policies involved making it safe for the company to use.
· Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager are preferred for the deployment processes [2]. This is because they are modern and compatible with most devices.
· This will boost user interactions because the user interface is better and more friendly. However, some aspects are complex and may minimize user-friendly aspects.
Strategy for keeping the operating system updated
· Windows 10 Enterprise is more secure than the previous windows 8.1 because it has an automated security update that provides the user with notifications whenever an update is required.
· It has new security features, including the device guard protecting the computer against attacks.
· The upgrades can be conducted in phases to ensure that the business remains operating. This shall involve working with a single station to keep all other stations working.
[1] Thippeswamy, G. (2019). From Windows 1 to Windows 10: 29 years of Windows evolution. ?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
[2] Đuranec, A., Topolčić, D., Hausknecht, K., & Delija, D. (2019, May). Investigating file use and knowledge with Windows 10 artifacts. In 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1213-1218). IEEE.
Windows 10 Install Proof of Concept for Tetra Shillings Accounting LLC |
Prepared by: [______________] |
The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions and provide screenshots of procedures on how to download and install a new, licensed copy of Windows 10.
Part 1: Windows Installation
[Follow the instructions in the Proof-of-Concept Step-by-Step Instruction and insert your screenshots here.]
License acceptance screenshot
OS version screenshot
Disk configuration screenshot
Custom installation vs. upgrade installation
· Installing Windows setup screen screenshot
Region/keyboard screenshot
Host machine up and running screenshot (include annotated screenshot with date and time)
NOTE: Failure to include this screenshot will result in rejection of your assignment.
Part 2: Windows Configuration
[Follow the instructions in the Proof-of-Concept Step-by-Step Instruction and insert your screenshots here.]
Step 1: Computer name screenshot
Click on “Windows” Icon, then “Settings”, scroll down to and click “About”, Click “Rename this PC” and type the desired name, finally, close the window.
Step 2: Desktop theme screenshot
Click on “Windows” Icon, then “Settings”, then click “Display”, then “Themes”, choose the desired theme from the list or browse you PC. Finally, close the window.
Step 3: Local user account screenshot
Click on the “Type here to search” window in the bottom right. Type “Powershell”, click powershell and choose “Run as Administrator”. When the cursor shows next to Sysadmin/32, type “New-LocalUser -Name “UserName”. Press Enter.
Step 4: Local group account screenshot
While still in Powershell as admin, type: New-LocalGroup -Name Groupnamehere, press enter.
Step 5: Add user to local group screenshot
While still in Powershell as admin, type Add-LocalGroupMember -Group “groupnamehere” -Member “Usernamehere”, press enter.
Step 6: Local group policy screenshot
Press “Windows button + R”, this will open a “Run” box. In the window type “gpedit.msc”, press “OK”. This opens the editor, under local computer policy>Computer configuration, expand “Windows Settings”, then expand “Security Settings”, and double click “Password Policy”. This brings up the current password policy configuration, hover over each and right click, select properties to change to the desired settings.
Step 7: Folder creation screenshot
Click on the manila folder “File Directory” on the task bar at the bottom of the screen. On the left side find and expand “Local Disk C”, right click within the list of folders and choose “New”, and name it as desired.
Step 8: Folder permissions screenshot
First, add Tetra Shilling as a u ser using the following command.
Then navigate back to file directory, c drive, and tetra folder again. Right click on the folder and click properties. Click the security tab. Select user “tetra shilling”, and check or uncheck permissions as desired. Click apply, then ok.
Step 9: Firewall configuration screenshot
In bottom search bar, type “Control Panel”, open control panel, then choose “system and security”, then “windows defender firewall”, then “advanced settings”, on left side, click “inbound rules”, then on the right, “new rule..”, choose “custom”, then “all programs”, in the drop down menu next to “protocol type”, choose ICMPv4 then click next. Pres next again, choose “Block the connection” and press next. Press next again. Finally name your rule and give it a description and click “finish”.
Part 3: Windows 10 Upgrade Project Risk Factors
From the list below, select the two most relevant/important issues to consider for this project and explain your reasoning. Then write a few paragraphs for each of your selected issues describing the associated risks and how they could be addressed.
· hardware
Although MS kept the system requirements the same for Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and now Windows 10, that does not necessarily mean a smooth transition. Sometimes older hardware will lack correct drivers or compatibility for the new OS. This can cause slow load times and memory issues, or it can stop the computer from booting at all. This can usually be fixed by updating or rolling back driver for affected hardware.
· application compatibility
Most apps (and other programs, like games or utilities) that were created for earlier versions of Windows will work in the most recent version of Windows 10, but some older ones might run poorly or not at all. This can usually be fixed by running “Compatibility Troubleshooter”.
Sources / References