Compare and contrast prototype theory and theory-based view of category representation, Explain which one better explains how knowledge is represented.
People may organize concepts through the use of schemas. Explain some of the drawbacks of using schemas.
Should models of cognitive processing try to explain general concepts, or should they focus on the processing of one type of information? For example, should a theory attempt to account for the processing of both language and music or should it focus on just one? Why or why not?
Compare and contrast procedural and declarative knowledge. Explain in what types of situations procedural knowledge might be more important than declarative knowledge.
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Hannah Stollberg posted Feb 24, 2022 8:43 PM
Prototype theory is when some members of a category are better than the others. Theory based view of category representation is viewing everything as a whole based on features, in stances, and concepts. I think that theory-based view of categories is the one that explains how knowledge is represented because you look at everything as a whole.
Some drawbacks of using ” Schemas is people sometimes distract or alter the new information to make it fit with what they already know. Then some people cling to their existing schemes even in the face of contradicting information.” (Cherry, 2019). Models of cognitive processing should focus on the processing of one type of information. The theory attempt should only focus on one category. The music or language to make sure to stay in one category.
Procedural knowledge is knowing how to do something when doing a task. Declarative knowledge is facts or information stored in memory, that is considered static in nature. One situation where procedural knowledge is used is more important is when a person is learning how to drive a car by actually driving the car. By doing the action they person is using procedural knowledge. Another one would be learning how to read a book or typing on the computer.
Cherry. (2020). The role of a schema in psychology retrieved from :
Understanding a Schema in Psychology (
Jeffcoat posted Feb 22, 2022 3:16 AM
· Compare and contrast prototype theory and theory-based view of category representation. Explain which one better explains how knowledge is represented.
The prototype concept is a technique of categorization in which certain members of a category are more central or ideal than others. This indicates that even though something belongs to a certain group of elements, it might nevertheless be seen as unequal. Many factors impact prototypes, including a person’s language, social context, and cultural background (Goldstein, 2015). The same words may be seen and interpreted differently by various persons. Prototyping aids in the organization and interpretation of the large amounts of data we get from the outside world. According to Goldstein, we may take shortcuts with prototypes and make hasty judgments and conclusions. It is also said that prototypes caused prejudiced based on social status, your ethnicity, and race. In regard to theory-based views of category is processed through recognizing objects and ideas, classification, understanding, and differentiating (Goldstein, 2015). Categorization is imperative to cognition. Categorization is also important to decision making, language, prediction, and other important factors within our surrounding environment.
· People may organize concepts through the use of schemas. Explain some of the drawbacks of using schemas.
A schema is a mental model or notion that aids in the organization and interpretation of data. Schemas can reinforce preconceptions and make it harder to remember new knowledge that contradicts our preconceived notions about the world. Schema is a person’s understanding of a certain element of their surroundings (Goldstein, 2015). However, schema can interrupt the gathering of new information as well as they ways in which we pay attention. Even though schemas help up to understand new information it can also disrupt the process. Some schemas can lead to prejudices, for instance, that will put an entire group in one category. Thus, a person that fits in a particular stereotype we will expect them to act a certain way cause. This will in turn cause us to misinterpret their actions
· Should models of cognitive processing try to explain general concepts, or should they focus on the processing of one type of information? For example, should a theory attempt to account for the processing of both language and music or should it focus on just one? Why or why not?
A model of cognitive processing may only be utilized if it has been thoroughly investigated and proven to work for other concepts. There is still a lack of scientific research on where this theory may explain anti-social behavioral patterns. However, in practice, a theory works best when it focuses entirely on one sort of data rather than being applied to a variety of notions, especially if it has not been researched.
· Compare and contrast procedural and declarative knowledge. Explain in what types of situations procedural knowledge might be more important than declarative knowledge.
Procedural knowledge, also known as interpretive knowledge, is the sort of information that explains how to execute a certain task. It is not well-known since it is rarely used. It focuses on how to accomplish something in order to solve an issue. Declarative knowledge, also known as Descriptive knowledge, is a sort of knowledge that conveys fundamental information about a subject and is more often used than procedural knowledge. It emphasizes what has to be done in order to fix an issue. Procedural knowledge is the most difficulty to grasp because no matter how many time are told how to do something you don’t fully understand it until you have essentially done it (Goldstein, 2015).
With Declarative knowledge you are understanding the information in the present time, you are aware. Depending on the scenario, certain types of declarative knowledge is more or less effective. However, just because with declarative knowledge you are consciously understanding the concept in the present doesn’t mean it is beneficial in the present. For instance, a person being told how to ride a bike and being aware of the concept doesn’t mean they are successful on the first try. You will have to practice with an understanding of procedural knowledge to be successful. In this particular scenario procedural is favored over declarative knowledge.
Goldstein, E. B. (2018). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting mind, research and everyday experience, (5th ed.). Cengage. ISBN: 9781337408271