· respond to your classmates’ initial posts. Your peer responses should be substantive and at least 100 words each. In your peer responses, select a state different than the one you discussed and compare and contrast the voter ID laws in the state you choose for your initial post with the state your peer has chosen. Also, compare your post to a classmate’s post that takes a contrary position. If you are arguing voter fraud is a major problem, then contrast your argument to a classmate that argues voter ID laws are designed to suppress voting, or vice versa.
Hey Ya’ll,
So since Louisiana is my state of residency, I’ll do my report on that. It’s where I grew up the longest, but I have been moving ever since around all of the US and overseas.
· Describe voter ID laws in a state of your choosing. Summarize any recent developments or controversies regarding voter ID laws in the state you have chosen.
In Louisiana, there are a few long-lasting laws that the residences have to follow including the ID law that requires voters to present the photo at the location of voting. They are flexible on the type of ID in certain situations though such as the driver’s license, LA specific ID, or the LA wallet digital driver’s license and Military ID. They have a link that authorizes a few more options, but we will not be getting into that. With the beginning of the Pandemic, there was a higher flex for online voting though, which I was not strong in opinion for because of higher chances of identifying fraud being possible. They have documents in Louisiana called voter identification affidavits for people who do not have the approved type of ID required for voting, in many cases, these forms can be challenged though. This situation is still skeptical to me because I believe that if the State has a wide range of availability for ID choice, what other reason wouldn’t one of the residents have to have one of these choices on them when choosing to vote.
Louisiana Revised Statutes §18:562:
· Analyze and describe the pros and cons on both sides of the debate about these laws.
· Is voter fraud a major problem for our democracy, or are some groups trying to make it harder for some segments of society to vote?
I believe that voter fraud is a major problem within the democracy the US currently has in place. It keeps all our citizens and those residents in the process of becoming citizens accountable for themselves and for the countries well being. The voting IDs make it harder for voter fraud to occur because the individuals that are not actually registered would not be able to mess with the numbers. This can be related back to the Voting Rights Act in the development that goes toward the voter ID laws. There are many lawmakers out there that keep fighting to push strong mandates in regards to voting and who/which people can participate. I do not believe that this goes toward a certain segment of society though. In the past, there were a lot of brutalities toward Hispanic and other minorities when talking about fraud charges and voting. (Still type of the situation going on) But, there is the grey area to all this type of judgment, it is not a specific race or gender, or religion, the point of the act was to focus on getting the law passed to make it to where citizens and residents were the only people who could participate, but I do not believe that came off in the direction it was supposed to when making the Voting rights act. That gives the pros and cons to the situation.
· Analyze the impact that media (mass and social) has had in influencing public opinion, specifically regarding voter ID laws.
· How was the Trump/Clinton election in 2016 impacted by voter laws and the media?
This is an interesting question to me due to the situation that had occurred. For one, it was definitely a “popularity contest” during that time in our years of politics. It felt as though the media had a strong impact when it came to the voters of the US and how they were encouraging people not to vote! The media kept attacking the government, while also putting negative toward gender and race during that election. As for the Trump/Clinton election of 2016, the least amount of voters in many years turned out for that election year because of the media and “facts” being broadcasted against/for both candidates. Race and gender were very strong subjects during this time due to the first “female” candidate running and trying to make that a strong subject when sending information out to the people. There were also cautions about voter fraud and phantoms and increased concern amongst the people. Some people believe that this was all a game and tactic that was created to make the people discouraged from voting that would impact the overall outcome of the election process.
Voter ID in Louisiana. (n.d.). Ballotpedia.
https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_ID_in_Louisiana (Links to an external site.)
How was the Trump/Clinton election in 2016 impacted by voter laws and the media. (2019, January 16). Ideal Term Papers.