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English | Graded Assignment | Semester Test, Part 2
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Graded Assignment
Semester Test, Part 2
The semester test has two parts. Part 1 has online, computer-scored questions. Part 2 has offline, teacher-scored questions. Complete the offline portion of the Semester Test now. Read each question carefully. Answer in the space provided.
When you finish, submit it to the teacher. Remember: You need to complete both parts of the test by the due date to receive full credit.
Compare and contrast Don Quixote with either King Arthur or Sundiata. How are the two figures you have chosen alike? How are they different? Be sure to use specific examples from the stories you have read to illustrate your points.
Type your answer here.
Why is devotion such an important concept in the love poetry that you have read this semester? How do the poets whose work you have read this semester address the idea of devotion in their poems? Focus on at least two works and explain the ways in which the writers use figurative language and imagery to show the devotion of a poem’s speaker to his or her beloved. Be sure to cite specific textual examples in your response.
Type your answer here.
Both Eveline in “Eveline” and Jerry in “Through the Tunnel” face challenges and turning points in their lives. How are their responses alike and how are they different? What is a possible theme of each story? As you plan your answer, be sure to include the challenge each character faces, the turning point in each of their lives, and a possible theme of each story.
Type your answer here.