Welcome to Unit 7
Posted on: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:03:46 PM CST
Welcome to Unit 7 of ITEC5060 Cloud Application Deployment and Operations. This week we will focus on security with a couple of labs aimed at using IAM to define policy and a lab to enforce security rules around areal world practice.
IAM Roles.
Retrieved from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html
In the first lab we will be using IAM to manage access to a S3 storage bucket.
Access the following lab: Implement an IAM Security Policy
You will take 2 screenshots during this lab at a place of your choice, but they should support your lab narrative
Write a 2-3-page double-spaced paper summarizing your lab experience. Outside of the lab example, how can IAM policies be used to provide security? How could they be used by your employer?
Submit both the screenshots and the paper summarizing your lab experience to the assignment for this unit. You may embed the 2 screenshots into your paper and submit a single document if you wish.
Submit your assignment documents by 11:59 on Sunday of this week.
· Identify the strengths and threats of implementing technology for the organization.
· Evaluate tasks that are needed or those already completed to enhance the security of the cloud service.
· Determine suitability of implementing the technology for the organization.
· Identify the services necessary to support applications and to successfully migrate the physical network infrastructure to a cloud provider.
· Complete the lab to configure and deploy a cloud application.
· Note how the chosen technology will enhance user support in a real-world, cloud deployment model.
· Use communication style and vocabulary inappropriate to the message and intended audience.
· Identify the strengths and threats of implementing technology for the organization.
· Evaluate tasks that are needed or those already completed to enhance the security of the cloud service.
· Determine the suitability of implementing the technology for the organization.
· Complete the lab to configure and deploy a cloud application.
· Note how the chosen technology will enhance user support in a real-world, cloud deployment model.
· Use communication style and vocabulary inappropriate to the message and intended audience. Use grammarly to catch minor errors.
Assignment 2
In the second lab, we will take another look at the virtual infrastructure level to secure systems. This is equally as important as IAM as the combination results in a defense-in-depth approach.
Perform the following lab:
Can You Implement Secure Access to a Service?
You will take 2 screenshots during this lab that support your lab narrative
Write a 2-3 page double-spaced paper summarizing your lab experience. While summarizing your lab experience, consider how using the security features explored in the lab provide security in real-world, internet-exposed settings. What would you do to improve that security?
Submit both the screenshots and the paper summarizing your lab experience to the assignment for this unit. You may embed the 2 screenshots into your paper and submit a single document if you wish.
Submit your assignment documents by 11:59 on Sunday of this week.
· Identify the strengths and threats of implementing technology for the organization.
· Evaluate tasks that are needed or those already completed to enhance the security of the cloud service.
· Determine the suitability of implementing the technology for the organization.
· Identify the services necessary to support applications and to successfully migrate the physical network infrastructure to a cloud provider.
· Complete the lab to configure and deploy a cloud application.
· Note how the chosen technology will enhance user support in a real-world, cloud deployment model.
· Use communication style and vocabulary inappropriate to the message and intended audience.
· Lab output: Lab screenshots.
· Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in technology. Assignment submission must be original work that reflects critical thinking with clear organization of concepts and ideas. Use grammarly.com before submitting any work.
· Paper length: Minimum of 2–3 pages, not including the title page or reference page.
· Resources: At least three scholarly resources. Include a reference page at the end of the paper.
· APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and format.
· Font and font-size: Times New Roman, 11 pt.
1. Performing a Security Assessment
A security assessment of a network infrastructure provides an organization with a way to identify vulnerabilities before they become a security threat.
1. Use your GCU Virtualization Solution (VM) environment as your security assessment platform.
2. Using Nmap, perform a network scan of your virtual network that you created in Topic 4 (a minimum of two targets will be added). Ensure that you fingerprint both the OS and services for each of the target
3. Using OpenVAS, perform a vulnerability scan on both of the targets in your virtual network. Recommend to your organization methods to eliminate the vulnerabilities.
4. As you go, take instructional notes and screenshots that will help to reproduce your process using the “Report Template,” located in the Class Resources.
In a 200- to 250-word essay, explain the difference between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
2. Wireshark
Organizations are becoming very proactive in their detection of network intrusions. Many are investing in Security Operations Centers (SOCs). Network security analysis is now an essential skill in the security practitioner’s arsenal.
1. Using your GCU Virtualization Solution (VM) environment, run Wireshark while you perform a second network and vulnerability scan of your virtual network.
2. Perform this assessment the same way as the previous assignment.
In a 1 to 2-page report, explain:
1. The data collected by Wireshark. Can you identify the scans that you performed?
2. How can this information be used to track an attacker in your network during a forensics investigation?
3. Provide screenshots of the data for reference within the report.
We are halfway through the course. Everyone is doing great and I am seeing some really impressive work being turned in. Stick with it and finish strong.
I am seeing some great work being submitted, so keep in mind:
· Use grammarly.com before submitting any work
· Be sure to carefully read the directions
· In the assignments, try reading the scoring guide and using headings to break out each part of your answer. This can act as a checklist to ensure that all the scored parts are covered.
This week we will be exploring the amazing versatility of DynamoDB. DynamoDb is a fully managed NoSQL database that can be created in a serverless environment and replicated across different EC2 Instances in different availability zones. For high availability and durability, DynamoDB automatically spreads data and traffic for your tables over a sufficient number of servers to handle an organization’s throughput and storage requirements. The traditional administrative burdens such as hardware provisioning, setup, configuration, replication, software patching/cluster scaling are performed automatically. DynamoDB will be covered in this unit and the following unit. For this unit, you will complete an introductory lab and provide a summary of your lab experience as well as participate in a discussion on the advantages and potential challenges for your organization in implementing an Amazon Database solution. So why do this? Why would you want a fast database with no structure – well reflect back on our serverless discussions – the storage of states by short-term processes can be much more easily managed in a simple structure like Dynamo rather than building a complicated structure that has to constantly manage the overhead of frequent adds updates and deletes.
What is Amazon DynamoDB?
Retrieved from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Introduction.html
Our discussion this week explores an introduction to Amazon DynamoDB. For this discussion topic, you have read the Unit 6 Amazon Documentation regarding Amazon DynamoDB. Using documentation provided in u06s1 and other scholarly resources of your choice, examine the potential implementation of Amazon DynamoDB for your organization. What are some of the unique features of this “cloud” database as compared to a physical database (i.e. Windows Database Server running SQL, Oracle Database)? Examine these topics in terms of your own IT budget? What are the gaps in terms of knowledge to implement a DynamoDB solution and are there any potential training costs? Finally, consider security in your response. How does Amazon’s DynamoDB differ from traditional database servers in terms of security services offered?
Your initial discussion post must be submitted by 11:59 PM Thursday.
Perform the lab: Configure a NoSQL Database by Using Amazon DynamoDB
You will take 2 screenshots during this lab and copy them into a Word document.
Write a 2-3-page double-spaced paper summarizing your lab experience. While summarizing your lab experience, consider the benefits of AWS DynamoDB over programming on proprietary physical platforms/applications. Do you see any potential security concerns or improvements? Consider the overall feasibility of implementing these services to include any additional training for IT employees (especially from a programming perspective). Finally, examine the service from an end-user perspective.
Submit both the screenshots and the paper summarizing your lab experience to the assignment for this unit.