You will perform a history of a peripheral vascular problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform a peripheral vascular assessment. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks,
Write from a nursing perspective
No consideration for plagiarism
DUE 03/ 03/2022
Clients Presentation:
Subjective Data (4 points):
Objective Data (4 points):
Describe 2 Actual/Potential Risk Factors ( 2 points):
80: Health Assessment
Instructor-Observed Skill Demonstration: Complete Head to Toe Assessment
Student Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ |
Points Possible |
Points Earned |
Comments |
Knocks |
1 | ||||||||||||||
Washes hands |
Identifies the client with 2 identifiers |
Provides privacy |
Explains procedure |
0. 5 |
General Survey (Appearance & Mental Status) |
Assess level of consciousness and orientation to person, place and time |
Assess quality and appropriateness of speech |
Inspect posture & general hygiene |
HEENT (Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat) and Neck |
Inspect head for bumps, lesions, hair distribution ,and parasites |
Inspect face for sensation (CN V [trigeminal]) and movement (VII [facial]) |
2 | ||||||||||||||
Inspect external eyes for redness & discharge. Inspect pupil size and PERRLA (CN III [oculomotor]) |
3 |
Inspect extraocular muscle movements (CN III [oculomotor] IV [trochlear, VI [abducens) |
Perform confrontation test (CN II [optic]) |
Inspect mouth – mucous membranes & general dentition condition, tongue midline, say “ah”-uvula midline, observe swallow (CN lX [glossopharyngeal], X [vagus], & XII [hypoglossal]) |
4 |
Inspect nose for discharge, nasal patency, & deviations in shape |
Inspect ears for cerumen or other discharge in external canal, lesions & gross hearing (rub fingers together by ear – CN VIII [acoustic]) |
Assess CN XI (shoulder shrug & turn head against resistance) |
Palpate the following lymph nodes: submental, submandibular, tonsillar, preauricular, postauricular, anterior cervical, posterior cervical, occipital, and supraclavicular |
4.5 |
Thorax, Lung, and Back Assessment |
Inspect shape of thorax with comparison of anteroposterior to transverse diameters |
Assess respiratory rate, rhythm, depth, presence of accessory muscle use or cough |
Inspect spinal alignment |
Percuss for costovertebral angle tenderness |
Palpate for thoracic expansion |
Palpate for tactile fremitus |
Auscultate breath sounds anterior and posterior at least 8 places on each side and 2 places in the axillary region on each side (stethoscope on skin). Total of 20 places. |
10 |
Heart and Central Vessels Assessment |
Palpate carotid pulses (ONE AT A TIME) |
Points Possible |
Auscultate each carotid artery for bruits |
Auscultate heart sounds in the aortic, pulmonic, Erb’s point, tricuspid, & mitral areas (stethoscope on skin) |
Gastrointestinal & Genitourinary Assessment |
Inspect shape of abdomen |
Auscultate bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants (stethoscope on skin) |
Lightly palpate all 4 abdominal quadrants for distension or tenderness |
Assess bowel & urinary habits, problems & last BM |
Musculoskeletal, Neurologic, & Peripheral Vascular Assessment |
Inspect and palpate extremities for edema, tenderness, temperature, deformities & lesions |
Check capillary refill of fingers and toes |
Inspect gait and balance (Romberg test) |
Assess range of motion of neck, arms, & legs (at least 3 directions for each) |
Assess strength in all extremities |
Assess the following deep tendon reflexes: patellar, plantar, triceps, Achilles, biceps, & brachioradialis. |
6 |
Locate and palpate radial, brachial, popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis pulses, assessing for symmetry and strength. |
5 | ||||||||||||||
Post-Procedure Steps |
Inquires if the client is comfortable |
Student is professional and courteous with their communication |
Ensures the client has their call light |
Ensures client’s personal items are within reach (glasses, phone, etc.) |
Washes hands |
Total Points Earned |
of 100 possible |
The above named student has: |
Passed this skill evaluation Failed this skill evaluation and must remediate. Plan for remediation: |
Student signature and date indicating agreement with remediation plan: _____________________________________ Instructor signature and date indicating agreement with remediation plan: ___________________________________ |
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