This my friend proposal and the review form.
Review Form
1/ Please give a YES or NO answer to each question and write a few sentences in each case in support of your answer.
· Summary – Is it informative and written at an appropriate level?
· Objectives- Are they credible,worthwhile and achievable by the case as proposed?
· Novelty- Are the ideas of a high quality and original?
· Description-Is the project clearly described?
· Impact- Are the impacts of the work made clear?
· Planning-Is the project well-planned and realistic in the time available?
· Management-Have appropriate management structures been proposed?
· Resources- Are the resources appropriate for the tasks and consistent?
· Biographical details-Are sufficient details given on the experience of the team?
· References-Are suitable and sufficient references given?
2/Overall Rating
Choose one of and justify your decision in a few sentences
1.Fund in full.Add supportive comments.
2.Partially fund making clear strengths and justifying what is to be excluded.
3.Reject and invite resubmission with recommendation for improvements clear.
4. Reject and no resubmission with reason given.
Review Form
1/ Please give a YES or NO answer to each question and write a few sentences in each case in support of your answer.
· Summary – Is it informative and written at an appropriate level?
· Objectives- Are they credible,worthwhile and achievable by the case as proposed?
· Novelty- Are the ideas of a high quality and original?
· Description-Is the project clearly described?
· Impact- Are the impacts of the work made clear?
· Planning-Is the project well-planned and realistic in the time available?
· Management-Have appropriate management structures been proposed?
· Resources- Are the resources appropriate for the tasks and consistent?
· Biographical details-Are sufficient details given on the experience of the team?
· References-Are suitable and sufficient references given?
2/Overall Rating
Choose one of and justify your decision in a few sentences
1.Fund in full.Add supportive comments.
2.Partially fund making clear strengths and justifying what is to be excluded.
3.Reject and invite resubmission with recommendation for improvements clear.
4. Reject and no resubmission with reason given.