Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Saturday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Week 5 – Discussion
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Saturday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
This discussion forum will be assessed on a 10-point scale and is worth 5% of your final grade.
How Does this Relate to Me? |
Prior to beginning work on this activity, review the
Week 6 Final Project
instructions and contact your instructor with any questions you may have about the theory you have chosen for your topic and the 3 applications you will explain based on the theory. Watch “
Recording Presentations with Zoom (Links to an external site.)
” and “
Use Microsoft PowerPoint with Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.)
In addition, the following video is an example presentation by a University student during the 2020 Research Symposium. Although the content differs from what you will be presenting, it will give you an idea of the look and feel of a recorded webinar/presentation.
The primary goal of the Learning and Cognition Final Project in Week 6 is to integrate concepts from the discipline of learning and cognitive psychology into a usable and professional recorded informational webinar presentation or a useful instructional/training manual that is designed for a specific audience based on your career goals. The purpose of this project is to share helpful strategies and knowledge by applying what you have learned from the course to a major topic in the field: Behavior Analysis, Cognitivism, or Information Processing. You will use your theory to also share at least three strategies associated with the theory that could be applied to your audience’s organization. You will incorporate your findings from required sources and the relevant sources you researched throughout the course. In Week 3 you were to choose your topic from the following list:
Behavior Analysis (previously known as behaviorism)
· Cognitivism
· Information Processing Theory
This week you will be submitting the following interactively so you and your classmates can more thoroughly identify areas of improvement prior to Week 6.
· The audience (career field) you have chosen to share your information with
· Examples: a hospital, a school, a marketing company, etc.
· Align the audience with your future career goals
· Your mode of sharing the information (recorded webinar or instructional/training manual)
· If creating a recorded webinar/presentation, include what software you think you will be using.
· An outline of your Final Project, including how the theory can be applied in the career field you have chosen to focus on
· If you are doing a webinar where you will share a PowerPoint, explaining how you plan to organize your slides.
· Submission of any questions you have about the Final Project
· Submission of any questions you have about using the video software
· Consider practicing with the software so you can ask questions. Be sure to watch the how to videos on each online software’s site. These are very helpful.
· Zoom
· Screencast-o-matic
· YouTube
· If you prefer to create an instructional/training manual, visit these websites for additional support: (Links to an external site.)
Learning and Cognition Final Project
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the feedback given to you by your instructor and peers on your Interactive Assignment in Week 5 and contact your instructor if you have any questions. In Week 5 you chose your audience, and the mode of presentation (recorded webinar or instructional/training manual). You will complete the development of your project for this assignment. Effective time management is encouraged to ensure a quality project.
As a reminder, the purpose of this project is to clearly and concisely explain the theory you chose and at least three applications to the organization (audience) you chose, sharing helpful strategies and your developing knowledge about learning and cognition.
As a student of psychology, as you develop your knowledge you may be asked to present concepts to organizations or even at academic conferences. Even at this University there will be opportunities for you to present your knowledge (Psych Club symposiums, Teaching and Learning Conference, and research symposiums) and hence, developing this skill will help you both academically and professionally. Although using technology can be a bit daunting, in this age, it is
imperative that we become more comfortable with this mode of communication
. In addition, if you continue your education towards a doctorate at an online institution you may have to defend your dissertation or applied project online so starting your development now, using these technologies is helpful. This is why option 1 for this project is a recorded webinar/presentation.
If you do not currently have the technology to complete this option successfully, Option 2 is an instructional/training manual for an organization that explains your knowledge and educates a group about how it is applicable and useful to them. Please see the examples given to you in Week 5 Interactive Assignment, as well as use search engines to look at other examples that may fit the style of instructional/training manual you wish to create.
Your choices of theories were behavior analysis (previously known as behaviorism), cognitivism, and information processing. You should use the theory you chose in Week 5. Each of presentation options have requirements. Be sure to review these requirements prior to completing the project.
Option B: The instructional/training manual must include:
Table of Contents
· List all sections included in the instructional/training manual with the applicable page numbers
Preface (Links to an external site.)
· 100 to 150 words
· Provide an overview of the instructional/training manual and its potential use by your chosen audience. Make sure to identify the value of this information to your audience.
· Introduction to the major theory topic (behavior analysis, cognitivism, or information processing)
· 200 to 300 words
· Provide an introductory summary of the theory you chose to focus on and explain the value of knowing this information to your audience. Why do they need to know this information?
· Also identify the areas of application strategies you will include in your instructional/training manual
· Include a thesis sentence at the end of the introduction.
· (Links to an external site.)
· Major Topic and Inclusion of Potential Applications Discussion
· 1500 to 2500 words
· Organize in sections to help your reader see where the information is that you included.
· Example: If writing about information processing, one could organize sections for each department of the organization and explain applications personalized for that team.
· Be specific in your explanations about how the application aligns with theory and the benefit it could have for the organization
· Paraphrase and use citations to support your information.
· Apply basic research methods and skeptical inquiry to explain the theoretical perspectives and empirical research that substantiate the relationship between the topic and the application of it to the organization.
· Conclusion (200 to 300 words)
· Summarize the importance of your topic to the specific target group you chose (e.g. educators, specific company, etc.) within the learning and cognition domain. To see an example, revisit the Week 5 Interactive Assignment prompt.
· Visuals
· Include appropriate visuals to support your content. Be sure to cite where these were retrieved.
Both options must include:
· Previous writings from this course verbatim may be used if applicable
· Examples are located in the W5 Interactive Assignment
· Although creative liberties are encouraged, all information incorporated should be supported and professionally presented through the consistent application of ethical principles and adherence to professional standards of learning and cognition psychology as applied to the chosen audience.
· Must include citations and references
· Must use your
Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)
· Must use at least seven scholarly sources. (Four of these sources were identified in Week 3 and may again be used.)
· The
Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)
table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
· Must address the topics with critical thought and substantiated assertions
· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in
Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)
· This includes any slides for the recorded webinar
· Must include a references section that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in
Formatting Your References List