Please look into the assignment and work on the attached word document named “
” . I’m also attaching Project 1 and Project 2 for your reference.
Please complete that extra credit one too. Please complete it by Sunday.
User ID: gnagasrinivas940@gmail.com
Password: Srinivas999@
Naga Srinivas
ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration
HW3Wrapup (Preferably Individual)
Preparation for Exam3
You need to develop a detailed integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a center and then between centers by using SOA, B2B and other technologies. You are responsible for the following deliverables (Appendix A and B Provide additional information):
· Deliverable A: Building Integrated Architectures (Individual or Group)
· Deliverable B: Homework to Prepare for Exam3 (Individual)
Please post your final report that contains results of all these deliverables on the HW3Plus FORUM. Exam3 will be based on what you posted on the FORUM.
Deliverable A: Building Integrated Architectures (Individual or Group)
EXPRIMENT: Hands-On Experiments with Smart Hubs and Smart Global Village (Individual or Team)
Please use the Service Bundle (a collection of at least two services) that you developed in project2 and then do the following experiments:
· Use the collaboration capabilities of the portal you created in Project2 to discover at least 5 other hubs (from your and other teams) and develop a Collaboration Matrix that represents the members as rows and topics as columns. Send a message (e.g., your picture) to at least two other members of your matrix.
· Please visit the SCC Lab and add at least one hub from the SCC Lab (
) to your Matrix.
· Prepare and send a one page report which describes your Matrix (its members) and the experiments you ran to the ISEMHQ. Please put your name on it.
· Please study your Matrix of SCCs and answer the following questions:
· What are the similarities and differences between the hubs on your Matrix(4-5 main features)
· Can you suggest one collaboration scenario (use case per team member) between these hubs that could be low effort but high impact for disaster resilience and/or economic development (2 general ideas)
FINAL REPORT: Prepare a final report (2 pages) that summarizes and highlights what you have done in this course. Specifically, you should prepare the
best integrated architecture
plan for your Smart Center/Hub that highlights the projects you have done this semester and answers the following questions:
· What is your ID Number and what are the Scenario names that you generated
· What did you learn from creation and experimentation with the Service Bundles
· Is the Bundle Collaboration feature an ESB (yes and no, and why).
· List the Collaboration Scenarios (Use Cases) you generated and one line on each for the value it provides to the users.
· You need to be in Stage 3 or Stage4 of the SPACE ePlanner to conduct these experiments.
· Before attempting this experiment, please watch the 16 minute videoclip of SPACE demo for B2B Collaborations at
DELIVERABLE B: Homework to Prepare for Exam3 (Individual)
Problem 1- SOA and Integration Principles
Given the enterprise business pattern (Figure 1, assume all white boxes are “applications”), answer the following questions briefly (1 to 2 sentences)
Figure 1: Enterprise Business Pattern Example (the white boxes show business processes that are automated through application systems)
a) Indicate what applications (business processes) may have to change (or be integrated) if the Patient Administration application is replaced with a new one
b). Suppose that the whole Healthcare Clinical Services will be converted to SOA. List the application systems that will have to change (or be directly affected/impacted) due to this.
c)A Healthcare Provider wants to integrate Healthcare Administrative and Clinical Services. Please develop an SOA-based Integrated Architecture. Healthcare Administrative Services are based on XML but Clinical Services are JSON based. These two systems are from two different vendors.
d) What are the three main concepts in SOA
· ..
· ..
· ..
e) What are the three main concepts in Integration
· ..
· ..
· ..
Problem2: B2B Integration
Consider Figure 2 that presents an architectural vision and answer the following questions. The dotted line shows the responsibility of the B2B Integrator (anything below the dotted line is the responsibility of the B2B integrator).
Figure 2: Conceptual View of B2B Integration
i) Suppose you wanted to exchange documents between the four agencies shown in the diagram. How many Public Processes will you have to interconnect over the B2B Integration bus (pick one of the following):
– One
· 4
· 7
· 11
ii) How many entries will be in the UDDI of the B2B Integration Bus
iii). Can the following scenarios be represented by Figure 2 (yes or no)
· Integration between government agencies (document exchanges between cities)
· Health Information Networks (HINs) between healthcare agencies
· Supply chain management between consumers and suppliers
· B2B trade between business partners
iv). List 3 common features that the B2B Integration Bus has to provide independent of the scenario
EXTRA CREDIT (Optional): 15 Points (max) – one of the following, not all
1. Complete all 9 Modules of Python from sololearn.com and obtain the Certificate (upload the certificate to Extra Credit Work Forum). If they ask for money, pls find another free site for Python.
2. Visit the SCC Lab at
and locate the Dauphin County Network. Please study this network and answer the following questions:
a. How many “hubs” are on this network that can actually participate in the SGV Collaborations
b. What are the similarities and differences between these hubs (4-5 main features)
c. Can you infer some economic development opportunities in this Region by looking at the hubs involved (2 general ideas)
3. Using Cutting Edge Technologies to Improve Your Project2: Use one of the following cutting edge technologies (AI/ML, Blockchains, IoTs/Cyberphysical systems, 5G wireless or something else) to improve your Project2 deliverable. If you use more than one technology, then you will get extra credit for it. Maximum 5 Slides. Objective is for you to learn innovative applications of new technologies. This could be your capstone project.
OPTIONAL (NO CREDIT): Your Study Plan (Revise and Expand the Plan you prepared in HW1) for a Detailed Advising Session
Review the latest ISEM docs posted on
(ISEM Corner). Especially, please review the documents posted in Stage0 and Stage1 for the MS-ISEM Program (please pay special attention to Orientation Slides and the ISEM Student Guide). Based on this review, prepare your Plan of Study (what courses will you take when and what will be your Capstone Topic.
Project 1
By Krishi Tanna, Naga Srinivas, Ohriella Kotte, Tai Nguyen, Thompson Rajan
Team Contributions
Krishi Tanna – Home Page portal, Distance learning portlet, Self-Assessment
Naga Srinivas – Overview, Services and Definition, Workflow Chart
Ohriella Kotte- EA, Electronic health records service, Self-Assessment
Tai Nguyen – E-Billing Access Portlet, Self-Assessment
Thompson Rajan – Smart Center – IoT SDG, Service Report, Broadband Access Portlet, Self-Assessment
Current Situation
Due to continued pandemic, hospitals prioritizes their patients who are affected by the pandemic.
This has caused patients with non-emergency, non-pandemic illness and other minor illness to wait for prolonged period and are failed to get their due care on time.
Migrating hospital legacy medical equipment to IoT enabled devices
Enable doctors to perform telemedicine services
Healthcare Industry Smart Center – IoT Center
Smart Center – IoT Center
The mission of this smart center is to provide training grounds to enable legacy medical devices to migrate towards IoT devices.
Assess medical device inventory from participating hospitals
Design and develop network model by which these IoT devices can be operated over the internet.
Prepare budget for migration needs for participating hospitals
Implement and deploy migration to participating hospitals
Service Report
Portlet for Broadband Access
Name: Thompson Rajan
LoginId: tomjben7@gmail.com
Portlet for Distance Learning
Name : Krishi Tanna
LoginID: krishitanna1@gmail.com
Portlet for Electronic Health Records
Name : Ohriella Kotte
Login ID: okotte@my.harrisburgu.edu
Portlet for
Name : Tai Nguyen
Portlet for
Network Management
Name : Naga Srinivas Guntupalli
LoginID: Gnagasrinivas940@gmail.com
Click to add text
Click to add text
Needed Services
General Internet and corporate services
Marketing and client client support
Healthcare Administrative Services
Patient Admission
Equipment management
Healthcare Clinical Services (Core)
Clinical Care
Health Analytics
Miscellaneous Clinical Provisions
Emergency Health Provisions
Mobile Health Clinics
Service Definition
Tele medicine bundle is a health care hub located in outskirts of Ghanaian capital offering its services to the surrounding communities.
Its overall objective is to provide health care services like telemedicine services and emergency medical services.
The healthcare hub also provides support to countless people such as the local suppliers and businesses.
Workflow Chart
Home Page – Portal
Enterprise Architecture by using EA Frameworks
Enterprise Architecture
Business Architecture
Application Architecture
Data Architecture
Technology Architecture
Business process/Business Process/Capability models
Application Diagrams/
Application Capability/
Application tec support
Data object/
Data Integration diagrams
Data context
Technology Capabilities
Technology support models
Level -1
IoT: Architecture Framework
Different methods can be used to enable collaboration, which can range from basic text messages to real time video enabled collaboration.
This approach is critical to identify problems early in the cycle thereby reducing considerable amount of cost and complexity in dealing with health care issues at the emergency room stage.
Adopting EA framework
As a team we decided to proceed with TOGAF as it can be use in enterprises such as small cities, villages and islands because it gives a complete understanding of the processes by creating enterprise architecture through its architecture development method.
Whereas DODAF is geared more towards military systems and wouldn’t be appropriate for villages or small cities
Similarly, FEAF can also be used as it has effective governance mode for enterprise architecture
Self Assessment – Thompson Rajan
Service Name: Broadband Access
Member Name: Thompson Rajan
User ID: tomjben7@gmail.com
Scenario Name: IoT
Q1: Please Identify 3 Valuable Results Produced by SPACE that you did not Produce (did it walk you through the DeliverableA Methodology – yes or no)
– Yes
Q2: Were you Able to Generate and Extend the Portal by using the Administration Role? What Did You Add?
– Added Broadband Features Page
Q3: What are the SPACE outputs for EA (list their names) and are they of Value (Low, Medium, High)
Q4: Estimated Time Taken to Produce the results by SPACE Versus by Hand
-10 min vs 5 hours
Q5: Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment
Strengths: Saves a lot of time, easy to use, very informational.
Weaknesses: Complex definitions, Rarely slow to respond, Workflow could be further simplified
Q6: IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
Center could be developed more efficiently in a better economy.
Broadband cost could be reduced
Q7. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
– Yes, PISA
Q8. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved
– High
Self Assessment –
Tai Nguyen
Service Name: E-Billing
Member Name: Tai Nguyen
User ID: Tnguyen13@my.harrisburgu.edu
Scenario Name:
IoThealthcenter Q1: Please Identify 3 Valuable Results Produced by SPACE that you did not Produce (did it walk you through the DeliverableA Methodology – yes or no)
– Yes
Q2: Were you Able to Generate and Extend the Portal by using the Administration Role? What Did You Add?
– Added Monetization of service provided (E-Billing) feature
Q3: What are the SPACE outputs for EA (list their names) and are they of Value (Low, Medium, High)
Q4: Estimated Time Taken to Produce the results by SPACE Versus by Hand
– 15 minutes vs 12 hours
Q5: Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment
Strengths: time saving, informative,
Weaknesses: UI is not starter user friendly
Q6: IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
Q7. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
Q8. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved
– High
Service Name: Distance Learning
Member Name: Krishi Tanna
User ID: krishitanna1@gmail.com
Scenario Name: SmartHub
Q1: Please Identify 3 Valuable Results Produced by SPACE that you did not Produce (did it walk you through the Deliverable A Methodology – yes or no)
– Cost Benefit Analysis, Sample Portal, Safety Measure
Q2: Were you Able to Generate and Extend the Portal by using the Administration Role? What Did You Add?
– Added the distance learning feature
Q3: What are the SPACE outputs for EA (list their names) and are they of Value (Low, Medium, High)
Benefits of EA Architecture – High
Plan Generator – High
Facility – Low
Q4: Estimated Time Taken to Produce the results by SPACE Versus by Hand
-by Space was almost 1 ½ to. 2 hours, while with hand more then 10 hours
Q5: Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment
Strength – efficient output, Interactive, Availability anywhere anytime
Q6: IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
Audit, control, accessibility, cost reduction
Q7. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
– Yes, PISA
Q8. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved
– Medium, could provide with more options to play around and possibilities
Service Name: Electronic Health Records
Member Name: Ohriella Kotte
User ID: ohriellsunrise@gmail.com
Scenario Name: SmartHub
Q1: Please Identify 3 Valuable Results Produced by SPACE that you did not Produce (did it walk you through the DeliverableA Methodology – yes or no)
– Yes
Q2: Were you Able to Generate and Extend the Portal by using the Administration Role? What Did You Add?
– Electronic health records
Q3: What are the SPACE outputs for EA (list their names) and are they of Value (Low, Medium, High)
Management plan- Medium
Strategic analysis -High
Q4: Estimated Time Taken to Produce the results by SPACE Versus by Hand
20 mins vs 2hour
Q5: Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment
UI is not simplified
Q6: IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
Electronic health records are useful to maintain records in the database for future analysis
Q7. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
– Yes
Q8. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved
Service Name: Network Management
Member Name: Naga Srinivas Guntupalli
User ID: gnagasrinivas940@gmail.com
Scenario Name: SmartHub
Q1: Please Identify 3 Valuable Results Produced by SPACE that you did not Produce (did it walk you through the Deliverable A Methodology – yes or no)
– Communication management, coverage and modification of services
Q2: Were you Able to Generate and Extend the Portal by using the Administration Role? What Did You Add?
– Added good network management system with good health care infrastructure.
Q3: What are the SPACE outputs for EA (list their names) and are they of Value (Low, Medium, High)
Enhanced Public Service– Medium
Improvements in democratization – High
Cultural mismatch– Low
Q4: Estimated Time Taken to Produce the results by SPACE Versus by Hand
-by Space was 2-3 hours
Q5: Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment
Strength – Availability, User friendly and producing good results
Q6: IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
Enhancement, public coverage and management of facilities.
Q7. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
– Yes.
Q8. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved
– High- This exercise makes and adds value on how enhance the current situations and the ideas to enhance for better development.
Project 2
Naga Srinivas, Ohriella Kotte, Tai Nguyen, Thompson Rajan, Krishi Tanna
Smart Hub – Ghana
Naga Srinivas 20%
Krishi Tanna 20%
Ohriella Kotte 20%
Tai Nguyen 20%
Thompson Rajan 20%
Deliverable A
Page of the service on the wix site, have a new tab – Each of us – 5 pages
Data Flow Diagram – Deliverable B – one diagram
SOA Diagram – Deliverable B – one diagram
Self-assessment – Each of us – 5 Deliverable B
Digital Transformation game on ePlanner – Deliverable B
References – Deliverable C – Do not forget
Front End of Ghana Emergency Smart Hub Portal
E-Health Record service
E-Billing service
Future Health
Smart Hub Technical System Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Rest API and Web Services Hosting
In our Smart hub portal we have the rental services where coming users can search for the rental equipment using API web services that is hosting on AWS cloud. Amazon web services provide on demand cloud computing platforms and APIs.
For now these services are working for website only but we will implement them also in phase 2 for mobile versions that will include (android & ios).
AWS services are being used to store the huge amount of data of users and smart hub services and other searching modules also. Only registered users with the smart hub can have the access to the available data of Ghana Emergency.
SOAP Web Services
●Web applications are defined as being interactive. Most of the people supposed to use a web application in order to perform a function and use some of the web applications features.
●Web service is a technology by which two or more remote web applications interact with each other over network/internet.
●Web services allow programs to communicate and collaborate with each other.
SOAP works somewhat like this:
The client program bundles the account registration information into a SOAP message.
This SOAP message is sent to the Web Service as the body of an HTTP POST request.
SOAP Web Services
• The Web Service unpacks the SOAP request and converts it into a command that the application can understand.
• The application processes the information as required and responds with a new unique account number for that customer.
• Next, the Web Service packages up the response into another SOAP message, which it sends back to the client program in response to its HTTP request.
• The client program unpacks the SOAP message to obtain the results of the account registration process.
SOAP Web Services
AWS web services that will be used in this project are following:
Management tools
Developer’s tool
Mobile Services
Security and Identity Compliance
Service oriented architecture and web services
SOA is an architectural style for building software applications that use services available in a network such as the web. It promotes loose coupling between software components so that they can be reused. Applications in SOA are built based on services. A service is an implementation of a well-defined business functionality, and such services can then be consumed by clients in different applications or business processes.
SOA uses the find-bind-execute paradigm as shown in Figure below. In this paradigm, service providers register their service in a public registry. This registry is used by consumers to find services that match certain criteria. If the registry has such a service, it provides the consumer with a contract and an endpoint address for that service.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
The Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP is a protocol for sending and receiving messages between applications without confronting interoperability issues (interoperability meaning the platform that a Web service is running on becomes irrelevant). Another protocol that has a similar function is HTTP. It is used to access Web pages.
SOAP utilizes both for requesting and responding, its contents vary slightly depending on its purpose.
WSDL is a document that describes a Web service and also tells you how to access and use its methods.
XML is an extensible Mark-up Language that enables you to identify and organize your information in a more accurate and flexible way. It is called extensible because it does not have a fixed format.
This flexibility is exactly what Web services use to make it both platform and implementation independent. XML is most widely used in RSS documents, which are used for news syndication on the Internet.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
This figure shows the service-oriented architecture of Web services. First, the service requester generates request message X in SOAP format according to the WSDL document obtained from the service provider or service broker (UDDI).
The service provider replies by verifying if the service requester is authorized to obtain the service according to its authentication policy.
It performs the operations specified in X and returns the execution result in another SOAP document.
Identity service Xml
Planning for Service Bundles For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions
Bundle Type: Emergency Medical Services
Member Name: Ohriella Kotte
User ID, and Scenario Name : OKotte@my.harrisburgu.edu, Health
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Ans: 70%
Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility
Ans: Yes
Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles
Ans: Emergency medical services
Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High)
Ans: Medium
Q5. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved?
Ans: High, help us understand the topics (games)
Planning for Service Bundles For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions
Bundle Type: Rental Medical Services
Member Name: Naga Srinivas Guntupalli
User ID, and Scenario Name : gnagasrinivas940@gmail.com, Health
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Ans: 70%
Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility
Ans: Yes
Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles
Ans: Rental medical services
Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High)
Ans: High
Q5. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved?
Ans: High, where playing games was much value added.
Planning for Service Bundles For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions
Bundle Type: Medicine Tracking
Member Name: Tai Nguyen
User ID, and Scenario Name :
, Health
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Ans: 60%
Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility
Ans: Yes
Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles
Ans: Medicine Tracking
Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High)
Ans: Medium
Q5. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved?
Ans: High, through playing games
Planning for Service Bundles For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions
Bundle Type: Cloud Storage
Member Name: Krishi Tanna
User ID, and Scenario Name : ktanna@my.harrisburgu.edu, Health
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Ans: 80%
Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility
Ans: Yes
Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles
Ans: Cloud Storage
Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High)
Ans: Medium
Q5. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved?
Ans: High, provide better understanding of the services
Planning for Service Bundles For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions
Bundle Type: Broadband Access
Member Name: Thompson Rajan
User ID, and Scenario Name : tomjben7@gmail.com IoT
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Ans: 80%
Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility
Ans: Yes
Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles
Ans: Broadband Access
Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High)
Ans: Medium
Q5. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved?
Ans: High, provide better understanding of the services
Thank You
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Deliverable B: Hands-On Experiments (Primarily Individual)
Prepare a final report that summarizes and highlights what you have done. Specifically, you should
prepare the best integrated architecture plan for your Smart Center/Hub that answers the following
What is your ID Number and what are the Scenario names that you generated
ID: nivedeeta.kale@gmail.com, scenario name: healthcareceenter
What are the lessons learned from Proj2 hands-on experiments and this Project Deliverable A.
It helped in moving forward with the project to determine how different components can be
integrated specially B2B and G2G.
What did you learn from creation and experimentation with the Service Bundles
It helps in easy understanding on the services, to create and send its bundle to different hub,
within an enterprise
Is the Bundle Collaboration feature an ESB (yes and no, and why).
Yes it is an ESB as it acts as a mediator to create and send documents, which helps in
List the Improvements in Your Report (PROJECT3) as a RESULT of these experiments (just a list)
Business Continuity
Audit List
What is the academic value of this hands-on exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value
be improved
High value, it is the effective tool easily being provided with different processes and
recommendation and helps in managing overall project tasks.
1.1: Last Look at the Business Pattern
Given the enterprise business pattern (Figure 1, assume all green boxes are “applications”), answer the
following questions briefly (1 to 2 sentences)
– Indicate what applications will have to change (or be integrated) if the inventory application is replaced
with a new one — Purchasing, procurement and scheduling needs to be changed as they are directly
connecting to Inventory, they will have impact to some level.
– Out of all the applications in this diagram, which application, if replaced, will have the least impact on
the overall corporation (in terms of integration) and why –KM will have least impact as that can be
convered under Research and development as well as business intelligence which has vast variety of
database and knowledge base relating to it to be stored in the database.
– Out of all the applications in this diagram, which application, if replaced, will have the most impact on
the overall corporation (in terms of integration) and why – Most impactful application would be CP
which is corporate planning, that becomes the base for any further planning either it is about enterprise,
applications, processes etc.
– Customer payment and shipping both have the same number of interactions (three). You have to
decide which one, if down (unavailable), will have more impact. What additional information will help
you make a better decision. –If customer payment is down, order processing and purchasing will be
difficult and impact a lot as that is the starting point when the business is in market and in demand, if
there cannot be purchase and ordering processing, shipping won’t take place.
– Identify one more piece of management information that can be obtained from this pattern.—If
customer payment goes down, there will be vast feedbacks and issues occurring from customers and
customer support will have to come in action and manage its process to deal the customers.
– Map this business pattern to a high level SOA view (you only need to show the business functional
areas (the 7 yellow boxes) –The ones in yellow boxes can be mapped to platform and middleware
services components of SOA where specialized services like B2B occurs.
Corporate Mgmt
Warehousing &Distribution
BI=Business Intelligence
BMC=Business Monitoring & Control
CP = Corporate Planning
EP = enterprise purchasing
KM = Knowledge Management
MC= Monitoring & Control
Human Resources
Research estorefronts
Finance accntg
Finance & Accntg
Supply Chain Management
1: Enterprise Business Pattern Example (the green boxes show business processes that are
automated through application systems)
1.2 : Enterprise Architecture Questions
Given the ‘business pattern’ in Figure 1, answer the following questions briefly (1 to 2 sentences)
a). Suppose that the whole Corp Management System (CMS) will be converted to SOA. List the
application systems that will have to change (or be directly affected/impacted) due to this.
BI, BMC, CP, EP, KM will be changed because of this as it needs to be considered in which building blocks these
should lie, such as middleware services, business processes, enterprise applications or networking services.
b) List three main things that you will need to do to make CMS a completely SOA-compliant system
1. The BPS need to be categorized under the building blocks of SOA architecture which should be reusable
components better mapped with SOA components
2, The processes impacting to different applications needs to be properly integrated to those coming under SOA and
ESB which has well defined interface directory.
3. They should support business scalability and flexibility, needs to be web service enabled.
c) Show an architecture for the CMS system as an SOA view (a simple sketch will do)
d) What will be in the UDDI after converting CMS to SOA (don’t show code, just list the services that will
be in the UDDI) Services under UDDI will be Corporate service, monitoring serve, knowledge base
1.3: Web Services
Surf the Net to find answers to the following questions
a) What is Web Services and what are its three main properties (one para)
Web services are used to communicate between applications based on various programming
1. Web services are self-contained
On the client side, no additional software is required. A programming language with XML and
HTTP client support is enough to get you started. On the server side, you only require an HTTP
server and a SOAP server.
2. Web services are language independent and interoperable
The client and server can be implemented in different environments. Any language can be used to
implement Web service clients and servers.
3. Web services are inherently open and standards-based
XML and HTTP are the major technical foundations for Web services. A large part of the Web service
technology has been built using open-source projects.
b). The WSDL in the following listing shows a service with get-inventory-level operation. Add another
operation that updates the inventory (just show additional code). .
Listing: WSDL for Inventory
Problem Category 2 — Integration Principles
2.1) Given the architecture in Figure 2
– Which apps are “WS” enabled, i.e., have their own WSDL –All the apps are WS enabled, specially interface
– Which apps are using adapters –app1, app2, app3
– What will be in the UDDI for this case (don’t show code, just list the services that will be in the UDDI)
Under UDDI, services will come for integration hub, administrative services and application
Figure 2
2.2: Answer the following questions
a). List the 3 key properties of a business component
A component is built so that it can be easily combined and composed with other components for
enterprise needs.
A component has a socket as a software for interface with the infrastructure.
Components provide services and are the foundation of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA)
b). How is Web Services (WS) related to SOA, pick one
– the same, i.e., WS = SOA
– WS supports SOA
– WS is not related to SOA
— WS supports SOA
c). Suppose you need to access the data from a remote application R (the application can be
internal, external or any other as shown in column one below). Given the 3 levels of integration
(data level, program level, user interface level), specify what option will you use and why (one
Application R Data Level
Program Level
User Interface
Level integration
Data level
Integration will be
used to organize
data properly
internally and
ready to use and
depending on their
level externally
Application with
Program level
integration as
application will
have it API and
the programs
running under it
should be well
mapped with the
application with
no API
For any external
application to
work properly
communication is
needed for that
user level
integration is
required to make
it easy to
Internal and
(some with API,
some not)
External and
Internal with and
without API needs
to be programed
properly in order
to be easily
mapped with
respect to its
business process
and content as
well as external
user interface,
which needs to be
easy to use.
2.3: B2B Integration
Consider Figure 3 that presents an architectural vision and answer the following questions. The dotted
line shows the responsibility of the B2B Integrator (anything below the dotted line is the responsibility of
the B2B integrator).
= Adapter/Connector for BIB
= Private Process = Public Process (BIB Client)
B2B Integration Bus (BIB)
Agency 2 Agency3 Agency 4
“End User Bus (user Interface)”
Different Levels of Issues (at Least Two)
Figure 3: Conceptual View of B2B Integration
i) Suppose you wanted to exchange documents between the four agencies shown in the diagram.
How many services (processes) will you have to interconnect over the B2B Integration bus (pick
one of the following):
– One
– 4
– 7
– 11
Ans: 4
ii) How many entries will be in the UDDI of the B2B Integration Bus
Ans: 7
iii). Can the following scenarios be represented by Figure 3 (yes or no)
• Integration between government agencies (document exchanges between cities)
• Health Information Networks (HINs) between healthcare agencies Yes
• Supply chain management between consumers and suppliers Yes
• B2B trade between business partners Yes
iv). List 3 common features that the B2B bus has to provide independent of the scenario
Prepare a one page (1-2 para) proposal on a topic of your choice that may be pursued for thesis or
applied project (capstone). For CPT students, you must choose a topic that is related to your CPT
assignment. For CPT indicate how this course and proposed project is related to your CPT. The Proposal
should show:
Proposal Title
Thesis or Applied Project
When are you planning to take Grad695 (it is a prereq to Grad/ISEM699
When are you planning to take Grad699/ISEM699
Describe what are you going to do (1-2 Para)
Subject/Title: Healthcare Clinical
My CPT assignment is about healthcare hub. I work as a Technical business analyst
for a healthcare firm. Since I joined it seems that the process for any clinical
technology and hardware equipment seems tedious. I work for Philips Healthcare and
we face situations where afield service engineer has to visit a site where an issue with
the clinical product has been issued. I would like to automate the process where it
becomes clear depending on the clinical equipment model number; how far the agent
stays that can come up and fix the issue with the product. Clinical equipment is very
important on an individual level and an organization as it helps in maintaining the
health of the patients at a hospital or at home. It needs to look for those company
agents who are near to that location as well as trained on that product model and fix it
properly. The automated process will be to automatically show which agent can attend
that location in person to fix it.
Firstly it would map where the location is exactly and search for any field service
engineer located nearby that zip code. Secondly, it will go ahead and dig out his
details to see if that agent is trained on that product model or not. If he is able to fix it
then he is supposed to sign in the mobile app and select that area and move ahead.
This way this CPT course is helping me do my job in a much faster manner and that
customer experience will improve in the enterprise for clinical equipment. It take
analysis and planning to go ahead with this assignment to get details about the clinical
records, their product models and field service engineers and then go ahead with the
automation. Hence, this will also require pulling data from the database first and
creating a nice portal for field service engineers, zip codes and clinical equipment. For
this, HTML, Web service knowledge is needed as well.
Apart from this project, every other course is helping me in my CPT program.
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAL2T_7.1.0/com.ibm.cics.tx /concept
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAL2T_7.1.0/com.ibm.cics.tx /concepts/c_propties_websrvces.html
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAL2T_7.1.0/com.ibm.cics.tx /concepts/c_propties_websrvces.html
- ISEM 540 HW3 Plus
- Deliverable B: Hands-On Experiments (Primarily Individual)
- Problem Category 2 — Integration Principles
Name: Nivedeeta Kale
DELIVERABLE C: Reflective Homework (Individual)
Problem Category 1- Architecture and SOA Principles
1.1: Last Look at the Business Pattern
1.3: Web Services
2.1) Given the architecture in Figure 2
2.2: Answer the following questions
2.3: B2B Integration
Scalability, customer service, more customers
PROBLEM Category 3: Possible Thesis/Practical Project
Describe what are you going to do (1-2 Para)
Subject/Title: Healthcare Clinical
My CPT assignment is about healthcare hub. I work as a Technical business analyst for a healthcare firm. Since I joined it seems that the process for any clinical technology and hardware equipment seems tedious. I work for Philips Healthcare and we face situations where afield service engineer has to visit a site where an issue with the clinical product has been issued. I would like to automate the process where it becomes clear depending on the clinical equipment model number; how far the agent stays that can come up and fix the issue with the product. Clinical equipment is very important on an individual level and an organization as it helps in maintaining the health of the patients at a hospital or at home. It needs to look for those company agents who are near to that location as well as trained on that product model and fix it properly. The automated process will be to automatically show which agent can attend that location in person to fix it.
Firstly it would map where the location is exactly and search for any field service engineer located nearby that zip code. Secondly, it will go ahead and dig out his details to see if that agent is trained on that product model or not. If he is able to fix it then he is supposed to sign in the mobile app and select that area and move ahead. This way this CPT course is helping me do my job in a much faster manner and that customer experience will improve in the enterprise for clinical equipment. It take analysis and planning to go ahead with this assignment to get details about the clinical records, their product models and field service engineers and then go ahead with the automation. Hence, this will also require pulling data from the database first and creating a nice portal for field service engineers, zip codes and clinical equipment. For this, HTML, Web service knowledge is needed as well.
Apart from this project, every other course is helping me in my CPT program.