Create a business plan for the following ” Health and Wellness Center “- mainly targeting youth
Business plan will need to include : How to get money for this non profit business , what services the facility will offer such as counseling, weekly meet ups, depression, anxiety, and stress intervention, how will you draw youth to the community, and more.
I have attached the directions below, please read carefully.
I need the assignment done correctly.
Business Plan Template
Company Name:
Are you the owner or will you have partners?
Share about yourself and why you are qualified to start this business (degrees, certifications, etc.)
Scope of Services:
List and share details about the services you would offer.
This section should be in paragraph/paper form. You will need to use references in this section
and utilize APA formatting for citing. Share the scope of the need that your business addresses,
any public policy that impacts the need, and why your business is needed and important. This is
where you justify opening your business. This section should be a large portion of your business
plan and create the foundation for how your business will be sustainable.
Target Audience and Scope of Target Audience:
Who will your business serve? What geographic areas will you serve? You will need to do
some research for this section as well to share statistics or numbers for your target audience. If
you can find statistics for your specific geographic area, that is best. That might not be possible
so you can share national or state statistics instead. This section will justify the need in your area
or the need for your target audience.
List and justify why these people are important to your business. You do not need to list specific
people but can list by category, such as Lawyer.
Competitors and Edge:
You will need to know what competition or similar businesses are in your area and what makes
you different from them.
Sources of Revenue/Funding
How do you plan to be sustainable?
Start-Up Expenses
List what expenses you have as part of your start up. You do not need to list amounts for this
abbreviated plan but list what you need to consider to start your business. Also, where will this
money come from?
Marketing Strategies
List or paragraph form. Justify why that marketing strategy is appropriate for your business.
Short and Long-Term Goals and Timeline
List both short term (over the next year) and long term (5-10 year) goals and include a timeline
with the list.
*References should be cited in text and a reference page (APA formatting) should be included.
HSL 4859_Administration in Youth and Family Services
Business Plan
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to think about administration from a business
owner’s perspective.
Total points possible:
**Note. A couple of other resources IF you decide to do something like this in the future:
SCORE (nonprofit – free business consultations, classes for writing business plan, help with
deciding between LLC and INC, etc…). There are likely consultants in your area…Chapters
across the United States (consultants are usually retired business owners or bankers).
Lending Club (if you need start-up money, etc… and have decent credit. It’s also a decent place
to invest when you do have money):
For this assignment, you will write an abbreviated business plan. Each section should have a
heading and be listed in the order below. Resources are required and necessary. There is no
particular number required, but you will need enough to adequately cover the information needed
for your business plan.
Task/Section Points Possible
Introduction: Company name/owners/
your bio/qualifications
Scope of services (what you would offer) 10
Background/significance (e.g., how many
people are impacted by a problem you are
trying to solve, public policy, etc…) Use
research and site your sources in APA.
Target audience and scope of target audience 10
Competitors and edge (what you have to offer
that others do not)
Sources of revenue/funding 5
Start-up expenses 5
Marketing strategies 5
Short and long-term goals and timeline 5
APA and reference 5