In preparation for our discussion on the Criminal (In)Justice System, Child Welfare System, and Criminalization of Youth:
- Listen to: (Links to an external site.)
- Watch: (Links to an external site.)
- Submit a reflective critique including but not limited to:
The key takeaway from each of the links (what was the main message/argument being made by the speakers?)
Do you agree or disagree with the main approaches to potential solutions offered by the presenters for youth and families involved in the criminal justice system and youth involved in gangs?
Was anything surprising – why or why not?
General reactions (what emotions, thoughts, questions, and ideas did these conversations bring up for you?)
Make connections to Dasani’s story and the types of support or lack thereof that she and her family experienced when interacting with school officials, welfare officials, and broadly the criminal justice system. What could have been different?
Make connections to the approaches suggested by the authors of Reclaiming Youth. For example, do the approaches discussed in the podcast and webinar align with what Lary, Martin, and Steve discuss in their book? Why or why not?
*Show that you are engaging with and connecting all of the material and demonstrate that you are thinking critically about these.