Title of Paper (Title Case)
Name of Student
Wilmington University
Course Number and name of course (For which the paper is being written)
The course instructor’s name and title (ask for the instructor’s preferred form if possible; e.g., “Dr.,” “Ms.,” “Mrs.,” “Mr.,” or a different title)
Date Paper is due (November 14, 2020)
Title of the Paper Again – Should Match the Title Page (Title Case)
Here is the body of your paper with everything that your instructor is asking for. Again, your teacher should detail for you what your text should cover here – what kind of assignment is it?
One helpful hint that cannot be stressed enough: develop your References page as you go. Every time you use someone else’s work, first put in an in text citation and then enter it onto your References page. EVERY TIME. It takes a little bit more time in the short run, but will save you lots of time in the long run. Work smarter, not harder….
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. (2020, April 23). Report highlights Delawareans’ desire for climate change action.
Report highlights Delawareans’ desire for climate change action
Frankopan, P. (2017). The silk roads: A new history of the world. Vintage.
Philippakos, Z.A., & MacArthur, C.A. (2016). The effects of giving feedback on the persuasive
writing of fourth and fifth-grade students. Reading Research Quarterly, 51, 419–433.
Sang-Hun, C. (2020, May 2). Kim Jong-Un is back. What happens when he’s really gone?. New York Times.
· Alphabetical order, first by author (even a corporate author) and then by title if no author is listed
· Double space
· Hanging indent (1st line on left margin; other lines indented a ½”)
· Look at what KIND of source you have before you decide what elements should be in your reference citation. Books have different elements than online journals than sources from a library database, etc.