Textbook Reading from:
An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach
The Davidic Covenant and Its Place in Scripture
Chapter 21: The Gift of Warlords – Judges
Chapter 22: The Gift of True Strength – I Samuel
Chapter 23: The Gift of the Davidic Covenant
Chapter 24: The Gift of Kingship
Video Presentation:
1) In order to get full points, you must make reference to at least two separate sources in
each post.
2) Your initial post should make reference to at least one of the textbooks.
3) Listing sources at the end of a post does not count as using them. You must include a
specific page that you are referring to in your post.
4) You are expected to use the Bible when relevant to the question, but it is not considered a
5) A source is an assigned textbook, one of the readings or videos identified in Blackboard,
or another source that you find through your own research.