Research on author
Research Essay: English 102
The assignment? You will be responsible for writing a research essay with a minimum of
1,200 words and maximum of 1,500. This should be in between 5-6 pages. All papers should be
typed, double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1” margins. Papers should contain your
first and last name, class title, assignment, and due date in the top left-hand corner. Page numbers
(with your last name) will be in the top right-hand corner. This essay will follow MLA format
like what you composed in English 101.
Theme of the paper? In this essay you will choose one of the authors from the list below.
Depending on the author you choose marks whether you will be analyzing THREE poems or
ONE short story/play by said author. You will be responsible for drawing on literary criticism of
the poems or short story/play, biographical materials of the author, and studies of the author’s
historical and cultural context.
Raymond Carver
Sherman Alexie
Tim O’Brien
Joyce Carol Oates
Alice Munro
William Faulkner
Flannery O’Connor
Kate Chopin
Ernest Hemingway
William Wordsworth
Emily Dickinson
Robert Browning
Walt Whitman
Langston Hughes
Maya Angelou
Edgar Allan Poe
Robert Frost
William Shakespeare
Three Types of Essays: Critical, Biographical, and Historical/Cultural
**All THREE should be included within your essay!
**pages 1951-2001 from the Norton textbook is a good extra resource.
o Meaning and significance of the literary work
o Specific text on the author’s work or the genre of literature
o Think about the elements here and how they play a role
o Author’s experiences shape both what they write and how
o Learning more about the author’s life, work, and ideas how do these shape the
o Biographies, letters, etc.
o Literary work is shaped by the circumstances, events, and debates peculiar to its
historical and cultural context
o Explore the connections between the text and the culture it is written in or depicts
o Studies of historical time periods, or documents from that period
You must have at least five sources for your essay. However, you may find that you will
need even more. These may come from books, magazines, journals, or the Internet, but
try not to rely completely on one type of source (such as using only the Internet). This
does not mean, however, that you have to have one of each type of source.
You might want to use an encyclopedia (topic specific) for some background
information. But encyclopedias can only count as one of the five required sources. If you
do use an encyclopedia, use a topic specific encyclopedia (i.e. An Encyclopedia on the
Vietnam War), not Encarta or World Book or any of those generic types. Do not use
Wikipedia as a source.
All sources must be represented within the text of the essay, which means that you must
cite each source at least once. You will follow the MLA format for citing these sources.
Your essay must also have a Works Cited page that lists the sources used in your essay. It
will be written according to the MLA format. It does not count toward the required length
of the essay.
Your text (Norton) is a wonderful resource with some background on “how to write a
literature research essay”. Don’t be afraid to use this text to guide you through this
process. This text can also be used as one of the five sources if your short story, play, or
poem is within.
Your sources should do the following:
o All should deepen and enrich your argument about the literary text(s)
o You should still have an argument of your own. Be careful not to simply repeat
with the sources claim. The sources are there to back up YOUR argument.
o Make sure you not only argue but provide evidence to back up your claim.
These are not unknown authors. They have been researched and written about many
times throughout history.
Any time you can choose a print source (or a full-text printed source on a licensed
database) you will be dealing with reliable and peer-reviewed information.
You should look at a topic-specific encyclopedia or other reference book to begin your
research, especially one that lists the author on each entry.
You should also try an “Advanced Search” on Google to see what sources are available
on the Internet. This might also provide you with a bibliography or listing of other
available sources.
All libraries are open to the public and you would just photocopy chapters if you may not
check out the book. Being a TTC student you also have access to CSU, MUSC, Citadel,
and CofC.
*25% of overall grade
* The essay must be at least 5 full pages (approximately 1200-1500 words) in length. The Works
Cited page does not count in this total. All citations will be done in MLA format.
*Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12, 1” margins, page numbers (with last name)
in top right corner, first and last name, class, assignment name, and due date in top right corner.
* Plagiarism has been a problem with this assignment. If you do not understand what plagiarism
is, please ask, because plagiarism of any kind will result in a failing grade. Blatant plagiarism
will earn you a zero for the essay and possibly academic probation.
*You will submit a Rough Draft, which I will return with my comments. Then the final draft will
be due. Please check the course calendar on D2L for due dates.