Interactive Smartphone Observations
Lesson 1 of 1
Smartphones are now an ever-present part of people’s lives; it has become common practice to individualize a smartphone to reflect a person’s life. They can provide quite a few clues about the owner, both from the smartphone itself to the information contained on it.
Select 1 smartphone image below to investigate for this assignment.
For the image you selected, make observations about the smartphone by clicking on each of the hotspots (pluses) on each image to access more information from the apps. You’ll be using your observations to determine who the smartphone’s owner (the audience) could be for your return note.
Consider the following questions in your analysis:
· What inferences can you make about the owner based on the home screen or apps on the smartphone?
· Can you make any assumptions by observing the type of smartphone and its condition?
· What might the smartphone reveal about the owner, such as their health, values, age, or wealth? What are you first reactions?
Complete the Audience Observations Activity document.
Phone 1
Phone 2
Phone 3
Please reference these phones as many times as you’d like. Take any observation from this activity to complete your assignment.
AudienceObservations Activity
Complete this activity using the smartphone image you selected from the Interactive Smartphone Observations activity.
Consider the following questions as you analyze your selected image:
· What inferences can you make about the owner based on the home screen or apps on the smartphone?
· Can you make any assumptions by observing the type of smartphone and its condition?
· What might the smartphone reveal about the owner, such as their health, values, age, or wealth? What are you first reactions?
Complete the questions below using the corresponding instructions.
1. Below list 3 to 5 observations about your selected smartphone. For each observation, provide 1 inference about the smartphone’s owner (audience).
*Provide a smartphone observation. Example: Lots of unread messages
*Provide an inference about the smartphone’s owner/audience. Example Maybe the person is very busy
Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3
Observation 4
Observation 5
2. Assume you were able to determine the smartphone owners email address. Consider what you observed about the smartphone and what you believe are characteristics of its potential owner.
Consider how what you learned about the owner might affect your word choices or sentence
Structure when writing to that person. Based on those considerations, draft a message to the
Owner offering to return the smartphone.
3. In a few sentences, identify which of your observations impacted the note you wrote to the
smartphone’s owner. Provide how your knowledge of your audience affected your choices as an author.
Phone 2
Phone 3