1) TCS Case Study: Enbala helps the world energize efficiently:
2) Company Name and Product: Enbala-creating an energy future that is sustainable and balanced
3) Current Export Markets: United States, Japan, Australia, Europe’s Baltic Countries, Middle East
Research Report (20%) due Week 6
This is an applied research for a specific Canadian company. Please choose one case study from the success stories provided from the website link below. Also, choose 5 markets (countries), and your professor will select one among the 5 for you.
1. In the Research Report, you will identify 3 main points that can add value to the company. For example: Which new markets can they export to? What are the trends in this sector? Is there a trade agreement that benefits the company? How can the company increase their competitive advantage in their new and existing markets? (Please note: you can still choose a country that the case study indicates that they have already exported to.)
Topic of the Research Project: How profitable would it be for Enbala Power Network to export its product to Australia?
Examine what the trade relationship is between Canada and Australia.
Students cannot choose the same case study. Please join the discussion board in order to know what case studies are available or unavailable.
For your research, use the following Canadian sources plus journal articles (eCentennial online library) and Industry Canada data.
1. Export Development Canada:
2. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service:
3. FITT Trade Ready:
4. Canadian Business:
5. Maclean’s:
6. Financial Post:
7. BNN Bloomberg:
8. McKinsey & Company:
1. Research Report
Number of Sources Required (At least 6 sources including TCS source)
· Canadian sources: Go to Canadian sources above and search your key words (instead of using Google)
· 1 journal article: From eCentennial –> Library resources –> A-Z databases –> Business Source Complete, then search your key words (instead of using Google)
· Industry Canada data:
Identify 3 main points you want to make that can add value to the company (and other companies in the same market and sector). For example: Which new markets can they export to? What are the trends in this sector? Is there a trade agreement that benefits the company? How can the company increase their competitive advantage in their new and existing markets?
Report Format
· 3 pages of text (typewritten, single-spaced, 12 font size, Times New Roman)
· Include cover letter, related charts, graphs, photos and references
· Cover letter (addressing the company)
· Title of your paper
· Abstract: This section is often written in italics
· Key words: provide 4 to 8 key concepts in your research
· Introduction
· Background
· (Point 1)
· (Point 2)
· (Point 3)
· Conclusion
· Page of references
Useful Hints
· The abstract is a summary of the whole paper, i.e., one can just read the abstract to know the main content of your paper.
· The title is a summary of the abstract, i.e., one can look at the title to know the main issues you discuss in the paper.
· The first sentence of a paragraph is often the summary of the paragraph. Each paragraph should have only one main point, and should be about 1/3 to ½ of a page in length.
· Do not change key words or terminologies, which can happen when students use online translation. For example, “interior design” should not be paraphrased as “inside framework”, because this would change the meaning of the sentence and affect your marks for writing and content.
Compliance with the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy
Penalty will be applied as follows:
· Using a source without acknowledging it (even when the student paraphrased and did not copy word-for-word): 20% deduction per source.
· Plagiarizing one sentence (or almost a sentence): 10% deduction per sentence.
· Plagiarizing one paragraph (or almost a paragraph): 50% deduction per paragraph.
· Listing a source that you did not use (in-text citation or page of references): 10% deduction per source.
· Using work from other students: 75% deduction.
Lateness Penalty
· 20% for each day late after the deadline (including weekends).
Report Template
INTL725 Individual Project Report Template x
Research Report Sample
Research Report Sample
· Please note: The report sample is example for format purposes only, not for content.
406 – 123 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M1A 2B3
January 15, 2017
Dr. Susan Cohen
Canada Education Support Inc.
456 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M1C 2D4
Dear Dr. Cohen:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a presentation on to your Board of Directors on the current perspective on the benefits and costs of pursuing an MBA, with specific focus on international students from Vietnam who want to study in North America. I have always had a strong interest on this issue, as I believe that I could bring some useful perspectives on your target market in Vietnam.
(Write some more to show that you have entrepreneurial thinking that can add value/profits to the company).
I am submitting a copy of my complete report for your review before my presentation. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. I look forward to the presentation next week.
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
Graduate Student
Global Business Management
Centennial College
Tel: (416) 123-4567
E-mail: jane.smith@my.centennialcollege.ca
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Doing an MBA for International Students
from Vietnam
Jane Smith
Graduate Student, Centennial College
prepared for
Canada Education Support Inc.
January 15, 2017
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Doing an MBA for International Students
from Vietnam
Jane Smith
Graduate Student, Centennial College
Abstract: Obtaining an MBA overseas has been a lifetime dream of many students in developing countries, with the appeal often coming from the expectation of high income after graduation. However, due to the changes in the labor market in North America resulted from the financial meltdown in 2009, the likelihood of obtaining a managerial position upon graduation is becoming much smaller than before (Jain and Stopford 2011), while the cost of an MBA program is steadily increasing (Allen, 2011). This paper presents the costs and benefits of pursuing an MBA in North America specifically for international students from Vietnam. It suggests that unless the prospective students already secure certain managerial positions either back home or in the new environment in North America, the costs of an MBA might outweigh the benefits. The paper also suggests alternative educational plans for students who want to obtain foreign education.
Keywords: MBA, business education, international students, employment, Vietnam
According to Allen (2011), the current recession in the United States made it more difficult to obtain an MBA, while the number of MBA programs is increasing. The author also noted that to get a managerial job, it is more important to have “entrepreneurial thinking” than skills sets and education.
Source: The Economist(2005).
1. The Current Labor Market for MBA Graduates in North America: Not promising
Having an MBA was often seen as a ticket to having high-paying managerial jobs. However, since the collapse of the housing market in the United States in 2008 and the subsequent global financial crisis, unemployment has become more serious in the overall economy in North America (provide source). Potential jobs for MBA graduates has also diminished significantly both for local and international students (provide source).
2. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pursuing an MBA for International Students from Vietnam: Why an MBA Education Might Not Pay for Itself
With a per capita income of about $1,200, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. International students from Vietnam have to consider the cost of pursuing an MBA (provide source and data, such as Harvard $160,000, U of T $90,000), more so than students from other countries with higher income. In addition, the Vietnamese in North America do not have the same professional networking system as other ethnic groups (Saloner, 2011) that can help them get jobs.
3)Alternative Educational Plans that Make Sense for International Students
Since the cost of pursuing an MBA is relatively higher than the benefits, international students from Vietnam can consider other studying options that are also good for job prospects. It is worth considering the fact that employers in international business do not just look at education in their hiring decisions. Stephen
, Group CEO of HSBC, said:“We don’t look so much at what and where people have studied but rather at their drive, initiative, cultural sensitivity, and readiness to see world as their oyster.” (Green,
, and
, 2003, p. 40). Therefore, students can choose business programs that are less expensive (Brain, 2016) or similar Master’s programs.
Future Research
Allen, L. (2011).
MBA is Valuable Job-hunt Asset, but Down Economy Makes Getting One Harder.
Central Penn Business Journal, 10/21/2011, Vol. 27 Issue 43, pp. 17-19.
Brain without Borders (2016). The Economist. Retrieved on October 7, 2017, from https://www.economist.com/news/international/21689540-australia-and-canada-seek-attract-more-foreign-students-america-and-britain-could.
Green, S., Hassan, F., Immelt, J., Marks, M., and Meiland, D. (2003). In Search of Global Leaders. Harvard Business Review, August 2003.
International Education (2005). The Economist. Retrieved on October 7, 2017, from www.economist.com/node/4405649.
Jain, S. and Stopford, J. (2011). Revamping MBA Programs for Global Competitiveness. Business Horizons. 54, 345—353.
Saloner, G. (2010). Building the Next-Generation Business Leader. McKinsey Quarterly. April 2010.
Marking Rubric for Individual Research Report (20%).
Late penalty: 20% per day.
Criteriononsetation points Timesness reportaphs, APA styles, that they are good sources.rt). final version, etc |
A+ level 5 points |
A level 4 points |
B level 3.5 points |
C level 3 points |
D level 2.5 points |
F level 0 – 1 point |
Used required sources and 4 or more additional professional sources. |
Used required sources and 1 – 3 additional professional sources |
Used required sources. |
Used most (two-thirds) of the required sources and/or unverifiable sources. |
Used only 1-3 required sources and/or unverifiable sources. |
Did not follow instructions on professional sources; |
Used in-text citation properly at least once for each source; used References properly without errors; provided proper sources for figures/graphs. |
Used in-text citation properly at least once for each source; used References properly with 1 – 2 errors; provided proper sources for figures/graphs. |
Used in-text citation properly at least once for each source; used References properly, with 3 – 5 errors; provided sources for figures/graphs. |
Used in-text citation for most sources; used References properly, with 6 – 9 errors; OR did not provide proper sources for figures/graphs. |
Used in-text citation only a few times; |
Did not use in-text citation; OR provided links only in the References section; |
Selected an excellent topic; provided an effective literature review, with strong analysis and logical reasoning. |
Selected an excellent topic; provided a thorough literature review, with good analysis and logical reasoning. |
Selected a good topic; provided a good literature review, with good analysis and logical reasoning. |
Selected an acceptable topic; provided some literature review, with some analysis and acceptable logical reasoning. |
Did not follow instructions in selecting a topic; OR did not provide a proper literature review and/or analysis, with errors in logical reasoning. |
Did not follow instructions on content; OR did not provide a proper literature review and analysis, with serious errors in logical reasoning. |
Writing effective-ness |
Used good template; wrote clearly and effectively, with consistency in font, spacing, and formats. |
Used good template; wrote clearly and concisely, with consistency in font, spacing, and formats; 1 – 2 typo errors. |
Used satisfactory template; wrote clearly, with consistency in font, spacing, and formats; 3 – 5 typo errors. |
Used acceptable template; did not write clearly, with some consistency in font, spacing, and formats; 6 – 9 typo errors. |
Did not use satisfactory template; OR did not write clearly, without consistency in font, spacing, or formats; 10 or more typo errors. |
Did not use satisfactory template;
AND/OR did not write clearly, with many serious errors; OR plagiarized. |
Marking Rubric for Individual PowerPoint Presentation with Video Recording (20%). Late penalty: 20% per day.
Professional sources |
Indicates sources excellently |
Indicates sources effectively |
Indicates sources with no errors |
Indicates sources adequately |
Indicates a few sources only |
Does not indicate sources |
– Research objectives, methodology, and sampling – Data analysis, interpretation and business recommendation |
Excellent ly presents research objectives, data analysis and recommendation |
Effective ly presents research objectives, data analysis and recommendation |
Sufficiently present research objectives, data analysis and recommendation |
Adequate ly presents research objectives, data analysis and recommendation |
Present research objectives, data analysis and recommendation acceptably |
Does not clearly present research objectives, data analysis and recommendation |
PowerPoint quality |
Attractive, effective, easy to follow, no errors |
Attractive, easy to follow, no errors |
Attractive, easy to follow, only a few errors |
Attractive, easy to follow, many errors |
Not attractive, many errors |
Not attractive, difficult to follow, many serious errors |
ORAL PRESENTATION (articulation, proper rate & pronunciation, good posture, eye contact, enthusiasm, confidence) |
Excellent |
Effective |
Good |
Adequate |
Acceptable |
Inadequate |