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are required to post at a minimum of 10 complete sentences that state their position and reasoning on the issue along with two examples that support that position and WHY.
The examples may be from another news source or from personal experience.
Link to the article to read:
Question to answer and discuss: Does this redistricting secure a republican advantage in Texas for years to come – give two examples to support your position?
Where our two new Congressional districts will be: The state picked up two seats in reapportionment. The new 37th Congressional District consolidates central and west Austin – which is blue and the 38th Congressional district in the west and northern Harris County – which is red.
Things to think about: “…Republicans constructed this map with incumbent protection in mind — a strategy that focused on bolstering Republican seats that Democrats targeted over the last two election cycles rather than aggressively adding new seats that could flip from blue to red. However, the map does in fact strengthen Republican positioning overall, going from 22 to 25 districts that voted for Donald Trump in 2020. The number of districts that voted for Joe Biden would shrink by one, from 14 to 13…”
Some background: Every 10 years following the decennial census, the 435 seats in Congress are reallocated among the states to reflect the nation’s changing demography. Reallocation of seats in Congress is the first step of the redistricting process. Once each state knows the number of districts coming their way, the state legislature must decide where and how based on population growth and of course – political strategies. California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois each lost a district. They represent four of the most powerful six states in the country. Texas and Florida are the other two most powerful states and they each gained districts. Michigan and West Virginia also lost in the last census. When a state loses a district from the census it means people are leaving that state and moving to another state.