Naiviv Barcelo
8 hours
ago, at 11:37 AM
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Human technology interface(HTI) is the interaction between human and technology. With the advancement of technology and computer science, healthcare has undergone numerous developments in response to the technological world. In nursing, the Human-Technology Interface (HTI) is defined as the application of computer technology to all areas of nursing. It is the hardware and software that allows the user to interact with any technology (Dufault, 2021). Nurses, doctors, and other interprofessional personnel in the modern healthcare environment use technology in the form of supportive and enabling hardware and/or software, such as electronic health records (EHR), medication and patient scanning devices via a workstation on wheels, electronic tablets such as the iPad that scan and photograph and can also interpret languages, and patient monitoring systems that use on-demand video to monitor the room for patient safety (Dufault, 2021).
While technology has the capacity to improve care, it also has the potential to cause harm. Technology has been described as both a component of the problem and a part of the solution for safer health care, with some observers warning that the adoption of new technologies could lead to the introduction of yet-to-be-discovered faults (Gachie and Wesley Govender, 2017). The sheer volume of new gadgets, their complexity, the inadequate interaction between numerous technologies at the bedside, and the haphazard introduction of new devices at the bedside may all cause problems. Despite the billions of dollars spent annually on an ever-increasing array of medical devices and equipment, the nursing profession has paid little attention to technology’s application and integration with other components of the health-care environment (Gachie and Wesley Govender, 2017). Mostly all patient monitoring mishaps are caused by human-technology interface issues. The technology may work flawlessly, but the interface design may cause the human user to make mistakes.
Increased attention to improving the human technology interface through human factors approaches has already led to significant improvement in many areas of healthcare. Improving Human technology interaction, can be learned a lot about how to make our interfaces more compatible with their human users and the context of care from the adjacent subjects of Cognitive Engineering, Human Factors, and Ergonomics (Sittig, Belmont and Singh, 2018). The design process should be iterative, allowing for problem evaluation and adjustment. Iteration is the act of repeating a procedure in order to come closer to a desired objective or target.
Dufault, M., 2021. Outcomes of Integrating Smart Phrase Interface Technology to Improve Cancer Symptom Management. Journal of Practical and Professional Nursing, 5(1), pp.1-11.
Sittig, D., Belmont, E. and Singh, H., 2018. Improving the safety of health information technology requires shared responsibility: It is time we all step up. Healthcare, 6(1), pp.7-12.
Gachie, W. and Wesley Govender, D., 2017. The evaluation of human computer interface design of learning management systems: problems and perspectives. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(3), pp.394-410.
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Yanet Garrido
2/14/22, 4:11 PM
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Nurses, doctors, and other interprofessional staff in today’s healthcare setting use technology in the form of supportive and enabling hardware and/or software, such as electronic health records (EHR), medicines, and patient information systems. Scanning devices with a mobile workstation and scanning devices with electronic tablets like the iPad It can also translate languages, as well as patient monitoring systems that use on-demand video to keep an eye on the room for patient safety (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). Other cardiac defibrillators, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps, and wireless cardiac telemetry monitoring devices are examples of human-interface technology in 2018 (McGonigle & Mastrian).
During my quest for a human-technology interface issue not discussed in the textbook, I realized that ergonomics was an often-overlooked component that prevents nurses and other users from being adequately motivated to use HTI efficiently and effectively. How can a user be expected to be proficient with either the device design or the HTI in the manner it was intended if the platform/chair/workstation on which we work is too big, non-conforming to the body, unwieldy, or uncomfortable? In my hospital, I can personally attest to the inadequate and often non-working and ripped up/torn office chairs that are not adequately replaced with ergonomic ones; this is the most common complaint I’ve heard over the years as a nurse, at my organization, and from many others in regard to personal comfort while on the job while using human-technology interface.
Szalma (2014) suggests in his writings that the human operator must be ergonomically comfortable in their environment in order to be compliant, not bored and exhausted with technology. Smith’s (2012) study on measuring proper clinician ergonomics should help HTI designers and developers better understand technology’s limitations and human tiredness. Exhaustion would be reduced while compliancy would increase if designers understood the basis of human fatigue in connection to 5:45 PM operability. The most logical and immediate solution of course would be to supply ergonomic chairs, lighter and less cumbersome workstations e.g., mouse pads, screens with less glare, and lightweight workstations on wheels that don’t cause injury to the nurse because they are height/weight appropriate and don’t weigh too much as to cause injury from overexertion and repetitive movement.
Noralina Almora
4 hours
ago, at 5:53 AM
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Most people find it difficult to modify their health behaviors, but there are several ways they may employ to help them succeed. Goal setting is one method that helps people identify particular habits they want to alter and how to do so (Baretta, Bondaronek, Direito, & Steca, 2019). On the other hand, setting a goal seldom results in genuine behavior change in my experience. Identifying a suitable objective is equally challenging for me, as is putting goals into action. Setting and accomplishing objectives can be aided in two ways. First, taking important goal qualities into account (for example, approach vs. avoidance objectives, performance vs. mastery goals, and level of difficulty) may result in selecting more relevant and realistic goals. Second, action planning can assist me in putting my objectives into action. Because I have been trying to avoid health complications, I will set a SMART guideline, a well-known set of standards for goal definition.
I will engage in 45 minutes of aerobic physical exercise four days a week for the following four weeks. I will also make an effort to consume no more than 2000 calories per day and prepare home-cooked meals at least four times a week while adhering to a healthy diet of vegetables and fruits. I’ll also make it a point to check in on my progress every week using a monitoring app on my phone. Tracking will drive me to strive toward my objective and keep me disciplined. Because I want to lose 7 pounds in 4 weeks, I will mark the calendar to aid me in staying on track. I’ll also push myself to take things to the next level and be prepared to take on more challenging goals.
Baretta, D., Bondaronek, P., Direito, A., & Steca, P. (2019, July 16). Implementation of the goal-setting components in popular
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Yanet Garrido
18 hours ago, at 4:24 PM
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SMART goal is
The purpose is to teach youngsters in the county of Sacramento, Texas, about nutrition and good lifestyle choices in a lesson for all grades. The goal of the education is to raise awareness about what is a more nutritious option and the consequences of eating healthier. The intended instruction and resources would begin in the Spring of 2022 with the start of the new semester. Decrease the rate of obesity by increasing the availability of exercise outlets and allowing for low cost, healthy fresh food.
Specific (and strategic) : Initiating a healthy eating program in the Title 1 schools throughout the county.
This would teach children about good eating practices. Reduced prices for fresh fruits and vegetables would encourage parents to shop more freely. This, in turn, contributes to a healthier population with lower obesity rates.
Measurable: Measuring the sales of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the number of families enrolled in a healthy eating education program, in relation to the percentage of inhabitants who are eating healthier and have a lower BMI.
Attainable: The goal is achievable only through the help of school and government leaders that can get involved.
Relevant (results oriented): Obesity affects 20% of adults in Sacrament, TX; this rate is higher in low-income families due to the rising cost of “good food,” like as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Time framed: The time framed is still unknown. The study will required many several resources. I would anticipate between 2-3 years to shape the program and implement it within the schools.
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Discussion 7: Yindra Burgos Farah
Health information technology (HIT) can be implemented to improve the quality of care that is being provided in hospitals. Therefore, it can be used to maximum advantage to ensure that it meets the meaningful use requirements. The first way is HIT can be utilized in capturing patient data. This means that there will be minimized errors caused by loss of information, and hence the overall provision of care will be enhanced (Sheikh et al., 2015). The second way is to ensure that patients’ data and conditions are tracked frequently. This will ensure that the general well-being of patients can be maintained. Lastly, HIT can improve the safety, efficiency, and performance of the health outcome. Using HIT makes it possible to apply for clinical decision support at the point of care. Therefore, using the technology to enhance the quality of care will go a long way in promoting the meaningful use of HIT.
Electronic health records enhance the care being provided. This is because patients’ records can be used to track the patients’ well-being and ensure that they are recovering well. Therefore, incorporating this technology and ensuring that they are used well will ensure that meaningful requirements are met. Computerized records will minimize dangerous medical mistakes and reduce costs (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). Therefore, HIT can be utilized to ensure that there is constant analysis and communication of patient information. It can also enhance decision-making, hence ensuring that patient safety is guaranteed. Accordingly, the implementation of EHR in the medical sector will make health care more affordable and improve the quality by improving the health care processes. Therefore, HIT can be promoted and used well in health care facilities to meet the meaningful use requirements.
Sheikh, A., Sood, H. S., & Bates, D. W. (2015). Leveraging health information technology to achieve the “triple aim” of healthcare reform. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 22(4), 849–856.
Chin, B. J., & Sakuda, C. M. (2012). Transforming and improving health care through meaningful use of health information technology. Hawai’i journal of medicine & public health : a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health, 71(4 Suppl 1), 50–55.
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Noralina Almora
14 hours ago, at 5:43 AM
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People may process, send, and retrieve data using information technology (IT) in any form. Health IT is indistinguishable from any other IT industry. Many things must be done in the future in the field of healthcare information technology. When it comes to treatment tracking, the information that patients and healthcare practitioners interact with is critical.Because this material is so delicate, all parties involved must always treat it with caution. In this approach, future healthcare will need to make use of health information technology to avoid mistakes and improve care outcomes (Chen et al., 2018). Healthcare professionals may be able to give improved services to their patients as a result of health information technology. The benefits of health information exchange are numerous; for example, it is simple to share information.
Health information technology leads to higher standards of care, which leads to lower long-term expenses.The results of an analysis of data gathered from electronic health records are as follows:optimal treatment approaches, resulting in a healthier population The data that has been analyzed can be integrated.Using financial data to assess the cost-effectiveness In order to achieve the overarching goal of getting there know the optimum treatment method for each unique patient, based on data received fromInformation technology is only a sliver of the picture. Data from electronic health records (EHRs) has been cited by a number of researchers.could be beneficial in determining the various methods by which costs are associated.
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are organizations that are involved in the delivery of improved healthcare and may include hospitals, physicians, post-acute providers, and others that are collectively responsible for the results of patient population care. Contracts signed by Accountable Care Organizations reward them for improving quality while also lowering the overall cost to patients over time (Chen et al., 2018).Their implementations can be successful using a variety of ways. One of them is the information technology infrastructure, which allows for the exchange of all patient data as well as the identification of care progress prospects. Information technology is critical in health departments to support new forms of care, high-quality payment services, better patient care, and lower overall costs. Benefits from information technology are available to people from all walks of life.
The function of information technology to persons is giving them with tools and\sequipment that assist them to manage their own health condition, advise about their medical condition and getting peer help.To satisfy the high degree of requirement, the IT department should continue to be involved.Patients or consumers can expect to be able to rely on health equipment from this company in the future department (Romashkova et al., 2018).The ACO’s information
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