Video Case Study #1 Questions:
all the way through. Answer the following:
- Judy cite-checked and Shepardized/Key-Cited her work at least a month ago, but she tells the judge that she checked it “recently.” Was she completely candid with the judge?
- Could we call what she did “misleading?”
- Is there anything wrong with using the same order or brief or research from previous cases? What are some potential pitfalls with this practice?
- What about when Attorney Saunders signs Judy’s work, but never reads it? What is this called, and why is it potentially dangerous (and to whom)?
Video Case Study #2 Questions:
all the way through. Answer the following:
- What would an appropriate gift be for a judge or magistrate who went above and beyond the call of duty to settle a case?
- Do you think it is appropriate to give a gift to a judge at any time? Isn’t s/he just doing his/her job?
Video Case Study #3 Questions:
all the way through. Answer the following:
- Can Michael call the plaintiff’s friends and lie to them to get information? What rule addresses this?
- If he is only telling a small lie, how bad could it be?
- What is “pretexting,” and why is it bad?
- Is it legal for the law firm to use pretexted information that is legally purchased?
Video Case Study #4 Questions:
all the way through. Answer the following:
- What should Alicia do with the “smoking gun” evidence?
- What about Michael? Is his duty any different from Alicia’s?
- If their supervising attorney decides to destroy the evidence, what should Alicia and/or Michael do?
- What are the penalties for destruction of evidence in Virginia?