I agree with the majority of your opinions on this Ahmir. It is important to have a handle on who gets personal information. A news website for instance should not be asking for my personal information.
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Authored on: Feb 12, 2022 6:11 PM
Subject: Week 5 Discussion – Your life is somewhere in a database
Giving away my private information for improved security is a personal decision that I make based on what it will safeguard. For safe logins and account retrieval, personal questions are increasingly required on many apps and websites (Ram, 2018). I believe that such criteria are sometimes unneeded for some websites because their value is so low; yet, providing personal information is critical. When in a military setting, the data can be used to save your life and validate your identification in a hostile environment. I believe the military has more information about people than any other organization, owing to the extensive background checks and rigorous process required to be approved and receive a security clearance. However, I believe that the government should not pry into someone’s private life without good reason, such as breaking the law or posing a serious threat to society. “The introduction of DNA fingerprinting and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) completely transformed forensic science and the criminal justice system.” As a result, retaining information such as fingerprints is vital when identifying a criminal or suspect for a case.
One should not be required to know much about other people’s private lives since maintaining an intimate and personal existence away from the public is a democratic prerogative. It also matters when some persons may have associated concerns that they may not want to share, such as physical or emotional conditions (Oseni, 2021). As a result, I would advise against getting too involved in other people’s lives. I believe that states should not share criminal databases of people as the leading cause of most criminal cases recorded are poverty, neglect, and even low self-esteem, which should not be judged as wrongdoing because most people get into crime because of financial difficulties. People with a criminal history may be stereotyped and stigmatized, and cultures may view them as misfits.
Oseni, A., Moustafa, N., Janicke, H., Liu, P., Tari, Z., & Vasilakos, A. (2021). Security and privacy for artificial intelligence: Opportunities and challenges. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04661.
Ram, N., Guerrini, C. J., & McGuire, A. L. (2018). Genealogy databases and the future of criminal investigation. Science, 360(6393), 1078-1079.Reply
2.This was a very insightful post! You are not the only one who is willing to sacrifice privacy for security on information and data. I believe that being in the military has greatly influenced your perspective as you have seen how personal information plays a big role with missions and saving lives. National security is a big reason as to why people are willing to sacrifice privacy via online. After 9/11, many American citizens were willing to do anything to protect their country, “…Pew Research Center surveys found that 50% of Americans were concerned that the government hadn’t yet gone far enough in protecting the country against terrorism, and 54% said it was generally right for the government to monitor the telephone and email communications of Americans suspected of having ties with terrorists without first obtaining court permission” (Maniam, 2020). It is evident that Americans were committed to ensuring that an attack like this wouldn’t happen again anytime soon. Citizens were willing to have the government use any resources necessary, even if that meant invading their privacy. As the years pass by, privacy is a growing issue as more information is being asked from users. I completely agree that whenever information is asked, there should be a good reason behind it. It is important to not become complacent and to easily give out personal information as that can lead to consequences.
Maniam, S. (2020, August 17). Americans feel the tensions between privacy and security concerns. Pew Research Center. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
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