Health IT Implementation
Implementation of Health IT can be complex and it involves different stages. According to (n.d.), when implementing a health IT system, it is critical to consider first what care
processes it needs to support and how the hardware and software should be set up to support them
in patient- and clinician-friendly ways.” The successful implementation of a health IT system is
crucial for patient’s safety. It is also important for quality of life and care which can positively
impact clinicians and staff work satisfaction and experience.
The chart below was taken from the textbook:
Assemble IT systems implementation phases.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
1) What are some key points of implementing an IT system?
2) Which phase do you think is more important and why?
3) Are there additional steps or phases you would have added to this model? Explain.
4) Where would you expect to find additional resources when implementing this model?
5) The submission should be three completely full pages in length, excluding the title and
reference pages.
6) The essay must adhere to the APA writing style and follow conventions of American
English grammar and usage.
7) The final document should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file, and submitted as an