*****DUE FEBRUARY 26, 2022*****
[Document title]
PowerPoint Presentation Grading Rubric
Criteria |
Levels of Achievement |
Content |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Below Expectations |
Not present |
Introduction |
14 to 15 points Thesis statement is clearly identifiable and strongly presented. It provides a clear overview of the presentation’s contents. |
12 to 13 points Thesis statement is identifiable and presented. It provides an overview of the presentation’s contents. |
11 points Thesis statement is identifiable but needs improvement. |
1 to 10 points Thesis statement is not identifiable and/or does not provide an overview of the presentation’s contents. |
0 points Not Present |
69 to 75 points All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed. Assertions are relevant and properly supported by evidence. The conclusion offers a good summary of issues treated in the presentation and offers practical application. |
63 to 68 points All components as described in the assignment have been addressed. Assertions are mostly relevant and mostly supported by evidence. The conclusion offers a summary of issues treated in the presentation and offers application. |
57 to 62 points Most components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are present but need improvement. Some assertions are relevant and supported by evidence. The conclusion may need improvement. |
1 to 56 points Few components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are missing. The conclusion is weak or is not present in the presentation. |
Sources |
14 to 15 points
Sources are scholarly, high-quality, and relevant. They are critically evaluated and correctly utilized. The Reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources. All sources are referenced throughout the presentation. |
12 to 13 points
Sources are scholarly and relevant. They are evaluated and utilized. The Reference page meets the required number of sources. Most sources are referenced throughout the presentation. |
11 points
Most sources are scholarly and most are relevant. Most are evaluated and utilized. The Reference page does not meet the required number of sources. Not all sources are referenced throughout the presentation. |
1 to 10 points
Few or no sources are scholarly or relevant. Few or none are evaluated and utilized. The Reference page is not present or contains few sources. Not enough sources are referenced throughout the presentation, or none are referenced. |
0 points Not Present |
Structure |
Organization |
28 to 30 points All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity. There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. The presentation meets the page length requirement. |
26 to 27 points All required elements are included and organized. There are transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. The presentation meets the page length requirement or comes very close. |
24 to 25 points Most required elements are included and are mostly organized. Most paragraphs and sections have transitions. The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement. The presentation may not meet the page length requirement. |
1 to 23 points Few or no required elements are included. Few or no transitions exist between paragraphs and sections. There may not be a logical treatment of the topic. The presentation does not meet the page length requirement. |
Style |
14 to 15 points
The presentation properly uses current APA standards. Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted correctly. The presentation reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are very few spelling and grammar errors. |
12 to 13 points
The presentation consistently uses current APA standards with few or no exceptions. Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted with few or no errors. The presentation reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are few spelling and grammar errors. |
11 points
The presentation inconsistently uses current APA standards. Headings, in-text citations, and references are inconsistently formatted. The presentation does not consistently reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are spelling and grammar errors. |
1 to 10 points
The presentation erroneously uses or does not use current APA standards. Headings, in-text citations, and references are erroneously formatted or not present. The presentation does not reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are spelling and grammar errors. |
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PowerPoint Presentation Assignment
Effective communication is critical in the helping professions, especially in disaster mental health. Effective communication occurs when the communicator delivers the message properly to the communicant. One way to effectively communicate your message is through PowerPoint. The main purpose of a PowerPoint presentation is to inform and persuade. In disaster mental health, there is an assortment of topics and issues that need to be researched. This research needs to be presented in a manner that will inform and persuade people to pursue action (e.g. change of beliefs, treatment change/enhancement, etc.) based on the current evidence-based practices in disaster mental health.
Select 1 of the topics from any of the TRMA 820 textbooks related to disaster mental health & community response and prepare a scholarly presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
· If appropriate to the topic, include an overview with definitions, incidence rates, types of perpetrators/victims as relevant, harm or danger involved, possible spiritual factors, and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.
· Reference must be made in the presentation to at least 15 scholarly sources, in addition to any material taken from the textbooks, the Bible or popular sources.
· There should be a minimum of 50 slides, and these must be visually appealing and include illustrations in the form of clip art, pictures, film clips, etc. on each slide.
· Cite all sources, including websites, in current APA standards on the slides.
· Review the PowerPoint Presentation Grading Rubric to ensure all elements of the assignment are included in the presentation.